Narrative terapie as strategie in die pastorale begeleiding van 'n alkoholis

dc.contributor.advisorJanse van Rensburg, Johan
dc.contributor.authorVan der Merwe, Pierre
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Alcoholism is 'n massive problem in South Africa. Despite consciousness-raising campaigns to warn people against alcohol abuse, there are still countless numbers who are trapped in alcoholism. Most of these alcohol-dependent persons have a heart-felt desire to be set free and be able to enter into a sober future. However, there are many factors that playa role in alcoholism, which render the whole question about rehabilitation a very complex one. Most alcoholics are married with children. Due to the alcoholism, family relationships have suffered and in many cases begun to disintegrate. The alcoholic is no longer effective in the fulfilment of his role in the family, and contliet arises when he is under the intluence. Among family members this gives rise to a feeling of: "Why should we do this to ourselves? Let's abandon this alcoholic and go live in peace on our own." Initially the alcoholic does not realise that he has a problem. This is followed by obstinate denial. It is also true that family members, in particular the spouse, do not have sufficient knowledge of this "disease" to deal with it effectively, and then escape is sought in divorce. Although a variety of pastoral models and methods for pastoral therapy already exist. the researcher attempted in this study to highlight the importance of narrative therapy as therapeutic model in the counselling and treatment of the alcoholic. and also in bringing about reconciliation in the midst ofa threatening divorce. For the purposes of this study the narrative model was used, together with a blend of the positive aspects of other pastoral models. and jointly applied in a case study, which served as illustration. This study presents a pastoral-therapeutic model that can be used effectively in the rehabilitation of the alcoholic. On the other hand. it does not give any guarantees that the family affected by alcoholism will not divorce. However, there is still hope that serious conflict can be resolved and divorce avoided. The researcher uses the narrative as therapeutic model in the context of the research, namely alcoholism and divorce. The researcher points out that there is indeed hope for the alcoholic to be rehabilitated and for reconciliation to occur within the marriage in the midst of a threatening divorce or a divorce completed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Alkoholisme is 'n omvangryke probleem in Suid-Afrika. Ten spyte van bewusmakingsveldtogte om mense teen drankmisbruik te waarsku, is daar steeds talle mense wat in alkoholisme vasgevang sit. Die meeste van hierdie alkoholafhanklikes smag na bevryding om as sober mense die toekoms te kan ingaan. Daar is egter talle faktore wat 'n rol speel in alkoholisme, wat die hele kwessie omtrent rehabiliiasie baie ingewikkeld maak. Die meeste alkoholiste is persone wat getroud is en 'n onmiddellike gesin het. As gevolg van die probleem van alkoholisme het verhoudings binne die gesin skade gely en in baie gevalle ook begin verbrokkel. Die alkoholis vervul nie meer sy taak as gesinslid effektief nie en daar ontstaan ook konflik wanneer hy onder die invloed van drank verkeer. Dit lei tot 'n gevoel in die gesin van: "Hoekom moet ons dit aan onsself doen? Kom ons verlaat die alkoholis. gaan bly op ons eie in vrede." Die alkoholis besef aanvanklik nie dat hy 'n probleem het nie. en later is daar hardnekkige ontkenning. Dit is verder ook waar dat die gesinslede, veral die huweliksmaat, nie genoegsame kennis omtrent hierdie "siekte" dra om dit effektief te kan hanteer nie en dan uitkoms soek in egskeiding. Hoewel daar reeds verskeie pastorale modelle en metodes vir pastorale terapie bestaan, het die navorser gepoog om die belangrikheid van narratiewe terapie as terapeutiese model uit te wys in die begeleiding van die alkoholis asook die bewerking van versoening te midde van egskeidingsgevaar. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie word die narratiewe model gebruik, tesame met die vermenging van die positiewe aspekte van ánder pastorale modelle, en gesamentlik toegepas in 'n gevallestudie, wat as illustrasie dien. Hierdie studie is bedoel om 'n pastoraal-terapeutiese model aan te bied wat sinvol in die rehabilitasie van die alkoholis gebruik kan word. Aan ander kant bied die studie geen waarborg dat die gesin binne die band van alkoholisme nie sal skei nie. Tog is daar hoop dat die ernstige konflik ontlont en egskeiding vermy kan word. Die navorser maak gebruik van die narratief as terapeutiese model binne die konteks van die navorsing, naamlik alkoholisme en egskeiding. Die navorser wys daarop dat daar wel vir die alkoholis hoop op rehabilitasie is sowel as op die bewerkstelliging van versoening binne die huweliksband te midde van egskeidingsgevaar en/of egskeidingsindroom.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2008en_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral therapyen_ZA
dc.subjectNarrative therapyen_ZA
dc.titleNarrative terapie as strategie in die pastorale begeleiding van 'n alkoholisen_ZA
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