Doctoral Degrees (Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French)

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Les bénéfices de l’enseignement des techniques de base de perfectionnement de langue à des apprenants (faux) débutants de FLE dans un contexte non francophone
    (University of the Free State, 2020-07) Barkhuizen, Albertus du Plooy; Ferreira-Meyers, K; Morgan, N.; Ferreira-Meyers, K. ; Morgan, N.
    𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 This thesis examines the teaching of FLE with a close look at its importance in South Africa and how this subject is taught in institutions of higher education. Existing teaching methodologies in this field are analysed in the South African context to highlight the importance of a custom-made intervention for local (foreign) language teaching. In response to the preliminary analysis of this study, an innovative programme for independent vocabulary learning is proposed and tested in an action research approach with a group of second-year university faux beginners in French as a foreign language. The first objective of this study is to establish the benefits of teaching basic language improvement exercises in the FLE classroom. The programme proposed in this thesis is based on language improvement exercises for student and professional interpreters. Although these exercises have been adapted for a group of faux beginners in French as a foreign language, they can easily and with little modification be applied to any language. The results of the study summarise the participants’ reactions to the proposed intervention and show how the exercises in the programme encourage learning development in that a neo language laboratory can be designed to boost autonomous learning at different levels of language proficiency. ___________________________________________________________________
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    The contribution of Paul Hiebert to folk religion: a missiological study among the Dendis of North-East Benin
    (University of the Free State, 2022) Bade, Michee Bakande; Verster, Pieter
    Hiebert contends that one of the reasons Christian mission has failed or not been very successful among folk religion, is the long ignorance of the folk religion worldview held by many of the early Western Christian missionaries (1982:35-47). Building on insights from his classic essay on the “excluded middle,” Paul Hiebert suggests a new concept and paradigm for cross-cultural mission–a three-tiered view of the universe (1982:44-47). Firstly, using the Dendi people of North-East Benin as the context of the empirical study, this research examined the impact of a phenomenological study of folk religion mission among folk religionists. The researcher argues in this research that the implications for missions of Hiebert’s three-tiered view of the universe is the development of two theological concepts: “a theology of the invisible” (Hiebert et al. 1999:370) and “a theology of the kingdom of God.” (Love 2000:40; cf. Bosch 1991:10; Glasser et al. 2003:74; Hiebert et al. 1999:25; Ott et al. 2010: 65, 315). Secondly, this researcher reviewed the Dendi responses to spirit attacks with ruqyah and adorcism and discusses how a Christian ritual of exorcism could replace these Dendi crisis rituals. The objective of this study was to evaluate how life crises or special events in the life of the Dendi people call for radical shifts or paradigm shifts. The ethnographic research of this study comprised interviews conducted in two different cities (Kandi and Malanville). The data randomly collected from 28 Dendi adult men and women was analyzed and interpreted using ATLAS.ti 9, a Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). The qualitative data obtained from the field not only established the fact that the Islam practiced by the Dendi is still heavily influenced by the Dendi animist pre-Islamic worldview, but that a mission strategy that focuses on the people’s felt needs would be most efficient. This study concludes that the felt need approach to mission among folk religion should be preferred and encouraged in Christian mission, because it is Christological missiology, holistic mission, which leads to worldview transformation and conversion: first meet the felt needs of the people and then invite them to follow Jesus (Love 2000:91; Ott et al. 2010:276; White 1905:143).
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    Die eufemisme in Afrikaans
    (University of the Free State, 1970) Lubbe, Hendrik Johannes; Kok, B.; Badenhorst, W. J.; Van Heerden, C.
