An evaluation of the efficacy of a career preparation programme

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Burgess, Natasha
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University of the Free State
English: The efficacy of the Career Preparation Programme (CPP) of the University of the Free State (UFS) was qualitatively evaluated from a phenomenological approach. By way of focusing on the evaluation of the programme through the explication of experiences, the research branched into the refined area of existential phenomenology. The qualitative study also exemplified the significance surrounding an awareness of the researcher's affiliation with the research subject matter. Three groups of participants were selected according to predetermined criteria to ensure their ability to adequately describe and express their experiences. Data was gathered from the participants using the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and then interpreted using Giorgi's existential phenomenological research method, a four-step method for psychological phenomenological data interpretation. Comparisons were then reported in terms of the various groups' similarities and differences regarding the efficacy of the programme.
Afrikaans: Die effektiwiteit van die Loopbaanvoorbereidingsprogram van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat is kwalitatief vanuit 'n fenomenologiese perspektief geëvalueer. Deur te fokus op die evaluering van die program deur ervaring te ontleed, het die navorsing uitgebrei na die meer spesifieke domein van eksistensiële fenomenologie. Die kwalitatiewe studie het ook die belangrikheid toegelig rondom die bewustheid van die navorser se affiliasie met die navorsingsonderwerp. Drie groepe proefpersone is gekies volgens vooraf bepaalde kriteria om toe te sien dat almal die vermoë het om hulle ervaringe voldoende te kan beskryf en te kan uitdruk. Data is ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van die Nominale Groep Tegniek en vervolgens geïnterpreteer deur middel van Giorgi se eksistensiële fenomenologiese navorsingsmetode, wat 'n vierstap metode vir psigologies fenomenologiese interpretasie is. Vergelykings is daaropvolgend aangetref in terme van die verskillende groepe se ooreenkomste en verskille met betrekking tot die effektiwiteit van die program.
Bridging programme, College preparation programs -- South Africa, Education, Higher -- South Africa, Higher education, Access, Student, Enrolment, Dissertaton (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2008