Referensialiteit binne die onderrigkonteks van Afrikaanse literatuur as tweedetaal

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Van Jaarsveld, Anthea
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University of the Free State
English: The root of this study lies in die changing socio-political situation together with the changes in the literary teaching arena. All texts should be approached from within a specific context. Only if literature is studied from such an angle, it becomes a medium through which the realisation of political and social spheres, as well as cultural differences transpire. The text becomes an aid through which contextualised cultural cross references can be made. Uterature should be seen as a communicative network in which tuition should be functional and interactive in all relevant fields of use. For such an approach one needs a specific referencial framework whereby the pupil as reader can interpret any text. Words supply the reader with frames of reference through which he/she can understand and describe the world behind the text. The emphasis is on a specific reader namely the second language pupil, and a distinct accentual transfer is perceptible form: textual studies to textual experience This ratio between text, reader and reality is in fact a pragmatic relation. Within such a pragmatic system the stipulation of any linguistic expression in a specific context is of the utmost importance. This presumes the investigation of referencialities in the text, as well as the users thereof. In the literary text there is talk of problemsolving without a definite frame of absolute reference. Defining and determining underlying codes as the basis of interpretation and the indication of meaning, becomes a necessary qualification within a new model for the teaching of Afrikaans as second language. The essence of pragmatics lies in the following classification: - the study of speech acts; - the study of what is suggested or implied, in comparison to what is literaly said; and - the study of diectic expression. The focus in this study falls on referenciality. Referenciality becomes the foundation on which pragmatic systems are built, and pragmatics in turn becomes the foundation on which interpretation is built. Interpretation as consequence of pragmatic and referencial systems forms the basis of literary communication that is the central idea of this study. Literature implies a relationship between language and man. Therefore, literature calls for an emotional and intellectual independence op each and every reader. The reader has to take an active part in the reading process. The study of literary pragmatics is to a great extend a process which demands referenciality. An important diversion made in this study is that the reader's line of thought is channelised by interpretation, and that literature is seen from whithin a hermeneutic perspective in which the relation between object and subject, text and reader, plays a primary roll.
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie vind sy grondslag in die veranderde sosio-politieke situasie in Suid-Afrika en die gepaardgaande veranderinge op die terrein van literatuuronderrig. Alle tekste behoort binne konteks benader te word. Vanuit so 'n invalshoek word literatuur 'n medium waardeur bewuswording plaasvind van politieke, sosiale werklikhede sowel as kulturele verskeidenheid. Die teks word 'n hulpmiddel waardeur kontekstueel-kulturele kruisverwysings gemaak kan word. Uteratuur behoort gesien te word as 'n kommunikatiewe netwerk waarin onderrig funksioneel en interaktief moet plaasvind in relevante gebruiksituasies. Vir so 'n benadering is 'n bepaalde verwysingsraamwerk nodig waarvolgens leerlinge as lesers tekste kan interpreteer. Woorde voorsien die leser van verwysingsraamwerke waarmee die wêreld van die roman begryp en beskryf kan word. Die fokus val op 'n spesifieke leser naamlik die tweedetaalleerling, en 'n duidelike klemverskuiwing is waarneembaar van: teksbestudering na tekservaring Hierdie verband tussen teks, leser en werklikheid is in feite 'n pragmatiese verhouding. In so 'n pragmatiese sisteem val daar sterk klem op betekenisbepaling van linguistiese uitdrukkings binne spesifieke kontekste. Dit veronderstel die ondersoek na verwysings in die teks én die gebruikers daarvan. In die literêre werk is daar sprake van die oplos van onduidelikhede sonder 'n definitiewe raam van verwysing. Die bepaling van onderliggende kodes as die basis van interpretasie en betekenisaanduiding word 'n vereiste binne 'n nuwe model vir die onderrig van Afrikaans as tweededetaal. Die kern van die pragmatiek lê dus in die volgende indeling: - die ondersoek na taalhandelinge; - die ondersoek na wat gesuggereer word of geïmpliseer word, teenoor wat letterlik gesê word; en - die ondersoek na deiktiese uitdrukkings. Die fokus in hierdie studie val op referensialiteit. Referensialiteit word die grondslag waarop pragmatiese sisteme gebou word, en pragmatiek word op sy beurt weer die grondslag waarop interpretasie gebou word. Interpretasie as uitvloesel van pragmatiese en referensiële sisteme is die basis vir literêre kommunikasie wat die kerngedagte van hierdie studie vorm. Literatuur is 'n verhouding tussen taal en mens. Uteratuur verg daarom 'n emosionele en intellektuele onafhanklikheid van elke leser. Die leser moet aktief deelneem aan die leesproses. Die bestudering van literêre pragmatiek is in 'n groot mate 'n proses wat verwysing noodsaak. 'n Belangrike afleiding wat uit hierdie studie gemaak is, is dat die totale gedagtegang van die mens gelei word deur die vertolkingskunde, en dat daar na die literatuur gekyk moet word deur 'n hermeneutiese bril waarin die verhouding tussen objek en subjek, teks en leser 'n primêre rol speel.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Afrikaans en Nederlands))--University of the Free State, 1994, Afrikaans literature, Study and teaching (Secondary), South Africa, Afrikaans and Dutch