    Abstract not available
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    ʼn Praktykgebaseerde perspektief op Franz Marx as die sentrale figuur in die ontstaan van die eerste Afrikaanse TV-dagvervolgverhaal
    (University of the Free State, 2021) Vorster, Chris; Pieterse, Henning
    𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒂𝒏𝒔 Die hieropvolgende studie is verdeel in twee afsonderlike afdelings, elk met verskillende doelwitte. Afdeling A bestaan uit Franz Marx se mondelinge geskiedenis en Afdeling B behels die kreatieweskryfkuns-komponent. Afdeling A is hoofsaaklik biografies van aard met Franz Marx as die primêre onderwerp en fokus. ʼn Uiteensetting van die verskillende faktore wat hom as kunstenaar beïnvloed en toegerus het vir die skep van die eerste Afrikaanse TV-dagvervolgverhaal, is die primêre doelwit van hierdie afdeling. Hierdie studie is binne die praktykgebaseerde navorsingsmetodologie geplaas om sodoende oorspronklike en verifieerbare inligting oor Marx as die sentrale figuur in die ontstaan van die eerste Afrikaanse TV-dagvervolgverhaal in te win en te bevestig. Die uitsprake van plaaslike film- en TV-praktisyns word gebruik om Marx se lewe en werk in die Suid-Afrikaanse TV-praktyk te kontekstualiseer. ʼn Aanvullende literatuurstudie plaas die assimilering van internasionale TV-praktyke en sy kreatiewe metodologie in perspektief. Hierdie studie is ʼn daadwerklike toevoeging tot die bestaande vakkennis oor Franz Marx se omvangryke loopbaan en die oorsprong van Suid-Afrikaanse TV-dagvervolgverhale en seep-operas. Afdeling B vervat ʼn Afrikaanse telenovela-hibried wat handel oor die wel en wee van ʼn klein produksiespan wat tevergeefs poog om ʼn nuutgeskrewe situasiekomedie te verfilm. Om hierdie hibried te skep, is deurlopende en melodramatiese verhoudingsintriges – wat gewoonlik geassosieer word met seep-operas – gekombineer met die unieke karakters en komiese insidente van situasiekomedies. Die reeks kan voorts ook gelees word as ʼn parodie van die seep-operagenre. ___________________________________________________________________
  • ItemOpen Access
    Die bydrae van nie-artistieke praktyke tot die literêre sukses van eksemplariese Afrikaanse tekste. 'n Ondersoek na beeldvorming
    (University of the Free State, 2019) Erasmus-Alt, Joanita; Van Coller, H. P.
    English: As one of the symbolic aspects of human existence, art is inextricably linked to the material aspects of this existence. The result is that art has, for quite some time now, no longer been flourishing in isolation; rather, it has become part of a larger system in which economic principles also have an important part to play. The literary field is thus structured around two opposing poles: the economic and the artistic. Whereas the economic pole is engaged in a struggle to obtain economic capital ‒ the struggle in which particularly the media play an important part ‒ the artistic pole, for its part, strives to gain symbolic capital, which is the capital of legitimation. In this pole the prestige, fame, esteem, literary prizes and translations of the author’s work are decisive factors. Based on the premise that critics’ literary views differ, there are two main kinds of adjudication, namely intrinsic evaluations and extrinsic evaluations. Intrinsic evaluations are conducted in terms of specific artistic considerations that have a bearing on those formal characteristics that qualify a text to be classified as literature. The extrinsic evaluation, on the other hand, focuses on considerations, such as the standing of the text within a tradition and how the work is received. In this thesis the focus has been on extrinsic adjudication, that is, on the elements and role players that were involved in the process of literary canonisation. Because the image that is created of a book or an author must, as it were, take precedence over either the texts or the authors themselves, the creation of a credible image is of cardinal importance in the adjudication process. As a result of increasing mediatisation, the iconic value of information that is both sensational and serves to construct a particular image of an author, is just as important as the message itself. Therefore, the issue as to precisely what it is that determines the value of a literary work leads to a rejection of the allegation that so-called non-artistic considerations have no role to play in theorists and critics’ statements about literature. To illustrate this trend, the researcher identified four authors whose work enjoyed unparalleled popularity almost directly after publication: Dalene Matthee (Kringe in ʼn Bos, 1984), Marita van der Vyver (Griet skryf ʼn sprokie, 1992), Francois Smith (Kamphoer, 2014) and Bibi Slippers (Fotostaatmasjien, 2016). These texts represent different decades in Afrikaans literature – decades during which