Seeing how it works: a visual essay about critical and transformative research in education
De Lange, Naydene
Mitchell, Claudia
Moletsane, Relebohile
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Faculty of Education, University of the Free State
As visual researchers in the field of education we have initiated and completed numerous participatory projects using qualitative visual methods such as drawing,
collage, photovoice, and participatory video, along with organising screenings and
creating exhibitions, action briefs, and policy posters. Locating this work within a
critical paradigm, we have used these methods with participants to explore issues
relating to HIV and AIDS and to gender-based violence in rural contexts. With
technology, social media, and digital communication network connections becoming
more accessible, the possibilities of using visual participatory methods in educational
research have been extended. However, the value of visual participatory research in
contributing to social change is often unrecognised. While the power of numbers and
words in persuasive and informative change is well accepted within the community
of educational researchers, the power of the visual itself is often overlooked. In this
visual essay, we use the visual as a way to shift thinking about what it means to do
educational research that is transformative in and of itself. As an example we draw on
our visual participatory work with 15 first-year women university students in the Girls
Leading Change1 project to explore and address sexual violence at a South African
university. We aim to illustrate, literally, the possibilities of using the visual, not only
as a mode of inquiry, but also of representation and communication in education and
social science scholarship.
Gender-based violence, Sexual violence, Visual participatory research, Women university students
De Lange, N., Moletsane, R., & Mitchell, C. (2015). Seeing how it works: A visual essay about critical and transformative research in education. Perspectives in Education, 33(4).