Faktore wat winsgewende groei in klein en mediumgrootte sakeondernemings beïnvloed

dc.contributor.advisorCrous, M. J.
dc.contributor.advisorSmit, A. V. A.
dc.contributor.authorVerhoeven, Charlotte Emelda
dc.descriptionDissertation (M.P.L. (Business Administration)) - University of the Orange Free State, 1997en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die bestaan van kleinsakesektore bied verskeie voordele aan ekonomiese huishoudings. Die voortbestaan van hierdie sektore kan egter slegs verseker word indien kleinsakeondernernings winsgewend groei en bly voortbestaan. Dit blyk egter dat groei in kleinsakeondernemings 'n proses is wat dikwels onbeheersd plaasvind, met gevolglike negatiewe resultate. Ondernemings wat winsgewend groei, is die uitsondering. Die vraag is dus: Waarom groei sommige ondernemings winsgewend en ander nie? Volgens hierdie studie is winsgewende groei die gevolg van 'n kombinasie van faktore. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate die entrepreneur, geleentheid en hulpbronne winsgewende groei beinvloed. 'n Tweeledige ondersoek, bestaande uit 'n literatuurstudie en 'n empiriese ondersoek, is uitgevoer. Afdeling A omvat hoofstukke 2 tot 5 wat handel oar die teoretiese bespreking van winsgewende groei en die drie bemvloedende faktore daarvan, naamlik die entrepreneur, hulpbronne en geleentheid. Afdeling B bevat die empiriese resultate en gevolgtrekkings van die studie. Winsgewende groei word beskou as die reele toename in winsgewendheid en omset in verhouding tot mekaar oar die lang termyn. Winsgewende groei gee aanleiding tot welvaartverhoging wat die bestaansrede van ondememings is. Winsgewende groei kan egter slegs plaasvind indien goeie geleenthede geidentifiseer word en bestuurs- en hulpbronprobleme voortspruitend uit groei oorbrug word. Goeie geleenthede word deur die volgende gekenrnerk: die geleentheid val binne die vermoe van die ondernerning om dit te benut; die tydsbestek wat die geleentheid bestaan, is lank genoeg om investering te verhaal; 'n werklike behoefte aan die produk bestaan; produkte verskil van mededingers se produkte; min mededinging en substituutprodukte kom voor; bedingingsmag van verskaffers en verbruikers is in die minderheid en toetreehindernisse is oorbrugbaar. 'n Mededingende voordeel verseker winsgewende groei en 'n geskikte mededingende voordeel vir kleinsakeondememings is differensiasiestrategiee. Groeistrategiee wat gebruik kan word om by veranderende omstandighede aan te pas, is intensiewe groei met spesifieke verwysing na produk- en markinnovasie. Bestuursverwante probleme waarmee entrepreneurs gekonfronteer word, is 'n Ieierskapsdilemma; langtermynfokus wat vervaag; kommunikasie wat verswak; toename in onsekerheid onder werknemers; vorming van subgroepe; gebrekkige menslike hulpbronbestuur; toenemende spanning vir die entrepreneur; toenemende rigiditeit; en verandering van die organisasiekultuur. Daarmee saam word entrepreneurs genoodsaak om verskeie aanpassings aan hul eie rol in ondememings te maak. Entrepreneurs speel ook 'n bepalende rol in die ontwikkeling van organisasiestrukture, entrepreneurspanne en ondernemingskulture. Kleinsakeondememings ervaar oor die algemeen kapitaaltekorte. Kontantvloeiprobleme wat een van die vemaamste gevolge van groei is, vererger die kapitaaltekorte. Om finansiele probleme te voorkom, kan entrepreneurs kontantvloei beheer/kontroleer deur middel van kontantvloeistate en kontantverhoudingsgetalle. Verder kan 'n bekostigbare groeikoers vir die ondememing bereken word deur middel van die persentasie-van-verkopemodel en die Boston-model. Entrepreneurs word genoop om van eksterne finansieringsbronne gebruik te maak om groei te finansier, hoewel generering van eie fondse vir groei die mees gewenste altematief is. Finansiering van groei vind egter dikwels deur die gebruikmaking van skuld plaas. Die Iiteratuurstudie is gevolg deur 'n empiriese ondersoek wat uit vier fases bestaan het, naamlik die bepaling van die universum, opstel van die skedule, uitvoer van die ondersoek en verwerking van die data. Gestruktureerde data-insameling, naamlik die persoonlike onderhoude aan die hand van 'n skedule, is gebruik om inligting van die universum (winsgewende groeiende klein en mediumgrootte sakeondernemings in Bloemfontein) te verkry. Beskikbare data is deur middel van variansie-analises en kruistabellering ontleed. Uit die empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat winsgewende groei 'n bereikbare doelwit vir kleinsakeondememings is. Die identifisering en benutting van 'n goeie geleentheid en die oorkoming van bestuurs- en hulpbronprobleme voortspruitend uit die groeiproses het winsgewende groei vir klein en mediumgrootte sakeondememings in verskillende markte, bedrywe en omstandighede, tot gevolg.af
