Toonhoogtewaarneming as gehoorfenomeen: 'n musiekgerigte studie

dc.contributor.advisorVenter, C. L.
dc.contributor.authorMouton, Sarah Margaretha
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The ability of music students to identify and intone pitch correctly is of cardinal importance in music education. Pitch detection is considered one of the most important musical properties and therefore is linked closely to everyday musical practice. The discussion of the subject is psycho-acoustically orientated and has been divided into four main sections: (1) An explanation of the physical properties of sound waves and in particular musical sound, (2) the anatomy and physiology of the ear with specific reference to the analitical, synthetical and interpretative functions of the hearing process, (3) the application of psycho-acoustical phenomena to pitch detection of musical intervals, with specific reference to intrinsic interval characteristics, consonance and dissonance as well as the tolerance span of hearing, and (4) the results of independent research done to quantify the tolerance span of hearing, the magnification or diminution of intervals within a melody as well as isolated intervals, and to calculate the consistency of interval judgement.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Musiekstudente se vermoë om toonhoogte korrek te identifiseer en te intoneer is van deurslaggewende belang in die musiekopleiding. Toonhoogtewaarneming word as een van die belangrikste musikale eienskappe beskou en is dus van toepassing op die alledaagse musiekpraktyk. Ten einde toonhoogtewaarneming as gehoorfenomeen te deurvors, is psigo-akoestiese navorsingsresultate op musiekwaarneming toegepas. Die bespreking kan in vier hooffases verdeel word: (1) n Beskrywing van die fisiese eienskappe van klankgolwe en die samestellende elemente van musikale klank, (2) die bou en werking van die oor met verwysing na besondere funksies van die gehoor wat in analiserende, sintetiserende en interpreterende prosesse verdeel word, (3) die toepassing van psigo-akoestiese beginsels op toonhoogtewaarneming van veral intervalle in die musiek met besondere verwysing na intrinsieke intervalkarakteristiek, konsonansie en dissonansie, asook die verdraagsaamheidspan van die gehoor en (4) selfstandige navorsingsresultate wat daarop toegespits is om die verdraagsaamheidspan te kwantifiseer, die vergroting of verkleining van intervalle binne en buite melodiese verband te bepaal en die konstantheid van intervalskatting te definieer.en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipRaad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsingen_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipSentrale Navorsingsfonds aan die Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaaten_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Mus.) - University of the Free State, 1983en_ZA
dc.titleToonhoogtewaarneming as gehoorfenomeen: 'n musiekgerigte studieen_ZA
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