Cultural, gender and socio-economic differences in time perspective among adolescents

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Athawale, Reshma
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University of the Free State
English: The focus of this research was to determine the possible differences in time perspective among groups of adolescents from different cultures, socio-economic status and gender groups, within the South African setting. Time perspective is an important cognitive function that exerts a dynamic influence on important judgements, decisions and actions. Despite it's importance, this is a concept that has not been explored in depth. Consequently, little South African literature is available on this topic. Four schools were involved in this study. The schools were chosen on basis of the predominant cultural group of the learners, the gender of the learners that attend the school, and prevalent socio-economic status. All the four schools are situated in Bloemfontein, Free State. The research was carried out on all the Grade 9 learners in the four schools. The sample consisted of 390 learners. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory and a biographical questionnaire were administered to the research sample. Analyses of the results indicated that the temporal orientation that the learners reported on being most inclined towards was the Future time perspective. Results of the statistical analyses suggested that in this particular research group socio-economic status, culture and gender do not have a significant impact on the learner's time perspective. A Future time perspective is one that is characterised by several positive traits such as high motivation, a high sense of responsibility, ability to organise and plan actions to name a few. The results that have been observed are encouraging as the Future orientation was found to be predominant in learners across the boundaries of culture, gender and socio-economic status.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die navorsing was om die moontlike verskille ten opsigte van tydsperspektief tussen groepe adolessente van verskillende kulture, sosio-ekonomiese status en geslag te ondersoek in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Tydsperspektief is ’n belangrike kognitiewe funksie en het ’n dinamiese impak op belangrike beslissings, besluite en aksies. Ten spyte van die belangrikheid daarvan is hierdie konsep nog nie in diepte ondersoek nie. Gevolglik is daar min Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar. Vier skole van Bloemfontein, Vrystaat, was betrokke by hierdie studie. Die skole was gekies op grond van die oorheersende kultuurgroep waaraan die leerders behoort, die geslag van die leerders wat die skool bywoon, en die oorwig van die vlak van sosio-ekonomiese status. Al die Graad 9 leerders van die vier skole het aan die navorsing deelgeneem. Die steekproef het uit 390 leerders bestaan. Die Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory en ’n biografiese vraelys is op die steekproef afgeneem. Analises van die resultate het aangedui dat toekomstydsperspektief die temporale orientasie was waarheen die leerders meestal geneig het. Resultate van die statistiese analise het daarop gedui dat, in hierdie spesifieke steekproef, sosio-ekonomiese status, kultuur en geslag nie ’n beduidende invloed op leerders se tydsperspektief het nie. ’n Toekomstydsperspektief word gekenmerk deur talle positiewe eienskappe soos, onder andere, hoë vlakke van motivering, verantwoordelikheidsin, en die vermoë om te organiseer en aksies te beplan. Die resultate wat waargeneem is, is bemoedigend aangesien toekomstydsperspektief oorheersend voorgekom het in leerders ten spyte van die grense van kultuur, geslag en sosio-ekonomiese status.
Dissertation (M.Sc. (Counselling Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2004, Time perspective in adolescence, High school students -- Attitudes