Skoolleierskap: 'n transkulturele ondersoek

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Naudé, Anelle
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University of the Free State
English: Much research has already been done on leadership. Still it seems that research in this regard is mainly theory-driven and to a large extent lacks practical application. Theorists increasingly regard leadership as a process through which the individual characteristics, the demands of the given situation as well as the contributions and roles of the group members contribute to a leader's effectiveness. Because of the afore-mentioned factors leadership development comes to the fore. The early development of leadership can provide an important contribution to future leadership practice. Therefore, the school endeavours to cultivate and develop the adolescent leader's self-confidence and abilities in this context. In the present South African context, across different sexes and cultures, divergent approaches regarding school leadership seem to exist. For the purposes of this investigation emphasis has been placed upon personality, adaptability and leadership behaviour. The survey group consisted of 70 grade 12 learners who were elected as school leaders at the end of 1997. One white pupils' council, two brown pupils' councils and two black student representative councils were involved. The five schools are situated in the Bloemfontein area. Male and female leaders from different cultural groups were compared with regards to their personality, adaptability and leadership behaviour. The data was statistically analysed by means of the Mann- Whitney Test (regarding sex) and the Kruskall-Wallis analysis of variance (regarding culture). It has been established that differences between male and female school leaders do exist regarding certain aspects of their personalities as well as their adaptability. Furthermore, differences have been observed among the cultural groups regarding aspects of personality, adaptability and leadership behaviour. Lastly a few suggestions have been made with regards to the findings and conclusions which could lead to further research and development in this field of study.
Afrikaans: Daar is reeds baie navorsing oor leierskap gedoen. Tog blyk dit dat navorsing in dié verband hoofsaaklik teoriegedrewe is en grootliks aan praktiese toepasbaarheid ontbreek. Teoretici beskou leierskap toenemend as enproses, waardeur die individuele eienskappe, die eise deur die situasie daargestel, sowel as die groepslede se bydraes en rolle tot die leier se effektiwiteit bydra. Leierskapsontwikkeling tree as gevolg hiervan na vore. Die vroeë ontginning van leierskap kan enbelangrike bydrae tot die toekomstige leierskapspraktyk lewer. Die skool poog dus om die adolessente leier se selfvertroue en vaardighede in dié verband te ontgin en te ontwikkel. Binne die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse konteks blyk daar uiteenlopende benaderings tot skoolleierskap oor verskillende geslagte en kulture heen te wees. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek is op persoonlikheid, aanpassing en leierskapsgedrag gefokus. Die ondersoekgroep het uit 70 Graad 12-leerders, wat aan die einde van 1997 as skoolleiers verkies is, bestaan. Een wit leerlingraad, twee bruin leerlingrade en twee swart Students' Representative Councils is by die ondersoek betrek. Die vyf skole is binne die Bloemfontein-omgewing geleë. Die leerders is volgens geslag en kultuur met betrekking tot hul persoonlikheid, aanpassing en leierskapsgedrag met mekaar vergelyk. Die data is statisties ontleed deur gebruik te maak van die Mann-Whitney-toets (ten opsigte van geslag) en die Kruskall-Wallis eenrigting variansie-ontledinq (ten opsigte van kultuur). Daar is bevind dat daar wel verskille tussen seun- en dogterskoolleiers bestaan met betrekking tot sekere aspekte van hul persoonlikheid, sowel as hul aanpassing. Voorts is daar tussen die kultuurgroepe verskille opgemerk ten opsigte van aspekte van persoonlikheid, aanpassing en leierskapsgedrag. Enkele voorstelle is ten slotte na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings gemaak, wat tot verdere navorsing en ontwikkeling op die gebied kan lei.
Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Personality assessment -- Cross-cultural studies, Education secondary -- South Africa -- Cross-cultural studies, Disseration (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 1999