different artistic (and critical) paradigms and poetics were current. Comparison of the different texts, the image construction process involved, their marketing and their reception thus provided a broader empirical base from which to generalise inferences. This study is a descriptive study that has endeavoured, by means of both quantitative and qualitative methods, to investigate the strengthening influence of image construction as a form of symbolic capital in enhancing the success of the chosen texts. The thesis was premised on an empirical-institutional approach, one that was preceded by a theoretical orientation and a study of the relevant published research data and available digital material. One of the aims of the study was to investigate the production of symbolic value. In that conceptions of literature as ideological, socially bound viewpoints were deemed to be desirable in a study of this nature, a reconstructive approach was coupled with the institutional approach. The aim of the reconstructive approach is to reconstruct and systematise authors’ or a particular society’s conceptions of literature at a particular juncture. The study of mediation in the process of image construction ‒ with specific reference to the role of various agents (the editor, the publishing organisation, literary critics, the media), literary prizes/awards, translations and other cultural strategies ‒ can potentially throw light not only on the extent to which the various role players in the system have contributed to the success of the chosen texts but also on the particular ways in which these role players have done so.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Referensialiteit binne die onderrigkonteks van Afrikaanse literatuur as tweedetaal
    (University of the Free State, 1994-11) Van Jaarsveld, Anthea; Van Coller, H. P.; Pienaar, A. J.
    English: The root of this study lies in die changing socio-political situation together with the changes in the literary teaching arena. All texts should be approached from within a specific context. Only if literature is studied from such an angle, it becomes a medium through which the realisation of political and social spheres, as well as cultural differences transpire. The text becomes an aid through which contextualised cultural cross references can be made. Uterature should be seen as a communicative network in which tuition should be functional and interactive in all relevant fields of use. For such an approach one needs a specific referencial framework whereby the pupil as reader can interpret any text. Words supply the reader with frames of reference through which he/she can understand and describe the world behind the text. The emphasis is on a specific reader namely the second language pupil, and a distinct accentual transfer is perceptible form: textual studies to textual experience This ratio between text, reader and reality is in fact a pragmatic relation. Within such a pragmatic system the stipulation of any linguistic expression in a specific context is of the utmost importance. This presumes the investigation of referencialities in the text, as well as the users thereof. In the literary text there is talk of problemsolving without a definite frame of absolute reference. Defining and determining underlying codes as the basis of interpretation and the indication of meaning, becomes a necessary qualification within a new model for the teaching of Afrikaans as second language. The essence of pragmatics lies in the following classification: - the study of speech acts; - the study of what is suggested or implied, in comparison to what is literaly said; and - the study of diectic expression. The focus in this study falls on referenciality. Referenciality becomes the foundation on which pragmatic systems are built, and pragmatics in turn becomes the foundation on which interpretation is built. Interpretation as consequence of pragmatic and referencial systems forms the basis of literary communication that is the central idea of this study. Literature implies a relationship between language and man. Therefore, literature calls for an emotional and intellectual independence op each and every reader. The reader has to take an active part in the reading process. The study of literary pragmatics is to a great extend a process which demands referenciality. An important diversion made in this study is that the reader's line of thought is channelised by interpretation, and that literature is seen from whithin a hermeneutic perspective in which the relation between object and subject, text and reader, plays a primary roll.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rigtings in die taalwetenskap en die insigte wat hulle gebring het vir tweedetaalonderrig: 'n poging tot 'n sintese
    (University of the Free State, 1979-12) Askes, Hendrik; Van Heerden, C.
