A functionalist translation of the morality play Everyman into Southern Sotho

dc.contributor.advisorNaude, J. A.
dc.contributor.advisorGildenhuys, J. G.
dc.contributor.authorMakutoane, Tshokolo Johannes
dc.description.abstractEnglish: On the obvious assumption that a cultural gap exists between the audience of the drama Everyman in the 14th and 21st centuries, a suitable translation of Everyman was is necessary in order to make this play accessible to the 21st century Southern Sotho speaking people. This mini-thesis provides the suitable translation of Everyman in the Southern Sotho context. The main framework within which the study is conducted is Nord's functionalist approach to translation which implies that greater emphasis is placed on the target text rather than on the source text. The translation is rendered possible by certain instruments, namely the translation strategies. These translation strategies are applied at both the macro and micro textual levels. Translation strategies at the macro level imply the overall translation strategies for the translation. These strategies include the word-for-word translation, faithful translation, literal translation, semantic translation, idiomatic translation, free translation and adaptation. The overall translation strategy chosen in the case of Everyman is adaptation. Translation strategies at the microlevel deal with the transference of culture-specific items at different levels of a text i.e word, phrase, sentence and textual levels. These strategies include transference, cultural substitution, domestication, mutation, specif ica tion, and transposi tion. Through these instruments, the functional translation of Everyman into Southern Sotho has been achieveden_ZA
dc.description.abstractSesotho: Kutlwisisong ya hore sekgeo se teng sa moetlo mahareng a bamamedi ba Mothofeela ba lekgolo la leshome le metso e mene le la mashome a mabedi a motso 0 mong e leng Basotho le ba dipuo tsa bophirima, mme ka hoo pale ya Mothofeela e hlokahala ha holo ho fedisa sekgeo seo. Sengolwa sena se fana ka phetolelo e nepahetseng ya Mothofeela ka puo ya Sesotho. Moralo 0 moholo 00 sengolwa sena se theilweng hodima ona, ke ho ya ka Nord wa tshebetso phetolelong e leng wa hore tsepamiso e kgolo e be hodima sengolwa se habilweng ho feta hodima sengolwa sa sethato. Phetolelo ena e phethahatswa ka disebediswa tse fapaneng, e leng ditsela tsa phetolelo. Di tsela tsena di sebediswa ha mmoho boemong bo phahameng le bo ngotlehileng ba sengolwa. Boemong bo phahameng, ditsela tsa phetolelo di akaretsa phetolelo yohle. Karolo e kgolo ya phetolelo ya Mothofeela ke mokgwa wa boikamanyo. Boemo bo ngotlehileng bo sebedisetswa phitisetso ya moetlo ka tsela ya sengolwa e leng mehatong ya mantswe, dipolelwaneng, dipolelong le sengolweng ka kakaretso. Ka disebediswa tsena tse boletsweng tsa phetolelo ho fihletswe phetolelo ya Mothofeela puong ya Sesothoen_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectDrama, Medievalen_ZA
dc.subjectMoralities, Dutch -- Translations into Sothoen_ZA
dc.subjectReligious dramaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.A. ( (Near Eastern Studies))--University of the Free State, 2003en_ZA
dc.titleA functionalist translation of the morality play Everyman into Southern Sothoen_ZA
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