Geslagsverskille in persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanankers by entrepreneurs

dc.contributor.advisorBester, C. L.
dc.contributor.authorO'Neil, John Wesley
dc.descriptionDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Industrial Psychology))--University of the Orange Free State, 1999en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: In die laat sestiger-jare het die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie begin stagneer en die agteruitgang het voortgeduur tot vandag. Sedert die middel-sewentigs het die ekonomie in die VSA beweeg van 'n "bestuursekonornie" na 'n "entrepreneursekonomie" . Die totale aantal poste in die VSA het in die dekade van 1974 tot 1984 met 24 miljoen gegroei. Sedert die 1960's het werkskepping en ekonomiese groei verskuif van die groot vervaardigingsektor na die medium- en kleinsakesektor. Klein ondernemings omvat ongeveer 75% van die Japannese en 50% van die Amerikaanse ekonomie. In Suid-Afrika het die regering op alle vlakke van die ekonomie ingemeng, tot die verlies van die totale ekonomie. Selfs die blanke bevolking is so beïnvloed deur die idee van die "Totale Aanslag" en die afweer daarvan, dat min of geen aandag geskenk is aan die ontwikkeling van klein ondernemings of entrepreneurs. Volgens verskeie outeurs is entrepreneurskap egter 'n komplekse begrip en pogings om aan die hand van die psigologiese eienskappe . van die entrepreneur die begrip te verstaan, het die begrip nog meer' kompleks gemaak. Volgens die literatuur is dit ook duidelik dat daar nie ooreenstemming is oor die psigologiese eienskappe van die entrepreneur nie en selfs nie eens oor wat entrepreneurskap is nie. Dit kan duidelik gesien word uit die gebrek aan navorsing oor vroulike entrepreneurs asook die psigologiese eienskappe van vroulike entrepreneurs. Slegs deur navorsing kan entrepreneurskap asook die eienskappe van die entrepreneur beter verstaan word. Sodoende kan die psigologiese eienskappe van entrepreneurs asook die regte klimaat vir entrepreneurskap beter ontwikkel word, Uit die literatuur is dit ook duidelik dat die identifisering van psigologiese eienskappe van manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs baie belangrik is vir voorspelling van entrepreneurspotensiaal en die ontwikkeling van die eienskappe by nie-entrepreneurs of toekomstige en trepreneurs. In dié studie is daar gevolglik gepoog om 'n vergelyking te tref tussen manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs om te bepaal of daar enige statisties beduidende verskille bestaan tussen die twee geslagte t.O.V. persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanoriëntasies. In die literatuurstudie is aandag geskenk aan entrepreneurskap asook die sosiale en psigologiese eienskappe van entrepreneurs, persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanoriëntasies. In elke hoofstuk van die literatuurstudie is daar gepoog om so 'n wye teoretiese agtergrond as moontlik weer te gee asook om telkens die verband aan te toon tussen manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs. Daar is in hierdie studie van opnamevraelyste gebruik gemaak om navorsingsinligting oor die 81 proefpersone in te samel. Meer spesifiek is van die Loopbaanoriëntasievraelys van Schein (1990), die 16 Persoonlikheidsvraelys (16- PF) van Cattell, die Prestasiemotiveringsvraelys (PMV)en 'n selfontwikkelde biografiese vraelys gebruik gemaak om die inligting in te samel. Die statistiese tegnieke, die ongepaarde ttoets en stapsgewyse diskriminantanalise, is gebruik om die verskille tussen manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs t.o.V. persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanoriëntasies aan te dui. Daar is bevind dat daar wel statisties beduidende verskille is tussen manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs t.O.V. persoonlikheid en loopbaanoriëntasies. Uit die resultate is gevind dat vroulike entrepreneurs meer geneig is om risiko's te neem as manlike entrepreneurs. Verder blyk dit dat manlike entrepreneurs statisties beduidende hoër tellings verkry op die Lewenstylintegrasieloopbaanoriëntasie as vroulike entrepreneurs. Tog is die oriëntasie een van die loopbaanoriëntasies wat deur vroulike entrepreneurs verkies word. Dit blyk verder dat die drie konstrukte naamlik, persoonlikheid" prestasiemotivering en loopbaanoriëntasies in kombinasie as goeie. voorspellers dien van groeplidmaatskap van manlike en vroulike en trepreneurs. Opsommend blyk dit dat daar wel verskille is tussen manlike en vroulike entrepreneurs t.O.V. persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanoriëntasies. Die verskille is egter nie so groot soos wat dit in die literatuur blyk te wees nie. Verskeie verskille tussen die resultate van die studie en data soos dit in die literatuur voorkom is ook geïdentifiseer, wat verdere navorsing noodsaaklik