    Afrikaans: Die belangrikheid van hierdie studie lê daarin dat ‘n poging aangewend is om die kloof te probeer oorbrug tussen die taalwetenskap en T2-onderrig, an die insigte van die studie op die taalonderrigsituasie toe te pas en ‘n onderrigmetode daarop te fundeer. Hoewel daar baie navorsing bestaan, is die resultate nog baie min in die lig van die praktiese klaskamer beoordeel. Dié probleem het ontstaan omdat die taalwetenskaplike van ons tyd selde ook meester is van die vakmetodieken onderrigsituasie en omgekeerd is die goeie onderwysman selde ‘n deskundige op die gebied van die modernetaalwetenskap. Daar is in hierdie studie soos volg te werk gegaan. Die agtergrond van die onderskeie terreine van die linguistiek en die toegepaste linguistiek is geskets asook die plek van taalonderrig daarin. Die bespreking van die ouer linguistiek en die tradisionele grammatika, die strukturele benadering, die transformasionele generatiewe grarmatika en taalvenrerwing by die kind, vorm die kern van hierdie studie. Daar is vasgestel dat die onderrig van Grieks en Latyn ‘n definitiewe stempel geplaas het op die destydse onderrig van die vrearde tale. Dis op dieselfde streng, fomele wyse onderrig en as ‘n intellektuele oefening beskou sonder om met die gesproke taal en kommunikatiewe vaardighede rekening te hou. Daar gaan nou baie stemme op wat verandering bepleit en linguiste kom in verset teen die formele benadering tot grammatika. Die bestudering van die alledaagse spreektaal in volledige sinne en die vennyding van die gebruik van die Tl by die onderrig van 'n vreemde taal word bepleit. Daar moet in die taal en nie oor die taal geleer word nie. Verder is breedvoerig aandag bestee aan die onderskeie rigtings soos die deskriptiewe fonetiek van o.a. Sweet en die bydraes van verskeie linguiste/taalonderwysers soos Jesperson, Pa1mer, Bloomfield, Fries e.a. is bespreek. Omdat die taalwetenskaplike van hierdie tyd taalwetenskaplike sowel as praktiese taalonderwyser was, het die invloed van hul werk deurgedring tot die praktiese klaskamersituasie. Die histories-vergelykende tydperk in die taalwetenskap is ook bespreek, maar daar is nie veel vrugbare toepassings vir taalonderrig nie. Hierna volg ‘n bespreking van die twintigste eeuse strukturele linguistiek met as belangrikste figuur De Saussure. Die aandag word gevestig op die onderskeid wat hy tref tussen langue en parole en diachroniese en sinchroniese taalstudie. Ormdat die strukturalisme die klem laat val op die mondelinge, alledaagse taalgebruik (parole/performance), is die invloed op die praktiese taalonderrigsituasie fenomenaal. Die Amerikaanse oudiolinguale leërkursus behaal groot sukses, maar dis vir die gewone skool onprakties. Persone wat hier 'n groot rol gespeel het, is Bloomfield, Fries, Brooks, Skinner en ander. Die groot bydrae van die strukturele linguistiek vir taalonderrig is dat dit die taalonderwyser se oë oopqemaak het vir die strukturele in taal, die onderliggende sisteem. Verskeie aspekte van die TGG is ook bespreek. Volgens Chomsky is taalgedrag nie met behulp van Skinner se behavioristiese leerteorie te verklaar nie. Chomsky beklemtoon die kognitiewe prosesse van leer en die kreatiewe, aangebore vermoë van die kind an taal te genereer. Chomsky het die oë oopqernaak vir die kreatiewe vennoë van die kind en op grond hiervan kritiseer hy heelpartyaspekte van die oudiolinguale metode van taalonderrig. Wat die studie van taalverwerwing betref, is die onderskeie sienings van hoe 'n kind sy T1 verwerf, bespreek. Die resultate van navorsers is bestudeer en dit blyk dat veral die studie van taalverwerwing baie insigte toon waarmee die T2-onderwyserrekening behoort te hou. Aspekte soos motivering, die rol van die onderwyser, verskille tussen TI- en T2-verwerwing, die kreatiewe venroë van die kind, wanneer 'n kind sy T2 moet begin leer, ens. Word nog dikwels nie in aanmerking geneemby die aanleer van 'n T2 nie. Die slotsom waartoe in hierdie studie in die lig van die linguistiek gekan word, is dat wat T2-onderrig betref, 'n eklektiese benadering 'n gesonde balans sal wees - 'n sogenaamde Multiple Line of Approach - soos Palmer dit noem. Die klem moet verskuif van 'n onderwyser-gesentreerde onderrig na dié waar die leerling sentraal staan en kan leer. Daar is plek vir 'n kognitiewe, behavioristiese taalaanleerteorie en -strategie. Die insigte wat met hierdie studie verkry is, het verder ook iets te sê vir die beplanning van 'n sillabus, die skryf van taalboeke en lesbeplanning in die T2.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Die Afrikaanse evangeliese gesang: 'n literêre ondersoek
    (University of the Free State, 1969-01) Gaum, Frederik Malherbe; Beukes, G. J.; Kok, B.; Nienaber, G. S.
