Die verband tussen emosionele intelligensie en posttraumatiese stressimptome by kinders

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Barnard, Marisa
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University of the Free State
English: South Africa is currently regarded as one of the most violent countries in the world, with crime statistics increasing daily. It is distressing that the youth is growing up in a country where little respect is shown for the physical integrity of its citizens. Therefore it is not uncommon for children to present with a variety of symptoms in their efforts to cope with these events. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of traumatized children’s level of emotional intelligence on the extent to which they present with symptoms of posttraumatic stress. Also to investigate the possible difference between boys and girls, as well as children of various ages, with regard to the posttraumatic stress symptoms that is reported. An availability sample of 70 traumatized children was involved in this study (non-experimental prospective design). All the children who were involved were between the ages of 10 and 12, therefore in the developmental stage of middle childhood and differed on the basis of their living conditions. Four measuring instruments were used in the investigation. This includes the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (Bar-On, 2000), the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (Briere, 1996), a biographical questionnaire and a posttraumatic stress checklist which is based on the DSM IV criteria. The internal consistency of the measuring instruments was investigated by making use of Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Pearson correlation coefficients were also calculated to determine the intercorrelation between the different variables. On the basis of the statistical analysis of the data, only one of the subscales of emotional intelligence, namely stress management, showed a significant relationship with posttraumatic stress symptoms. It seems that the better a child’s stress coping skills are, the lower the level of posttraumatic stress symptoms with which the child presents. General mood showed a positive correlation with interpersonal functioning, intrapersonal adjustment and adaptability. With regard to gender, it was indicated that girls reported more symptoms of posttraumatic stress than the boys did. Possible explanations for the results are given, and limitations and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Afrikaans: Suid-Afrika word tans as een van die gewelddadigste lande ter wêreld beskou met misdaadsyfers wat daagliks toeneem. Dit is kommerwekkend dat die jeug grootword in ‘n land waar daar weinig respek getoon word vir die fisieke integriteit van sy burgers. Gevolglik is dit dus nie vreemd dat kinders met 'n verskeidenheid simptome presenteer in hul pogings om hierdie gebeure te hanteer nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van getraumatiseerde kinders se vlak van emosionele intelligensie, in die mate waartoe hulle met posttraumatiese stressimptome presenter, te bepaal. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die moontlike verskil tussen seuns en dogters, sowel as kinders van verskillende ouderdomme, ten opsigte van die posttraumatiese stressimptome wat gerapporteer word. ‘n Beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 70 getraumatiseerde kinders is by hierdie ondersoek betrek (nie-eksperimentele prospektiewe ontwerp). Al die betrokke kinders was tussen die ouderdomme van 10 en 12 jaar, dus in die ontwikkelingstadium van middelkinderjare, en het verskil ten opsigte van hul huisvesting. Vier meetinstrumente is in die ondersoek gebruik. Dit sluit in die BarOn Emosionele Intelligensievraelys vir jeugdiges (Bar-On, 2000), die Traumasimptoom Merklys vir Kinders (Briere, 1996), ‘n Biografiese vraelys en ‘n Posttraumatiese stresmerklys wat gebaseer is op die DSM IV kriteria. Die interne konsekwentheid van die meetinstrumente is ondersoek met behulp van Cronbach se α-koёffisiёnte. Pearson produkmomentkorrelasies is ook bereken om die interkorrelasie tussen die verskillende veranderlikes te bereken. Op grond van die statistiese verwerking van die data het slegs een van die subskale van emosionele intelligensie, naamlik streshanteringsvaardighede, ‘n beduidende verband met posttraumatiese stressimptome getoon. Dit wil voorkom hoe beter ‘n kind se streshanteringsvaardighede, hoe laer is die vlak van posttraumatiese stressimptome waarmee die kind presenteer. Algemene gemoedstoestand het ‘n positiewe korrelasie getoon met interpersoonlike funksionering, intrapersoonlike aanpassing en aanpasbaarheid. Met betrekking tot geslag is daar aangedui dat die meisies meer posttraumatiese stressimptome gerapporteer het as die seuns. Moontlike verklarings vir die resultate word gegee, en tekortkomings en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word bespreek.
Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2005, Trauma, Emotional intelligence, Resilience, Posttraumatic stress disorder, Boys, Girls, Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version, Middle childhood, Intrapersonal adjustment, Interpersonal functioning, Stres management, Adaptibility, General mood, Youth version, Clinical child psychology, Anxiety in children, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Emotional intelligence