The theoretical justification for the design of a communicative course for nurses: nurses on the move

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Pretorius, Marilize
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University of the Free State
English: This study provides a theoretical justification for the design of a communicative course for nursing staff – Nurses on the Move (NoM) – in the South African context. Communication is deemed a key in achieving effective, safe nursing practice. One of the main problems associated with nursing communication in South Africa relates to the fact that South Africa has eleven official languages. Nursing staff are thus often required to communicate with other healthcare professionals, patients and the family and friends of patients in an additional language. As a result, miscommunications can occur, which could lead to serious adverse events. An intervention to address this problem in the form of an applied linguistic design, such as a NoM syllabus, displays two terminal functions – the technical modality, which guides the design, and the analytical function, which provides the rational basis for the design (Weideman, 2006a). A detour into theory and analysis is thus required in order to provide a theoretical justification for the technical design. Based on this justification, the design of the syllabus can proceed, which will ultimately prescribe what the course should consist of, including its assessment. This study thus consisted of a needs analysis to inform the design of a NoM course that could help to address the communication problems in the nursing profession. The approach to language teaching selected for this design is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), which requires that, among other things, authentic texts and functional communication be used in the design of the syllabus for the course. The needs analysis, therefore, consisted of a review of the international literature to develop a typology of nursing communicative interactions, as well as to identify nursing communication problems. After a rigorous ethical clearance process, the literature review was followed by observations of nursing staff and the various individuals they interact with during their work, which included audio recording interactions and making field notes. This enabled us to extend and refine the initial typology. The data were also analysed for the most common communicative functions, and their common combinations, given the typology. In addition, the problems and short-circuits in communication are also identified and interviews conducted to further clarify issues raised in the data from the observations. Based on these analyses we outlined what the content and structure of the envisioned NoM course should comprise. Furthermore, the principles for design that derive from the analogical connections between the technical and all the other dimensions of reality were also discussed to specify the requirements for the design of a NoM course (Weideman, 2006a). The data generated and analysed in this study allows us also to justify, or in certain cases to anticipate the justification of, the proposed syllabus in terms of the following requirements: systematicity, scope, validity, consistency, differentiation, appealing, articulation, appropriateness, economy, alignment, accountability, fairness and trustworthiness. As a result, the subsequent phases of design can commence, in which the syllabus is articulated into a complete course and its assessment. Ultimately the aim is to alleviate some of the pain and suffering of South Africans by helping nurses to improve their communicative competence, and thus enabling them to practice their profession more effectively.
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie bied 'n teoretiese regverdiging vir die ontwerp van 'n kommunikatiewe kursus vir verpleegpersoneel – Nurses on the Move (NoM) – in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Kommunikasie word as belangrik in die bereiking van doeltreffende, veilige verpleegpraktyk geag. Een van die hoofprobleme wat met verpleegkommunikasie in Suid-Afrika verband hou, is die feit dat Suid-Afrika elf amptelike tale het. Daar word dikwels van verpleegpersoneel verwag om met ander professionele gesondheidsorgpersoneel, pasiënte en die familie en vriende van pasiënte in 'n addisionele taal te kommunikeer. As gevolg hiervan kan misverstande voorkom, wat ernstige gevolge vir ’n pasiënt kan inhou. 'n Intervensie om hierdie probleem te adresseer – in die vorm van n toegepaste linguistiese ontwerp, soos 'n NoM leerplan – moet twee hooffunksies vertoon, naamlik die tegniese modaliteit wat die ontwerp lei en die analitiese funksie wat die rasionele basis vir die ontwerp vorm (Weideman, 2006a). 'n Fokus op teorie en analise is dus nodig om 'n teoretiese regverdiging vir die tegniese ontwerp te voorsien. Die ontwerp van die leerplan kan op grond van hierdie regverdiging geskied, wat uiteindelik sal voorskryf waaruit die kursus moet bestaan, insluitend die assessering. Hierdie studie bestaan dus uit 'n behoefte-ontleding wat die ontwerp van 'n NoM- kursus wat kommunikasieprobleme in die verpleegberoep kan help oplos. Die gekose benadering tot taalonderrig vir hierdie ontwerp is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), wat vereis dat, onder andere, outentieke tekste en funksionele kommunikasie in die ontwerp van die leerplan vir die kursus gebruik moet word. Die behoefte-ontleding bestaan daarom uit 'n oorsig van internasionale literatuur wat gedoen is met die oogmerk om 'n tipologie vir kommunikatiewe interaksies in verpleging te ontwikkel, asook om verpleging kommunikasieprobleme te identifiseer. Ná 'n streng etiese klaringsproses, is die literatuuroorsig opgevolg deur die waarneming van verpleegpersoneel en die verskillende individue met wie hulle interaksie tydens die uitvoering van hulle pligte gehad het. Die waarnemingsproses het aan die hand van klankopnames en die maak van navorsingsnotas geskied. Op grond van die data wat hierdeur gegenereer is, het ons die aanvanklike tipologie uitgebrei en verfyn. Die data is ook ontleed vir die mees algemene kommunikatiewe funksies, en hulle algemene kombinasies, gegewe die tipologie. Daarbenewens is die probleme en “kortsluitings” in kommunikasie ook ondersoek en onderhoude is gevoer met verpleegpersoneel om die kwessies verder te ondersoek gebaseer op die data van die waarnemings. Gebaseer op hierdie ontledings is die inhoud en struktuur van die beoogde NoM uiteengesit. Verder is die beginsels vir die ontwerp wat voorkom uit die analogiese verbindings tussen die tegniese en al die ander dimensies van die werklikheid, ook bespreek om die vereistes vir die ontwerp van 'n NoM kursus te spesifiseer (Weideman, 2006a). Die data wat gegenereer en ontleed is in hierdie studie stel ons in staat om ook dan die voorgestelde leerplan te regverdig, of in sekere gevalle die regverdiging te antisipeer, in terme van die volgende vereistes: sistematiek omvang, geldigheid, konsekwentheid, differensiasie, estetika, artikulasie, toepaslikheid, ekonomie, belyning, aanspreeklikheid, billikheid en betroubaarheid. Gevolglik kan die daaropvolgende fases van ontwerp begin waar die leerplan verwoord word in 'n volledige kursus en die assessering daarvoor. Die uiteindelike doel is om die pyn en lyding van Suid-Afrikaners te help verlig en verpleegpersoneel in staat te stel om hulle kommunikatiewe bevoegdheid te verbeter sodat hulle hulle beroep meer effektief kan beoefen.
Dissertation (M.A. (Language Practice))--University of the Free State, 2015, Communication, Nursing