The development of a groundwater closure and rehabilitation plan in a typical gold mine environment

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Labuschagne, P. F.
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University of the Free State
English: The generation of waste material associated with Gold Mining is a known fact. Research on these waste materials has currently expanded worldwide in an attempt to scientifically characterise and understand their interaction with the natural environment. These materials contain certain amounts of sulphide minerals and other harmful substances, associated with the exploited ore bodies and the beneficiation processes. It is even more important to understand certain impacts and to develop a logical approach to assess the impacts on receiving water bodies, towards mine. The increase in awareness of environmental issues and a desire for a cleaner environment by the public has caused gold mining companies to place greater emphasis on the continuous rehabilitation of deleterious effects caused by mining operations. Ongoing rehabilitation is also a requirement of the Government Departments involved in mining in South Africa. The biggest concern for the relevant Government Departments is the possible uncontrolled pollution of water resources in the vicinity of these mines, after they have closed. Investigations have shown that receiving water bodies, which mainly include rivers, streams, and the more complicated geohydrological system, are part of the primary end-receivers of harmful contaminants from identified waste bodies. The need for a cost effective method to assess site hydrology and geohydrology, to understand the associated legal responsibility of contaminated streams and aquifers, is recognised. In the compilation of this thesis, the unique nature of the South African situation has been considered - this refers to a legally acceptable approach towards current legislation and policies. Throughout this document, the emphasis falls on what can reasonably be achieved, without compromising on information that would lead to early detection of water pollution. This study leads to the construction of a logical approach towards mine closure specifically in the field of groundwater assessments. The final product of this approach should ultimately give more clarity on: • The principles followed to identify objectives for mine closure and groundwater assessment, • The adopted philosophy of mine closure as a geohydrological concept. Key words like; 'rules of the game', 'key uncertainties', 'options' and' decisions' were highlighted. • Key steps to follow when assessing site geohydrology and to determine related impacts and risks, • Overview of methods that could be used for the mitigation of polluted aquifers and a brief site-specific application. The key deliverable is therefore focussed on methods to scientifically assess 'sources', 'receivers' and 'options'. Ultimately this process has led to the development of a logical approach towards mine closure for groundwater assessment and remediation in a typical gold mine environment.
Afrikaans: Die produksie van afvalstowwe, as by-produkte gedurende die myn van goud, is 'n bekende feit. Tans word die navorsing van hierdie afval materiaal as baie belangrik beskou sodat moontlike interaksies tot die natuurlike omgewing beter verstaan kan word. Die materiaal bevat sulfied minerale asook ander elemente wat moontlik nadelig kan wees vir die natuurlike omgewing. Die graad en hoeveelheid van die spesifieke elemente hang grootendeels af van die tipe erts liggaam wat gemyn word asook die prosessering van die erts. Soos wat 'n myn neig na sluiting raak dit dus belangrik om moontlikke impakte op natuurlikke water bronne te bepaal. 'n Toenemende bewustheid oor omgewings kwesies vanuit 'n publieke oogpunt, en 'n groter drang na 'n skoner natuurlike omgewing, het veroorsaak dat goud myne meer klem op grondwater rehabilitasie en omgewings bestuur lê. Staats Departemente, betrokke in die goudmyn bedryf, verreis ook die voortdurende rehabilitasie van besoedelde areas. Die grootste besorgdheid vir die Staats Departemente is dus die potensiaal vir onbeheerbare besoedeling van water bronne, deur myne wat sluiting in die oog staar. Studies het gewys dat dit oorwegend riviere, strome en grondwater is wat die ergste deurloop onder besoedeling afkomstig van goud myne. Dit is as gevolg hiervan dat die behoefte ontstaan om 'n koste-effektiewe manier te ontwikkel en saam te stelom hierdie water bronne wetenskaplik te ondersoek en ook om die grondwater probleme vanuit 'n wetlike oogpunt te verstaan. Gedurende die samestelling van hierdie verhandeling is die uniekheid van die Suid Afrikaanse wetgewing en beleidspunte deurentyd in ag geneem - dit verwys grootliks na die wetlike aanvaarbare benadering wat gevolg is. Die klem word deurentyd gelê op redelike en praktiese oplossings tot grondwater besoedeling sonder om die insameling van inligting te beperk. Hierdie studie lei tot die samevoeging van 'n logiese benadering om grondwater te ondersoek tydens die sluiting van 'n goud myn. Die finale produk poog dus om meer duidelikhed oor die volgende te verskaf: • Beginsels wat gevolg word om die doelwitte te formuleer, • Die filosofie rakende groundwater en myn sluiting wat aangeneem is. Sleutel woorde soos: 'reels van die spel', 'hoof onsekerhede', opsies' en'besluitnemings' word deurentyd beklemtoon, • Belangrikke stappe wat gevolg moet word tydens die grondwater ondersoek, • Oorsig van grondwater rehabilitasie tegnieke. Die primere produk is dus om te fokus op metodes om wetenskaplik 'oorsake', 'ontvangers' en 'opsies' te ondersoek. Ten slotte, hierdie proses lei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n logiese benadering vir grondwater ondersoeke in die proses van myn sluiting in 'n tipese goud myn omgewing.
Harzardous waste site remediation -- South Africa, Gold mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa, Groundwater -- Pollution -- South Africa, Mine closures -- South Africa, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Geohydrology))--University of the Free State, 2004