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The existence of a small business sector presents certain advantages to economic households. The continued existence of the small business sector will, however, only be secured if small businesses grow profitably. It seems that profitable growth is the exception and when it occurs, growth is uncontrolled or the results thereof is negative. The question is therefore: Why do some businesses grow profitably and others not? According to this study, profitable growth is rooted in a combination of factors. The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent the entrepreneur, opportunity and resources contribute to profitable growth in a small business enterprise. A two-fold investigation, consisting of a literature study and empirical research, was conducted. Section A consists of Chapters 2 to 5, and covers the theoretical discussion of profitable growth and the three factors influencing profitable growth, namely the entrepreneur, opportunity and resources. Section B includes the empirical results and conclusions of the study. Profitable growth is regarded as the real increase in profitability and turnover in relation to each other over the long term. Profitable growth leads to wealth increase which is the justification for the existence of businesses. Profitable growth will only occur if entrepreneurs identify sound opportunities and overcome financial and management problems due to the growth process. Sound opportunities can be classified as follows: the organisation has the ability to exploit the opportunity; the duration of the opportunity is long enough to recover investment; a real demand for the product exists; products differ from those of the competitor's; little competition and substitute products exist; low bargaining power of customers and suppliers and entry barriers can be overcome. A competitive advantage ensures profitable growth. Small businesses can obtain a competitive advantage through strategy differentiation. A growth strategy that can be used to adapt to the changing environment is intensive growth, with specific reference to product and market innovation. Management problems that entrepreneurs experience as a result of growth are leadership dilemmas; poor long term focus; poor communication; increased uncertainty amongst workers; forming of subgroups in the organisation; poor human resource management; increased stress for the entrepreneur; increase in rigidity and a change in organisation's culture. Added to the aforementioned, the entrepreneur's own role has to change as well. The entrepreneur also plays a crucial role in the development of organisational structures, entrepreneurial teams and organisational cultures. Small businesses usually experience shortages in capital. One of the main results of growth is cash flow problems which increases the shortages in capital. To prevent financial problems, cash flow can be monitored by means of cashflow statements, cashflow ratio's and by determining an affordable growth rate by using the percentage of sales model and the Boston-model. Entrepreneurs are forced to use external financing to finance growth although the generation of own funds for growth is the most desirable. The financing of growth in small businesses, however, often takes place by means of debt. The literature study is followed by an empirical study that consisted of four phases, namely the definition of the target population, compilation of the questionnaire, completion of the investigation and the processing of the data. Structured data collection, namely personal interviews by means of a questionnaire was used to obtain information from the sample (profitable, growing, small and medium sized businesses in Bloemfontein). After that data was analyzed by means of cross tabulation and variance analyses. It is clear from the empirical investigation that profitable growth is an attainable objective for small businesses. Profitable growth is anchored in identifying and exploiting of sound opportunities and the overcoming of management and resource problems stemming from the growth process. The potential for profitable growth does exist for small and medium sized businesses in different markets, trades and circumstances.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectEntrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Bloemfonteinen_ZA
dc.subjectSmall business -- South Africa -- Growthen_ZA
dc.subjectSmall business -- South Africa -- Managementen_ZA
dc.titleFaktore wat winsgewende groei in klein en mediumgrootte sakeondernemings beïnvloeden_ZA
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