The transformation of Black school education in South Africa, 1950-1994: a historical perspective

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Rakometsi, Mafu Solomon
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University of the Free State
English: The new education dispensation in South Africa has its roots in the turbulent years in education. The transformation of Black school education in South Africa led to the actions and counter actions that interrelated to mould a political climate that paved the way for the education where everybody has the right to learn. The National Party government introduced Bantu Education in 1953 and this aroused strong condemnation from the Black people who were virtually unanimous in their opposition to it. There was incessant disorder in education as a result of separate education for Blacks. The Bantu Education Act was passed following the Eiseien Commission of Enquiry whose recommendations were in line with the principles of Christian National Education. Political developments inter alia, the celebrations of the so" anniversary of the Union of South Africa, the declaration of the Union of South Africa as a Republic as well as the Sharpeville shooting in 1960, impacted on education. Bantu Education principles were extended to Coloured and Indian education. Segregated education for the Coloured and Indian learners was also met with vehement opposition. The National Party government introduced the homeland system to fortify its policy of segregated schools and separate economies. The National Party government encouraged the self governing homelands to opt for independence. Learners from all homelands could not easily access education in the urban areas; this was even worse for the learners whose designated homelands had chosen independence. The insistence of the government that English and Afrikaans must enjoy equal status as the media of instruction in the Black schools sparked the Soweto learners' riots. The South African society responded differently to the epoch making Soweto learners' upheavals. A militant culture developed among the learners and this led to the formation of national learners' organisations. The learners played a prominent role in education politics whilst the parents' role was relegated to the periphery. The void left by parents in education resulted into chaos. There were calls for reforms in education as a result of the intermittent school unrests of the 1980s. The reformist programme of the National Party government led to the appointment of the De Lange Commission of Enquiry and the inauguration of the new Department of Education and Training for Blacks. The 1983 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa which led to the creation of the tri-cameral parliamentary system also resulted in the formation of the United Democratic Front by the people who felt that the Black people had been left in the cold by the new Constitution. This ushered in an era of militancy among learners and sporadic riots that disrupted education. The education crisis deepened with calls for "liberation first, and education later." This led to the formation of the National Education Crisis Committee, and its forerunner the Soweto Parents Crisis Committee. There were fresh calls for "people's education for people's power." As part of its reform programme, the National Party government allowed big business participation in alleviating the challenges that plagued Black education. The African National Congress (ANC) had been calling for sanctions and disinvestment in an attempt to force the National Party government to relinquish apartheid and segregated education. The Black political parties did not agree on this strategy. It remains debatable whether the sanctions facilitated the demise of apartheid in any significant way. There were attempts to unite different teachers' union by the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the ANC, but the mergers proved complicated. The militancy of emergent teachers' unions undermined discipline and stability in education. Education in South Africa was facing a lot of challenges at the dawn of the new political dispensation.
