AS 2005 Volume 12 Issue 2

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Commentary on “site managers manual on energy and water efficient housing”
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Minnaar, E.
    English: An attempt to address the general lack of instruction material on energy effi cient housing existing in South Africa needs to be evaluated by the target audience. This becomes even more relevant where valuable financial support of sponsors is used for the compilation of such an effort. The manual is critically evaluated and a survey is included. The survey was conducted by means of a survey questionnaire sent to tertiary education institutions offering courses for construction managers. Most of the respondents found the contents not to be relevant to the study field and to be inadequate as undergraduate study material.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Bemagtiging: ’n geïntegreerde model vir die ontwikkeling van opkomende kontrakteurs in die konstruksiebedryf
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Hauptfleisch, A. C.
    English: In this review an empowerment model for construction emerging contractors is described. It is based on experimental research and the continuous ap plication thereof during the last decade in the construction industry in South Africa. The numerous roleplayers which entered the scene over time and their participation are briefly described. An important observation is that the model is composed of generic elements and can probably be applied in the same format in other industries.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Om argitektuur te skryf
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Le Roux, S.
    English: Since the 1830s, along with the the founding of the first Institutes for Archi tecture, journals began to be published. They promoted the adopted duty of the Institute to protect the works and status of its members. These journals were mostly written by architects for architects, which led to the situation that arguments seldom met with a response outside the profession, and caused the discourse between architect and public to be frustrated. This state of affairs is possibly injurious to architects themselves, and it is stated that it is not all that difficult to write intelligibly about architecture. A similar experience in South Africa is highlighted.
  • ItemOpen Access
    African courtyard architecture: typology, art, science and relevance
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Steyn, G.
    English: Because current international trends in urban design principles are towards compact neighbourhoods and housing, attempts to accommodate South Africa’s lower-income households in massive schemes of identical little freestanding houses is increasingly being questioned. But instead of only considering Euro-American models, should planners and architects not also investigate traditional settlements for formative ideas? Most sub-Saharan vernacular dwellings, including the archetypal clustering of huts around an open living space, are conceptually a courtyard configuration, and courtyard housing offers relatively high densities, privacy and protected outdoor living space, as well as allowing a social mix – all desirable characteristics of a good contemporary neighbourhood. This study attempts to determine the relevance of traditional African courtyard houses for contemporary urban solutions by investigating a number of representative examples in terms of their potential for densification, ability to provide privacy and psychological well-being, climatic behaviour and responsiveness to social and economic needs. While both informal and formal housing have been wasteful in the use of land, functioning historic towns along Africa’s East Coast arguably offer ideas and concepts for the definition of a true African neighbourhood. The study suggests that, from the synthesis of historic precedent and custom, a contemporary model of courtyard houses could be developed that would contribute towards much more compact, low-energy and socio-economically equitable neighbourhoods.
  • ItemOpen Access
    City-regional councils: a myth or method for better planning? The case of the Khomas region (Namibia)
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Detering, A. R.; Campbell, M.; De Kock, J.
    English: The functions to be fulfilled by regional councils cannot be performed adequately by the Khomas Regional Council, due to the Council’s lack of funds, capacity, expertise and experience. The Windhoek Local Authority Council, in comparison, occupies a very dominant position in terms of size, financial standing and expertise. At present there is virtually no co-operation between these institutions. It will be proposed that a ‘city-regional council’ be formed, which would enable the joint administration of the Windhoek Local Authority area and the Khomas Region’s urban fringe developments, settlements and rural areas. It is anticipated that this proposed joint administration for the area will streamline planning processes and speed up decision-making.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Landscaping: an analysis of current contracting processes and documentation
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Vosloo, P. T.; Maritz, M. J.
    English: Landscape work, forms an integral part of most land development projects, whether they are building works or civil works. Environmental protection, reha bilitation and landscape beautification are nowadays considered essential aspects in land developments. Building contracts for the construction industry have been developed over many years through the changing needs of clients and contractors, new levels of technological skills and development of new materials and construction methods. However, the varied nature and wide scope of landscape projects often make them difficult to be reconciled with standard forms of contract commonly in use in the construction industry. This paper reviews the problem areas in the field of landscape contracting and landscape maintenance brought about by a lack of suitable forms of landscape contracts/subcontracts. Standard forms of contract generally do not allow for the circumstances that are unique to landscape contracting, and this short coming is regarded as a serious problem facing the landscape industry. This paper will, therefore, also attempt to address the issue of how to effectively reconcile landscape work with standard forms of contract that are generally in use in South Africa, all of which have been written specifically for building or civil works type projects.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The non-payment of mortgage bonds in South Africa: the voice of defaulters
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Marais, L.; Botes, L.; Pelser, A.; Venter, A.
    English: The aim of this article was to provide an understanding of the reasons for the non payment of mortgage bonds in the South African context. The article starts off with a brief history on housing finance under apartheid from 1948 to 1994. It then conceptualise current housing finance to the lower end of the market (mainly for black people) in South Africa. This is followed by a literature review of possible reasons that contribute to the non payment of mortgage bonds in the South African context and a brief overview of the methodology followed during the interviews with defaulters. In the fourth part of the paper, the results from the empirical survey are discussed. The results of the survey confirm previous research that financial reasons are a fundamental factor that influences the non payment of mortgage bonds. According to the respondents, other factors that influence non payment include educational problems, political interfer ence and peer pressure, and the reaction and efficiency of the banks. The recommendations of respondents on solving the problem of non payment in clude shorter loan periods, improvement of bank management, and mortgage bond education. Reward programmes are also mentioned as a possible solution to defaulting. The study concludes that long term affordability is one of the main reasons that contribute towards the non payment of mortgage bonds. An additional conclusion is that financial institutions need to rethink their management of mortgage loans to lower income households.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Public participation in lower and higher socio-economic areas in South Africa
    (University of the Free State, 2005) Lindeque, A. S.; Cloete, C. E.
    English: A prominent feature of public life in South Africa the last decade has been an increasing demand for more participation in the formulation and making of decisions affecting the public’s quality of life. This demand has also become a focus of political activism. Public participation in plan formulation and in decision making has to be seen as a reality, and not as an optional extra. It can be argued that unless plan formulation and decision making take cogni sance of different political traditions and cultures and are inclusive and parti cipatory it has little chance of producing long lasting solutions. The aim of this research is to compare the public participation process in a lower socio economic area with that in a higher socio economic area to de termine if the process and focus of the public participation process differ in accordance with the socio economic status of an area. The study compares the public participation process in two case studies: the Mabopane and Muckleneuk areas in Pretoria, with specific reference to the Mabopane Inter modal Facility Redevelopment Project and the Gautrain Rapid Rail Project going through the Muckleneuk neighbourhood, respectively. Findings indicate that the driving force for participation in the higher socio economic areas is based on the effect that the proposed development plan ning would have on the area as a whole, whereas the focus of public partici pation process in the area with a lower socio economic status tends to be on the influence on job creation and the impact it has on the affected individual.