Die emosionele uitdagings van verpleegkundiges in die kindersaal van ʼn privaat hospitaal

dc.contributor.advisorJacobs, A. C.
dc.contributor.authorLourens, Madelien
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Most of the available research studies focus primarily on the child’s experience of hospitalisation, rather than that of the nurse. This study explores the nurses’ experience in order to improve quality care of children. The purpose of this study was to explore the emotional challenges faced by nurses when taking care of children, as well as possible solutions. The researcher used a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive research design. Data was collected with the nominal group technique (NGT). The participants were nurses working in a children’s ward in a private hospital. One nominal group was selected and multiple strategies were used to ensure that the study was ethical and trustworthy and met the standards set by the University of the Free State. The first emotional challenge faced by nurses in the children’s ward is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an emotional challenge that can be successfully overcome when committed nurses build a relationship of trust with the children they nurse. The second emotional challenge is handling the diverse emotions they experience when taking care of the children. The negative emotions are frustration, empathy, stress, anxiety, anger and sadness. A variety of positive experiences also occur on a daily basis. The solution to the various emotional challenges lies in the fact that child-centred nurses should be passionate about caring for children, and will then be unconditionally committed. Communication, as the second theme under possible solutions, consists of seven categories: Team-building events, exchanging of tips, communication between colleagues, communication with physicians, support, professional counselling and expression of frustration. The third solution is in-service training, which will make the nurses experts in their field. During in-service training the skills of all nursing staff can be updated and the management skills of all nurses can be developed. With regard to the findings, the following recommendations were made: recruitment requirements should be adjusted, emotional support should be provided to current nurses, team-building gatherings are essential, a formal opportunity to verbalise needs should be created, professional counselling should be available, and facilitation programmes, child psychiatry, case studies and workshops are essential.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die meeste navorsingstudies beskikbaar, fokus hoofsaaklik op die kind se ervaring van hospitalisasie, eerder as die verpleegkundige s’n. Hierdie studie verken die verpleegkundiges se ervaring ten einde kwaliteitsorg aan kinders te verbeter. Die doel van die studie is om die emosionele uitdagings van verpleegkundiges tydens die versorging van kinders te verken, sowel as om moontlike oplossings daarvoor te vind. Die navorser het van ’n kwalitatiewe, verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak. Data is deur middel van die nominalegroeptegniek (NGT) ingesamel. Die deelnemers was verpleegkundiges werksaam in ’n kindersaal van ’n privaat hospitaal. Een nominale groep is gebruik en verskeie strategieë is geïmplementeer om te verseker dat die studie eties en geloofwaardig is en aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se standaarde voldoen. Die eerste emosionele uitdaging vir die verpleegkundiges in die kindersaal is om werksbevrediging te ervaar. Werksbevrediging is ’n emosionele uitdaging wat suksesvol oorbrug word wanneer toegewyde verpleegkundiges ’n vertrouensverhouding bou met die kinders wat hulle verpleeg. Die tweede emosionele uitdaging is die hantering van die diverse emosies wat hulle tydens die versorging van kinders beleef. Die negatiewe emosies is frustrasie, empatie, spanning, angs, woede en hartseer. ʼn Verskeidenheid positiewe ervarings word ook daagliks ervaar. Die oplossing vir verskeie emosionele uitdagings lê daarin dat die kindgesentreerde verpleegkundige ’n passie moet hê om kinders te versorg en dan onvoorwaardelik toegewyd sal wees. Kommunikasie, as die tweede tema onder moontlike oplossings, bestaan uit die volgende sewe kategorieë: spanboubyeenkomste, uitruiling van wenke, kommunikasie tussen kollegas, kommunikasie met dokters, ondersteuning, professionele berading en uiting gee aan frustrasie. Die derde oplossing is indiensopleiding om van die verpleegpersoneel kundiges in hulle veld te maak. Tydens indiensopleiding kan alle verpleegpersoneel se vaardighede bygewerk word en die verpleegkundiges se bestuursvaardighede ontwikkel word. In die lig van die bevindinge is die volgende aanbevelings gemaak: werwingsvereistes moet aangepas word, emosionele ondersteuning moet aan huidige verpleegkundiges gegee word, spanboubyeenkomste is noodsaaklik, formele geleentheid moet geskep word om behoeftes te verbaliseer, professionele berading moet beskikbaar wees, en ’n fasiliteringsprogram, begrip van kinderpsigiatrie, gevallestudies en werkswinkels is noodsaaklik.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectPediatric nursingen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2014en_ZA
dc.subjectNursing -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleDie emosionele uitdagings van verpleegkundiges in die kindersaal van ʼn privaat hospitaalaf
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