Oefen- en beseringsprofiel van Griffons en Puma rugbyspelers

dc.contributor.advisorJanse van Vuuren, Corlia
dc.contributor.authorDu Plessis, Sanell
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Rugby is a very popular, fast paced, high intensity team sport. The players are permanently in motion and contact with one another, and for this reason the risk of injury is very high. The number of injuries in professional, as well as amateur rugby has dramatically increased since rugby has become a professional sport. The fact that the style of play has also changed to a more running form of rugby also increases the potential of injuries for the players proportionally. Various research studies have been carried out on the epidemiology of rugby injuries at different levels of the game, but limited data exists on the exercise and injury profile of rugby players. This area is the aim of the study. A qualitative, descriptive, retrospective study is performed. The study population exists of the Griffons and Puma rugby players that competed in the 2010 Vodacom and Currie cup competitions in South Africa. Data of the incidence and treatment of injuries, pre-season fitness tests and exercise regimes for each union is included in this study, obtained through either a data vorm or questionnaire. A total of 89 injuries are recorded for 55 players over a period of nine months for February 2010 to October 2010. Physical contact between players caused more than half the injuries. There was a high incidence of lacerations to the head and face, while soft tissue injuries were also prominent. Forwards were injured more frequently than backline players, and the lower limb was the anatomical body part that was injured the most. The majority of injuries occurred during the second half of the match and was very mild to mild. The results of this study correspond greatly to previous literature and are of value in that it adds to the current existing databases of rugby injuries in South Africa. These databases can be well utilized in the structuring of injury prevention strategies by the rugby unions. The research also indicates that physiotherapy and rehabilitation plays aan important role in the treatment of sports injuries.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Rugby is ‘n baie gewilde, vinnig bewegende en ho intensiteit spansport. Die spelers is permanent in beweging en in kontak met mekaar en om hierdie rede is die risiko vir beserings baie hoog. Die aantal beserings in professionele, sowel as amateur rugby het dramaties toegeneem sedert rugby as ‘n professionele sport beoefen word. Die feit dat die spel oor die jare verander het na meer hardlooprugby, verhoog ook die aantal beserings vir die spelers proporsioneel. Verskeie navorsingstudies is al uitgevoer om die epidemiologie van rugbybeserings op verskillende vlakke van die spel te bepaal, maar beperkte data bestaan oor die oefen – en beseringsprofiel van rugbyspelers en dit was die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie. ‘n Kwantitatiewe, beskrywende, retrospektiewe studie is uitgevoer. Die studiepopulasie het bestaan uit die Griffons en Puma rugbyspelers wat deelgeneem het aan die 2010 Vodacom- en Curriebeker kompetisies in Suid - Afrika. Data van die voorkoms en behandeling van beserings is verkry deur n datavorm. Die voor–seisoen fiksheidstoetse is verkry van elke rugbyunie sowel as hul oefenriglyne deur n vraelys en al hierdie data is ingesluit in die studie. ‘n Totaal van 89 beserings is aangeteken in 55 spelers oor ‘n periode van nege maande vanaf Februarie 2010 tot Oktober 2010. Kontak tussen spelers het meer as die helfte van die beserings veroorsaak. Daar het ‘n ho insidensie van laserasies aan die kop en gesig voorgekom, terwyl sagteweefselbeserings ook prominent was. Voorspelers is meer beseer as agterspelers en die onderste ledemaat was die anatomiese deel wat die meeste beseer is. Die meerderheid van die beserings het tydens die tweede helfte van die wedstryde voorgekom en was gering en lig . Die resultate van hierdie studie stem grootliks ooreen met vorige literatuur en is waardevol om die bestaande databasisse aangegaande rugbybeserings in Suid - Afrika aan te vul. Hierdie databasisse kan veral goed aangewend word in die strukturering van beseringsvoorkomingsstrategie deur die rugbyunies. Die navorsing toon ook aan dat fisioterapie ‘n belangrike rol speel in die behandeling en rehabilitasie van sport beserings.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football injuriesen_ZA
dc.subjectSports tournamentsen_ZA
dc.subjectSports injuries -- Patients -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc. (Physiotherapy))--University of the Free State, 2011en_ZA
dc.titleOefen- en beseringsprofiel van Griffons en Puma rugbyspelersaf
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