    Abstract not available
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    Grensoorskryding in Alfabet van die voëls deur S.J. Naudé en Sondag op ’n voëlplaas deur Johann Nell
    (University of the Free State, 2016) Erasmus-Alt, Joanita; Van Coller, H. P.
    English: The point of departure in this thesis are the concepts of border crossing and liminality. The latter term was used for the first time by Arnold van Gennep in his work Les rites de passage (1908). Van Gennep (1960:166) identifies three phases in the process of border crossing: the phase of seclusion, the liminal phase (the phase during which transformation takes place) and the integration phase. According to Van Gennep rites de passage is an essential characteristic of any kind of crossing and it refers to the dichotomy that exists between stable and transient structures. It is noticed that in a continuously changing modern society there is an increase in striving for a world without borders. It is typical of post-modernism that concepts of philosophy are mixed with concepts and methods from other disciplines; therefore an increase in integration of multi-disciplinary approaches is found in academic disciplines. In this thesis an overview is provided of important views regarding the nature of topological, philosophical and literary borders. The theoretical discussion serves as point of departure for the analysis, interpretation and discussion of the extent to, and the manner in which the crossing of borders is demonstrated.The focus of this discussion is based on two Afrikaans prose texts, namely Alfabet van die voëls [Alphabet of the birds] (2011) by S.J. Naudé and Sondag op ʼn voëlplaas [Sunday on a bird farm] (2013) by Johann Nell. Due to the iconoclastic nature of post-modern literature it is clear that demarcated borders are disappearing – also in relation to literary genres. Furthermore, the line between high and low literature is continuously becoming less prominent. As the continuous development of literary forms is making it difficult to define explicit demarcated literary genres, the current trends of deliquescence in the chosen genres (short-story cycle, farm novel, town novel, city novel, as well as the coming-of-age story or Bildungsroman) were taken as premise in this investigation. In both these texts spatial, psychological and metaphysical crossing of borders by a liminal main character (or characters) occurs at the story level. Against the backdrop of socio-political changes the various main characters experience different forms of trauma and loss – experiences that inevitably play an important role in moulding a personal identity. The search for the meaning of life and the discovery of the self presumes that the main characters as a result undergo a border-crossing, transformative and disengaging process. As part of the study, attention is not merely paid to different forms of border crossing at story level; the focus also is on the ways in which this border crossing is presented in the structure of the discourse and through narration. Apart from the dynamics which the theme of border crossing effectuates at the level of the story, the aspect of choice of the liminality can also be expressed in the structuring of the actions. As a result of the course of action being structured around border-crossing occurrences, a narrative cycle is brought about by means of processes of progression and regression. At the level of the story, border crossing is closely related to demarcating the area. In the thesis attention is paid to the ways in which the territorialising characteristics of the refrain and birds as complex metaphors are employed. These metaphors are not merely an ornamental aspect of language, but due to their repetitive occurrence they become fundamental themes through which the characters can conceptualise their respective lives and their activities in their immediate surroundings. In post-modern literature the crossing of borders often is demonstrated by the author entering the text on a self reflective level. This thesis investigates the ways in which the real author is present as a character in the literary work by means of subtle manipulation. The various forms of crossing borders demonstrated in both Naudé’s Alfabet van die voëls and Nell’s Sondag op ʼn voëlplaas, serve as confirmation of the idea that the crossing or fading of borders is relevant, for a variety of reasons, to post-modern literature and that it also seems to be a significant trend in Afrikaans literature.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Morphing moonlight : gender, masks and carnival mayhem: the figure of Pierrot in Giraud, Ensor, Dowson and Beardsley
    (University of the Free State, 2007) Kreuiter, Allison Dorothy; Morgan, N.
