'n Ondersoek na die rol van soöplankton in Roodeplaatdam

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Stofberg, Catharina Elizabeth
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University of the Free State
English: Roodeplaat Dam is a warm monomictic and eutrophic waterbody, which is situated in a summer rainfall area. A definite thermocline and hypolimnion are found in summer, together with a high primary production, which gives rise to a large anaerobic hypolimnion during summer. The Pienaars River/Hartbees Spruit arm of the dam was much more turbid than the Edendale Spruit arm and the main basin of the dam. Large water inflows during summer had a dilutionary effect on the electrical conductivity, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate concentrations. High chlorophill values and dominance for extended periods by the blue-green algae, Microcystis and Anabaena, were indications of the degree of eutrophication in the dam. Five fish species were found in Roodeplaat Dam, of which Oreochromis mossambicus and Chetia flaviventris were dominant. The fry of these species are known to be predators of zooplankton. Low total zooplankton biomass was found in summer because of decreased living space, due to a large anaerobic hypolimnion. The high zooplankton numbers during summer, in spite of low total biomass, resulted from a change of dominance from the large Daphnia spp. to the smaller Thermocyclops and Ceriodaphnia spp. There were marked increases in zooplankton numbers with the change of· phytoplankton dominance from blue-green algae to green algae and cryptomonads. Twenty two zooplankton species in numbers warranting examination were found in Roodeplaat Dam. By the use of correlation coefficients, Cluster Analysis and correlation with environmental conditions, the zooplankton were separated into eight groups. The most influential conditions governing the density of zooplankton taxa in Roodeplaat Dam were those relating to food type and temperature, and to a lesser extent pH and electrical conductivity. Thermocyclops oblongatus was present throughout the study period and dominated the zooplankton community. Extremely high annual p/B ratios of 82,63 and 88 were found by two production-determination methods. Correspondingly an annual production of 589,24 kgC.annum-1 was derived for the total zooplarikton population. In comparison with the zooplankton communities of other South African systems, Roodeplaat Dam's zooplankton corresponded most closely with that of Hartbeespoort Dam, which is also a warm monomictic and eutrophic system.
Afrikaans: Roodeplaatdam is 'n warm, monomiektiese, eutrofe waterliggaam, wat in 'n somerreënval gebied voorkom. Daar word 'n duidelike termoklien en hipolimnion gedurende die somer waargeneem, tesame met 'n hoë primêre produksie, wat vorming van groot anaerobiese gedeeltes tydens die somer tot gevolg het. Die Pienaarsrivier/Hartbeesspruit arm van die dam was aansienlik meer troebel as die Edendalespruitarm en hoofdamkom. Groot waterinvloeie gedurende die somer het 'n verdunningseffek op elektriese konduktiwiteit, nitraat-nitriet konsentrasies en fosfaatkonsentrasies gehad. Hoë chlorofil waardes en dominansie van die fitoplankton vir lang periodes deur die blou-groen alge, Microcystis en Anabaena, is aanduidings van die graad van eutrofikasie waarin die dam verkeer. Vyf vissoorte kom. in Roodeplaatdam voor, waarvan Oreochromis mossambicus 'n Chetia flaviventris getalsdominant is. Die vingerlinge van hierdie spesies is bekende sooplankton predatore. Lae totale soöplanktonbiomassa is in die somer aangetref as gevolg van kleiner lewensruimte, veroorsaak deur 'n groot anaerobiese hipolimnion. Die hoë soöplanktongetalle gedurende die somer, ten spyte van lae totale biomassa, word veroorsaak deur die verskuiwing van getalsdominansie vanaf die groot Daphnia spp. na die kleiner Thermocyclops en Ceriodaphnia spp. Daar is toenames van soöplanktongetalle met die verskuiwing van die fitoplanktondominansie vanaf die blou-groen alge na die groen alge en cryptomonads. Twee-en-twintig sooplanktonspesies is in noemenswaardige getalle in Roodeplaatdam aangetref. Deur die gebruik van korrelasie koëffisiente, bondelanalises en vergelyking met omgewingsfaktore, is die soöplanktonaksons in Roodeplaatdam is hoofsaaklik voedseltipe en temperatuur en in 'n mindere mate pH en elektriese konduktiwiteit. Thermocyclops oblongatus was deurlopend teenwoordig en in groot getalle aanwesig oor die studietydperk. 'n Hoë jaarlikse P/B van tussen 82,63 en 88 is vir die spesie gevind na die gebruik van twee produksiebepalingsmetodes. Daar is ooreenstemmend 'n jaarlikse produksie van 589,24 kgC.jaar-1 vir die totale sooplanktonpopulasie van die dam bepaal. In vergelyking met die soöplanktongemeenskap van ander Suid-Afrikaanse damme, stem Roodeplaatdam ooreen met dié van Hartbeespoortdam wat ook 'n warm monomiektiese en eutrofe sisteem is.
Zooplankton -- South Africa -- Roodeplaat Dam, Roodeplaat Dam (South Africa), Zooplankton -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Zoology and Entomology))--University of the Free State, 1983