Afrikaans: Die nuwe onderwysbestel in Suid-Afrika het sy ontstaan gehad in die onstuimige jare in onderwys. Die transformasie van Swart skoolonderwys in Suid-Afrika het gelei tot aksies en reaksies wat wedersydse invloede op mekaar gehad het. Dit het gelei tot 'n politieke klimaat wat die weg gebaan het vir 'n onderwysstelsel waar almal die reg sou hê om te leer. Die Nasionale Party het Bantoe-onderwys in 1953 tot stand gebring wat sterk veroordeling deur Swart mense tot gevolg gehad. Hulle was feitlik eenparig in hulle weerstand daarteen en die beleid van aparte onderwys vir Swartes het tot voortdurende wanorde in onderwys gelei. Die Eiseien Kommissie van Ondersoek het aanbevelings gemaak wat in ooreenstemming was met die beginsels van Christelike Nasionale Onderwys en die Bantoe Onderwyswet is goedgekeur. Politieke ontwikkelings, soos die feesvieringe rondom die 50ste herdenking van die Unie van Suid-Afrika, die aankondiging van die Unie van Suid-Afrika as 'n Republiek, asook die skietvoorval te Sharpeville in 1960, het alles 'n invloed op ondewys gehad. Die beginsels van Bantoe-onderwys is uitgebrei na Kleurling- en Indiër-onderwys. Aparte onderwys vir Kleurling en Indiër leerlinge is ook met driftige teenstand begroet. Die Nasionale Party regering het die tuislandstelsel tot stand gebring om die beleid van aparte skole en aparte ekonomieë te bevorder. Die Nasionale Party het die selfregerende tuislande aangemoedig om onafhanklik te word. Leerders van alle tuislande kon nie maklik toegang kry tot onderwys in stedelike gebiede nie; dit was nog erger vir leerders wie se aangewese tuislande onafhanklikheid verkies het. Die aandrang van die regering dat Engels en Afrikaans gelyke status as die medium van onderrig in Swart skole moet hê, het gelei tot oproer deur leerlinge in Soweto. Die Suid- Afrikaanse samelewing het op verskillende maniere gereageer op die epogmakende opstande deur leerlinge van Soweto. 'n Militante kultuur het onder die leerders ontwikkel, en dit het gelei tot die totstandkoming van nasionale leerderorganisasies. Leerders het 'n prominente plek ingeneem in onderwyspolitiek, terwyl hulle ouers se rol na die kantlyn verskuifhet. Gedurende die tagtiger jare is gevra vir hervorming van die onderwysbeleid weens die onrus wat met gereelde tussenposes plaasgevind het. Die hervormingsprogram van die Nasionale Party regering het gelei tot die aanstelling van die De Lange Kommissie. Vervolgens is die Departement van Onderwys en Opleiding vir Swartes daargestel. Die 1983 Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het die totstandkoming van die driekamerparlement tot gevolg gehad. Die gevolg daarvan was die stigting van die Verenigde Demokratiese Beweging deur mense wat gevoel het dat Swart mense deur die nuwe Grondwet uitgesluit is. Die gevolg hiervan was militante aksies deur leerders, en sporadiese gevalle van oproer het onderwys onderbreek. Die onderwyskrisis is vererger deur die slagspreuk "bevryding eerste, dan onderwys". Die Nasionale Onderwyskrisiskomitee is in die lewe geroep; hierdie beweging is voorafgegaan deur die Soweto Ouers se Krisiskomitee. Daar is ook gevra vir "volksonderwys vir volksrnag". As deel van die hervormingsprogram het die Nasionale Party groot sakebedrywe toegelaat om deel te neem aan die proses om die uitdagings waaronder Swart onderwys gebuk gegaan het, te verlig. Die African National Congress (ANC) het gevra vir sanksies en disinvestering om die Nasionale Party te dwing om apartheid en aparte onderwys te laat vaar. Swart politieke partye het nie saamgestem met hierdie strategie nie. Dit is nog steeds debatteerbaar of sanksies hoegenaamd die einde van apartheid bevorder het. Daar is deur die Congress of South African Trade Unions gepoog om die verskillende onderwysunies onder een sambreel te verenig, maar die samesmelting het te ingewikkeld blyk te wees. Die militantheid van ontwikkelende onderwysersunies het dissipline en stabiliteit in onderwys ondermyn. Met die aanbreek van die nuwe politieke bedeling het onderwys in Suid-Afrika baie uitdagings gehad.
