Die verband tussen stressore, hulpbronne vir coping en optimisme by die stedelike adolessent

dc.contributor.advisorVan den Berg, H. S.
dc.contributor.authorDelport, Melani
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The relationship between optimism, stressors and coping resources of the urban adolescent. (Keywords: Optimism, stressors, coping resources, urban adolescents, Life Orientation Test, Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory – Youth Form {LISRES-Y}) The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of stressors and coping resources on the level of optimism experienced by urban adolescents. The study was conducted to eventually measure the level of optimism of urban adolescents as well as their experience of and exposure to stressors and coping resources. Specific attention was focused on different demographic variables and their influence on stressors and coping resources. A paradigm shift in recent decades has given rise to the change in focus from pathogenesis to fortigenesis (origin of strength). Psychological well-being and the individual’s ability to remain healthy in spite of life struggles, is emphasized. Different models of the stress and coping process are discussed, together with the main components namely stressors, coping resources, coping strategies and the interaction between stressors and coping resources. The different moderator variables namely sex, race, socio-economic status and marital status of parents were investigated, and their influence on optimism, stressors and coping resources are briefly illustrated. The development of optimism to impact on the individual’s performance, are also discussed in depth. Finally a description of adolescence, the stressors to which adolescents are exposed and the coping resources that are available to them, are included. The literature study is concluded with an integration and discussion of the relationship between optimism, stressors and coping resources. The research group consisted of 203 urban adolescents in grades 10, 11 and 12 from different high schools in Bloemfontein. An ex post facto research design (non-recurring cross section) was used for this study and the respondents were selected according to an availability sample. The adolescents completed a biographical questionnaire, the Life Orientation Test and the Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory – Youth Form (LISRES-Y) (with eight stressor scales namely physical health, home and money, parents, siblings, extended family, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend and negative life events, and six scales for coping resources namely parents, siblings, extended family, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend and positive life events). Favourable reliability indices were reported with aid of Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. According to the results, urban adolescents experience average levels of optimism. This is in accordance with previous research which postulates that the youth today is not inclined towards high levels of optimism. Negative life events, school and extended family represent the adolescent’s main stressors whilst positive life events serve as the most important coping resource. A higher percentage of black adolescents experience higher levels of optimism while a lower percentage of individuals in lower socio-economic status groups experience higher levels of optimism. Adolescents whose parents are married seem more likely to experience average levels of optimism than adolescents from single parent and recomposed families. Lastly it was found that black adolescents experience more stress regarding material needs than do white or coloured adolescents.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om die invloed van stressore en hulpbronne vir coping op die vlak van optimisme wat stedelike adolessente ervaar, te bepaal. Die ondersoek is uitgevoer ten einde stedelike adolessente se vlak van optimisme en ervaring van en blootstelling aan stressore en hulpbronne vir coping, deur middel van vraelyste te meet. Spesifieke fokus is ook geplaas op verskillende demografiese veranderlikes en die invloed daarvan op optimisme, stressore en hulpbronne vir coping. ’n Paradigmaverskuiwing in die afgelope paar dekades het meegebring dat die fokus vanaf die patogenese na die fortigenese (oorsprong van sterktes) verskuif het. Psigologiese welstand en die vermoë van individue om sterk te bly ten spyte van die aanslae van die lewe, word meer beklemtoon. Verskillende modelle ter verduideliking van die stres- en copingproses is ook behandel en die hoofkomponente van die proses, naamlik stressore, hulpbronne vir coping, copingstrategieë, asook die interaksie tussen stressore en hulpbronne vir coping, word bespreek. Ondersoek is ook ingestel na die verskillende moderatorverandelikes, naamlik geslag, bevolkingsgroep, sosio-ekonomiese status en huwelikstatus van ouers en die invloed daarvan op optimisme, stressore en hulpbronne vir coping word kortliks toegelig. Optimisme, die ontwikkeling daarvan en die impak daarvan op die individu se funksionering word ook breedvoerig bespreek. Laastens is ’n omskrywing van adolessensie, die stressore waaraan adolessente blootgestel word en die hulpbronne vir coping waartoe hulle toegang het, ingesluit. Die literatuurstudie word afgesluit met ’n integrasie en bespreking van die verband tussen optimisme, stressore en hulpbronne vir coping by die stedelike adolessent. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 203 stedelike adolessente in grade 10, 11 en 12 uit verskillende Bloemfonteinse hoërskole. ’n Ex post facto-navorsingsontwerp (dwarsdeursnitontwerp) is vir die uitvoering van hierdie studie gebruik en die proefpersone is volgens ’n beskikbaarheidsteekproef gekies. Die adolessente het ’n biografiese vraelys, die Lewensoriëntasietoets en die Vraelys vir Lewenstressore en Sosiale Hulpbronne – Jeugvorm (LISRES-Y) (met agt stressorskale, naamlik fisiese gesondheid, huis en geld, ouers, sibbe, uitgebreide familie, vriende, meisie/kêrel en negatiewe lewensgebeure en ses hulpbronskale, naamlik ouers, sibbe, uitgebreide familie, vriende, meisie/kêrel en positiewe lewensgebeure) voltooi. Gunstige betroubaarheidsindekse is met behulp van Cronbach-alpha-betroubaarheidskoëffisiënte vir alle veranderlikes gerapporteer. Volgens die resultate ervaar stedelike adolessente ’n gemiddelde vlak van optimisme. Dit is egter teenstrydig met die literatuur wat postuleer dat die jeug vandag meer geneig is tot pessimisme. Negatiewe lewensgebeure, skool en uitgebreide familie verteenwoordig die adolessent se grootste bronne van stres, terwyl positiewe lewensgebeure as die belangrikste hulpbron vir coping dien. ’n Groter persentasie swart adolessente ervaar hoër vlakke van optimisme, terwyl ’n kleiner persentasie persone in laer sosio-ekonomiese statusgroepe hoër vlakke van optimisme ervaar. Adolessente wie se ouers getroud is blyk eerder geneig te wees tot gemiddelde vlakke van optimisme as adolessente uit enkelouer- en hersaamgestelde gesinne. Laastens is bevind dat swart adolessente kenmerkend meer stres as blankes of Kleurlinge ervaar wat materiële behoeftes betref.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectCoping resourcesen_ZA
dc.subjectUrban adolescentsen_ZA
dc.subjectLife Stressors and Social Resources Inventoryen_ZA
dc.subjectYouth Form (LISRES-Y)en_ZA
dc.subjectLife orientation testen_ZA
dc.subjectAdolescent psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectAdjustment (Psychology)en_ZA
dc.subjectConduct of lifeen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2003en_ZA
dc.titleDie verband tussen stressore, hulpbronne vir coping en optimisme by die stedelike adolessentaf
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