dc.description.abstractEnglish: During the late 1960's, the South African economy started to stagnate and this situation has continued until the present day. Since the midseventies the economy of the USA has moved from a "management economy" to a "entrepreneurial economy". Employment in the USA in the decade between 1974 and 1984 rose by 24 million. Since the 1960's the focus of employment and economic growth has moved from the large manufacturing sector to medium and small business sector. Small businesses comprises approximately 75% of the Japanese and 50% of the American economy. In South Africa the participation of the government on all levels of the economy was detrimental to the total economy. During the years of "Apartheid" even the white population was so indoctrinated by the idea of the "Total Onslaught" and the stopping thereof, that no serious consideration was given to the establishment of small businesses or the development of en trepreneurshi p. According to the literature, entrepreneurship is a very complex phenomenon and attempts to understand it according to the psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur has made it even more complex. In the literature it is clear that there is much confusion about what entrepreneurship is and the exact psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs are. Only through research can the psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs be more clearly understood. Through this understanding the right climate for the developmen t of entrepreneurs can be developed. Further it can be clearly seen that there is a shortage of recent information and research on female entrepreneurs as well as on the psychological characteristics of female entrepreneurs. In the literature it can also be seen that the identification of the characteristics of entrepreneurs is very important for the identification of entrepreneurial potential and the development of these characteristics in non-entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. In this study a comparison has been made between male and female entrepreneurs on personality, achievement motivation and career orientations to determine if any significant statistical differences exist. In the literature study attention was given to entrepreneurship, the social and psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs, personality, achievement motivation and career orientations. In every chapter of the literature study attempts were made to give as wide a theoretical perspective as possible as well as showing the relationship between male and female entrepreneurs on each of the constructs. In this study questionnaires were used to gather the research information of the 81 respondents. The questionnaires that have been used are more specifically the Career Anchors Inventory of Schein (1990), the 16 Personality Factor questionnaire (16-PF) of Cattell, the Achievement Motivation questionnaire (AMQ) and a self-developed biographical questionnaire. The statistical techniques that have been used to determine the differences between male and female entrepreneurs on personality, achievement motivation and career orientations are the t-test and stepwise discriminant analysis. The results of the study have shown that there are significant statistical differences between male and female entrepreneurs on personality and career orientations. The results of this study show that female entrepreneurs are more likely to take risks than are male entrepreneurs. Male entrepreneurs got significantly higher scores on the Lifestyle- integration career orientations than female entrepreneurs. This could be a significant finding as the Lifestyleintegration orientation is one of the career anchors that have been identified in the literature as a preference of female entrepreneurs. Further it can be said that the three constructs, personality, achievement motivation and career anchors, can be used as good'.. predictors of group membership of male and female entrepreneurs. . To summarize it can be said that differences exist between male and female entrepreneurs as far as personality, achievement motivation and career orientations are concerned. In actual fact these differences are not as large as one came to expect them to be from the literature. Further research is necessary as a variety of differences between the literature and the results of this study have been found.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectAchievement motivationen_ZA
dc.subjectSex role in the work environmenten_ZA
dc.titleGeslagsverskille in persoonlikheid, prestasiemotivering en loopbaanankers by entrepreneursaf
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