Restorative justice in South Africa: An attitude survey among legal professionals

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van Wyk, Lezahne
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University of the Free State
English: The search for alternative reactions to crime and resurrection of traditional indigenous justice practices has led to experimentation with restorative justice globally. Traditional indigenous African approaches to justice have many principles and values in common with restorative justice which makes it uniquely suited to the African and more specifically the South African context. However, restorative justice is not currently utilised to its fullest potential extent in South Africa. A possible explanation for the limited application was investigated by exploring the perceptions and opinions legal professionals hold about restorative justice. In order to obtain an in-depth understanding of the opinions held by South African legal professionals, a qualitative research methodology was employed. Twenty-five participants (5 individuals from each of the 5 subgroups, namely; judges, magistrates, prosecutors, advocates and lawyers) were approached to respond to 10 questions which simply required a yes or no answer with a short motivation. Thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes from the data, which revealed a generally positive disposition by South African legal professionals towards restorative justice. Some cautionary conditions for application of restorative justice in the current justice system however, were highlighted.
Afrikaans: ‘n Soeke na alternatiewe metodes om op misdaad te reageer en die herlewing van inheemse regspraktyke, het wêreldwyd aanleiding gegee tot eksperimente met herstellende geregtigheid. Tradisioneel inheemse benaderings tot regstoepassing het heelparty waardes en beginsels in gemeen met herstellende geregtigheid. Dit maak herstellende geregtigheid op ‘n unieke wyse toepaslik in die Afrika- en meer spesifiek, Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die huidige beperkte toepassing van herstellende geregtigheid kan moontlik verklaar word vanuit die verskeidenheid menings en opvattings daaroor onder Suid-Afrikaanse regslui. Om ‘n diepere begrip van die sienings daarvan onder Suid-Afrikaanse regslui te verkry, is ‘n studie onderneem gebaseer op ‘n kwalitatiewe metodiek. Vyf en twintig deelnemers (insluitend regters, magistrate, staatsaanklaers, advokate en prokureurs) is genader om tien vrae te beantwoord met ‘n keuse van ja of nee, tesame met ‘n kort motivering vir die keuse. ‘n Tematiese analise van die menings is gevolg om die vernaamste temas onderliggend aan die data uit te lig. Die belangrikste bevinding was dat herstellende geregtigheid deurlopend positief beskou is deur Suid-Afrikaanse regslui. Die toepassing daarvan in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel is egter onderhewig aan sekere voorwaardes en dit word eweneens beklemtoon.
Restorative justice, Dissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2015, Judges, Qualitative research