Die verband tussen interpersoonlike fortaliteit en weerstand teen posttraumatiese stressimptome by kinderhuiskinders

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Van der Merwe, J. S.
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University of the Free State
English: A review of literature indicates that more research is currently needed on the way in which post-traumatic stress disorder manifests in children and how it is influenced by certain risk and resilience factors. The role of the family and interpersonal factors have been identified as very important influences on the adjustment of children after traumatisation. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between certain fortigenic factors, such as family involvement and interpersonal strength, as well as age and gender as biographic factors, with post-traumatic stress symptoms in children of an orphanage. The family involvement of the children with their supervising parents of their home in the orphanage, were investigated. The research group consisted of 80 orphans from Bloemfontein. The children’s family involvement and interpersonal strength were measured by the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale which was completed by the specific homes’ supervising parents. The children’s level of posttraumatic stress was determined by their completion of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for children. Favourable reliability indices were reported by Cronbach’s coefficient alphas. A hierarchical regression analysis was done. Based on the statistical processing of the data it was found that girls reported more symptoms of post-traumatic stress than boys and that family involvement as well as interpersonal strength did not have a negative correlation with post-traumatic stress symptomatology. Contradictory to expectations, family involvement correlated positively with post-traumatic stress symptomatology. No significant relationship was found between age and post-traumatic stress. These findings are not in line with previous research findings that regard close relationships with parents as well as other adults an important fortigenic factor. Possible explanations for the results are given, shortcomings and recommendations for further research and practice are presented.
Afrikaans: ’n Oorsig van die literatuur dui aan dat daar tans ’n groot behoefte bestaan aan navorsing oor die wyse waarop posttraumatiese stresversteuring by kinders manifesteer en op watter wyse dit deur verskeie veerkragtigheids- en risikofaktore beïnvloed word. Die rol van die gesin en interpersoonlike faktore is wel geïdentifiseer as baie belangrike aspekte wat die kind se aanpassing na afloop van traumatisering kan beïnvloed. Die kinders se gesinsbetrokkenheid by die huisouers van hul woonhuis op die kinderhuisperseel is beoordeel. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel wat die verband is tussen sekere fortigene faktore soos gesinsbetrokkenheid en interpersoonlike sterkte, asook enkele biografiese veranderlikes (ouderdom en geslag) met die posttraumatiese stressimptome by kinderhuiskinders. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 80 kinderhuiskinders van Bloemfontein. Die gesinsbetrokkenheid en interpersoonlike sterkte van die kinders is gemeet deur gebruik te maak van die Gedragsmatige en Emosionele Beoordelingskaal wat deur die huisouers voltooi is. Die vlak van posttraumatiese stres is vasgestel deur die Traumasimptoom Merklys vir Kinders toe te pas op die kinders. Gunstige betroubaarheidsindekse is met behulp van Cronbach-alpha-betroubaarheids-koëffisiënte vir alle veranderlikes gerapporteer. ’n Hiërargiese regressie-ontleding is gedoen. Op grond van die statistiese verwerking van die data is daar gevind dat meisies meer posttraumatiese stressimptome rapporteer as seuns en dat gesins- betrokkenheid en interpersoonlike sterkte nie ’n negatiewe verband met posttraumatiese stressimptomatologie toon nie. Gesinsbetrokkenheid het in teenstelling met verwagtinge ’n positiewe verband met posttraumatiese stressimptomatologie getoon. Geen beduidende verband is gevind tussen ouderdom en posttraumatiese stres nie. Hierdie bevindings verskil van vorige navorsing wat die positiewe invloed van ’n nabye verhouding met gesinslede en ander volwassenes as belangrike psigofortigene faktor beskou. Moontlike verklarings vir die resultate word gegee, en tekortkominge en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing en die praktyk word aangebied.
Dissertation (M.A. (Clinical Psychology)--University of the Free State, 2003, Psychological trauma, Post-traumatic stress symptoms, Middle childhood, Orphans, Family involvement, Interpersonal strength, Behavioural and Emotional Rating Scale, Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, Resistance (Psychoanalysis), Stress in children, Post-traumatic stress disorder in children, Interpersonal relations