The psychosocial challenges and general resistance resources of heterosexual newlyweds

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Scott, Yvonne Eloise
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University of the Free State
English: Happy, stable marriages hold a number of benefits for individuals and society. Conversely, divorce is associated with many negative consequences. The foundation of a stable, long-lasting marriage appears to be constructed as early as during the newlywed period, and this period can either act as a buffer against, or a risk factor for, later divorce. The newlywed period is a time of adjustment, and newlyweds may be faced with a number of challenges that need to be managed. If enough resources are sought out and used, this time can have positive outcomes for the individuals involved. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the psychosocial challenges experienced most frequently by newlyweds, and the General Resistance Resources (GRRs) used most often to manage these challenges. As GRRs are used to manage challenges, one’s overall Sense of Coherence (SOC) is increased. GRRs and SOC are used as the theoretical framework in the current study. This study makes use of an interpretative paradigm with a qualitative methodology, and a multiple case study design is utilised. Seven newlywed individuals were identified and recruited through word-of-mouth communication and social media. Data was collected through two rounds of individual semi-structured, in-depth interviews to elicit thick data. Content analysis was used to analyse collected data. The results indicate that the challenges experienced most frequently by the participants are differences in personality, habits and routines, inter- and intrapersonal family dynamics, and new responsibilities and restricted levels of autonomy. The GRRs used by all the participants were physical and biochemical GRRs, cognitive GRRs, and interpersonal-relational GRRs. Despite limitations in this study, the findings can be added to the current limited knowledge of the experiences of South African newlyweds. Helping professionals who are interested in strengthening marriages are encouraged to increase their knowledge of this specific group, as it is an important and beneficial point of intervention in the context of happier, more stable marriages overall.
Afrikaans: ‘n Gelukkige en stabiele huwelik hou ‘n aantal voordele vir individue en die samelewing in. Egskeidings, aan die ander kant, word geassosieer met verskeie negatiewe nagevolge. Die fondasie van ‘n stabiele langtermyn huwelik blyk reeds gevorm te word tydens die pasgetroude periode. Dié periode kan óf as ‘n buffer teen egskeiding optree, óf ‘n risiko faktor wees vir egskeiding. Die pasgetroude periode is ‘n tyd van aanpassing en ‘n tyd wanneer pasgetroudes ‘n aantal uitdagings in die gesig staar. Hierdie uitdagings moet aangespreek en bestuur word. As genoeg hulpbronne gebruik word, kan dié periode positiewe gevolge vir individue inhou. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is dus om die uitdagings wat gereeld deur pasgetroudes ervaar word te indentifiseer en ook die Algemene Weerstand Hulpbronne (AWH’s) wat meestal gebruik moes word om die uitdagings te bestuur. Soos wat AWH’s gebruik word, word ‘n mens se Koherensiesin verbeter. AWH’s en Koherensiesin word as die teoretiese raamwerk in die huidige studie gebruik. Die studie maak gebruik van ‘n interpratiewe paradigma met ‘n kwalitatiewe metodologie, en ‘n veelvuldige gevallestudie ontwerp is toegepas. Sewe pasgetroude individue is deur middel van mondelinge kommunikasie en sosiale media geïndentifiseer en gewerf. Data is versamel deur twee rondtes individuele semi-gestruktureerde, in diepte onderhoude om deeglike data te ontlok. Inhoudsanalise is gebruik om data te analiseer. Die resultate dui aan dat verskille in persoonlikheid, gewoontes en roetines, inter- en intrapersoonlike gesinsdinamika, nuwe verantwoordelikhede, en afname in outonomie die uitdagings is wat die meeste ervaar word. Die AWH’s wat die meeste deur die deelnemers gebruik is, is fisiese en biochemiese AWH’s, kognitiewe AWH’s en interpersoonlike verhouding AWH’s. Ten spyte van die beperkinge in die studie, kan die bevindinge bygevoeg word tot die huidige beperkte kennis van die ervaringe van Suid-Afrikaanse pasgetroudes. Professionele persone in helpende professies met ‘n belangstelling in die versterking van huwelike word aangeraai om hulle kennis te verbreed rakende die spesifieke groep, veral omdat dit belangrik en voordelig kan wees vir intervensie doeleindes in konteks van ‘n gelukkige, meer stabiele huwelik oor die algemeen.
Marriage, Newlyweds, Challenges, General resistance resources, Sense of coherence, Salutogenesis, Qualitative Research, Dissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2016