Sesotho: Mokgwa o motjha wa thuto Afrika Borwa o qadile dilemong tse thata thutong. Ho fetolwa hwa Thuto ya Batho ba batsho Afrika Borwa ho lebisitse diketsahalong tse tletseng ho dumellana le ho se dumellane ho ileng hwa bopa maemo a sepolotiki a ileng a lebisa thuto boemong boo ho bona bohle ba nang le tokelo ya ho ithuta. Mmuso wa Manashenale o ile wa kenya tshebetsong Thuto ya Batho ba batsho ka 1953 mme hona ho ile hwa qholotsa tshehollo setjhabeng sa Batho ba batsho se neng se le ntswe leng hore mokgwa ona wa thuto o tlameha ho hanyetswa le ho sehollwa ka matla a maholo. Ho bile le pherekano ka nako etelele thutong ka lebaka la thuto efapaneng e neng e reretswe Batho ba batsho. Molao wa Thuto ya Batho ba Batsho o ile wa etswa ho ya ka dikgothaletso tsa Khomeshene ya Dipatlisiso ya Eiseien tse neng di ikamahantse le metheo ya Thuto ya Setjhaba ya boKreste. Diketsahalo tsa sepolitiki tse kang ho ketekwa hwa selemo sa bomashome a mahlano sa Kopano ya Afrika Borwa, ho phatlalatswa hwa Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa, mmoho le ho thunngwa hwa batho Sharpeville ka selemo sa 1960, di ile tsa eba le kgahlamelo e kgolo thutong. Metheo ya Thuto ya Batho ba batsho e ile ya atolosetswa thutong ya Bammala le Maindia. Thuto efapaneng bakeng sa Bammala le Maindia e ile ya hanyetswa ka matla a maholo. Mmuso wa Manashenale 0 ile wa kenya tshebetsong mokgwa wa puso ya mahae ho matlafatsa leano la ona la dikoio tse arohaneng mmoho le moruo o arohaneng. Mmuso wa Manashenale o ile wa boela wa kgothaletsa mahae a itsamaisang ho kgetha boipuso. Baithuti ba tswang mahaeng ana ba ne ba sa kgone ho fumana thuto ha bobebe dibakeng tsa ditoropo; mme ho ne ho le thata le ho feta ho baithuti bao mahae a habo bona a neng a kgethile boipuso. Ho tswela pele hwa mmuso ho hatella hore Senyesemane le Afrikanse di [uwe maemo a lekanang a ho ba maleme a ho ruta dikolong tsa Batho ba batsho, ho ile ha tsosa merusu ya baithuti Soweto. Setjhaba sa Afrika Borwa se ile sa arabela diketsahalo tse ileng tsa lebisa ho hlokeng botsitso hwa baithuti Soweto ka tsela efapaneng. Moya wa boitseko ka dikgoka o ile wa kena baithuting mme hona ho ile hwa lebisa ho thehweng hwa mekgatlo ya naha ya baithuti. Baithuti ba ile ba eba le seabo sa bohlokwa haholo dipolotiking tse amanang le thuto mme seabo sa batswadi sona sa qhelelwa ka thoko. Sekgeo se siilweng ke batswadi thutong se ile sa baka pherekano. Ho ile ha eba le boipiletso ba hore ho kenngwe diphethoho thutong ka lebaka la merusu le ho hloka botsitso ho neng ho aparetse dikoio dilemong tsa bo1980. Lenaneo la mmuso wa Manashenale la ho tlisa diphethoho le ile la lebisa ho thonngweng hwa Khomeshene ya Dipatlisiso ya De Lange mmoho le ho hlomamiswa hwa lefapha le letjha la Thuto le Thupello bakeng sa Batho ba batsho. Molaotheo wa Riphaboliki ya Afrika Borwa wa selemo sa 1983 mmoho le ho kenngwa tshebetsong hwa mokgwa wa tsamaiso ya ketsamelao ka matlo a mararo apalamente o ile wa lebisa ho thehweng hwa United Democratic Front ke batho ba neng ba ena le maikutlo a hore Batho ba batsho ba qheletswe ka thoko ke Molaotheo oo o motjha. Ena e ile ya eba nako e ntjha ya boitseko ba dikgoka hara baithuti e neng e tsamaisana le methwaelanyana ya merusu e ileng ya sitisa thuto. Mathata thutong a ile a ata ka lebaka la boipiletso bo neng bo re: " Tokoloho pele, thuto ha morao". Hona ho ile hwa lebisa ho thehweng hwa Kommiti ya Naha ya Mathata a aparetseng Thuto, mmoho le e ileng ya thehwa pejana ho yona, e leng Komiti ya Batswadi ya Mathata ya Soweto. Ho boetse hwa qhoma boipiletso ba "thuto ya batho bakeng sa matla a batho." Mmuso wa Manashenale o ile wa fa lekala la dikgwebo tse kgolo monyetla wa ho ba le seabo twantshong ya diphephetso le mathata a neng a aparetse thuto ya Batho ba batsho, e le karoio ya lenaneo la ona la diphethoho. ANC e ne e se e nnile ya ipiletsa bakeng sa dikotloqobello le ho hulwa hwa matsete tekong ya ho qobella mmuso wa Manashenale ho nyahlatsa kgethollo le thuto e arohaneng. Mekga ya dipolotiki ya Batho ba batsho e ne e sa dumellane mabapi le lewa lena. Le jwale ho ntse ho sa dumellanwe mabapi le hore na ebe dikotloqobello di fela di ile tsa eba le tshusumetso ekgoio ho le hokae ho weng hwa puso ya kgethollo. Mokgatlo wa basebetsi ba Afrika Borwa (COSATU) le ANC di ile tsa leka ho kopanya mekgatlo efapaneng e emelang matitjhere, empa hwa fumaneha hore ha ho bobebe ho etsa jwalo. Ditlwaelo tsa boitseko ba dikgoka tsa mekgatlo e sa tswa thehwa ya matitjhere di ile tsa iphapanya le ho kgella fatshe tayo le botsitso thutong. Thuto naheng ya Afrika Borwa e ne e tobane le mathata a maholo nakong eo ho kenwang mokgweng o motjha wa sepolotiki
Bantu or Black education, Homelands, Coloured and Indian education, Soweto learners' uprising, African National Congress, National Education Crisis Committee, "Liberation first, education later", People's education, Teacher unions, Christian National Education, Blacks -- Education -- South Africa -- History, Blacks -- Education -- History, Educational change -- History -- 20th century, Thesis (Ph.D. (History))--University of the Free State, 2008