    Pierrot’s snowy garments with their touch of black, the tragic, frozen mien of the mask above the baggy, over-large habit became a prevailing symbol of artistic expression during the fin de siècle. The silent white-masked figure became the disguise for the artist in assailing and exposing the hypocrisy, complacency and posturing that the artist saw as the masquerade of society. Beneath the clown’s guise the artist could imaginatively act out all the forbidden and darker secrets concealed beneath the inscribed societal conventions of humankind. Pierrot could murder, commit incest, get riotously drunk, rape, be a bigamist, commit suicide, be morbidly depressed, steal, be gluttonous, rage, hate, be excessively carnal or ascetic, a hermaphrodite or androgyne or entirely genderless in his transgression, flouting all and every taboo. Using the mask of the clown as a distancing technique, the artist was vicariously experiencing all that was contrary to the societal mores and laws against which he or she was in rebellion. In this the blending of gender became of paramount importance. The androgyne and the hermaphrodite were, like Pierrot, leading images in the arts of the fin de siècle. They blurred the reality of the division of gender and called into question all the attributes that were apportioned to what was male and what female. Pierrot was seen as partaking of this gender indecision because the sexuality that lay behind the loose white garments was entirely uncertain, as were the lurking carnal appetites of the silvery, moonlit clown. Gender was as ghostly and as paradoxical as the clown’s own nature. Pierrot’s origins in the Commedia dell’arte and his original role as a buffoon had altered by the late-nineteenth century. He had come to represent a silent malevolence and shadowy evil which was subtly contained within the lineaments of his lunar-coloured garments. The pantomime role had involved the challenging and transgressing of boundaries and the world of the demonic was invariably present, though it never triumphed; rather, laughter and love prevailed with repeated beatings and roistering. With the Decadent movement of the fin de siècle the demonic became the prevailing tone, filled with a sardonic bitterness and searing, although hidden pain. Pierrot’s silence and pallor were seen as the ultimate attributes with which to convey the trangressive and mordant nature of the liminal artistic life. The clown’s achromatic colour and his muteness were aspects that resembled the unsullied emptiness of page and canvas, and his mutable, quicksilver nature was as indeterminate and fluid as any interpretation or subjective artistic representation. The artist could thus mould the figure to represent what was wished and in so doing reveal how slippery and subjective any representation is. In the chapters on Giraud, Ensor, Dowson and Beardsley this thesis explores the carnivalesque and transgressive attributes of the wan clown as a central concern in the work of these artists. Kristevan and Bakhtinian theory on the carnivalesque and the relation of language to transgression will structure and guide the tenets and arguments of the thesis. The mutability and fluid metamorphosis from one state to another, disregarding boundaries, is what Pierrot will be seen to do in the works of the chosen artists. Indeterminate gender and lunatic emotions will be shown as essential to the shadowy and insubstantial nature that allows the clown to ignore the extant social morals, laws and boundaries. Giraud, Ensor, Dowson and Beardsley could perhaps be regarded as marginal artists of the late nineteenth century, but considerations of marginality and greatness are based on subjective choice. These artists were a part of the fabric of their time and are strands that braid together the thematic concerns and representations of the fin de siècle, and this gives to their work and importance, however liminal that might be.
  • ItemUnknown
    The literary representation of identity and alienation in counterinsurgencies
    (University of the Free State, 2013-11) Senekal, Burgert A.; Van Coller, H. P.; Limon, John
    English: This interdisciplinary study investigates how alienation manifests in American literature on the Vietnam War and Afrikaans literature on the war in Namibia/Angola (the so-called Border War). After an historical contextualisation, the sociological branch of alienation theory, which is based on the writings of Melvin Seeman, is discussed, and it is illustrated how the six aspects of alienation, as identified by Seeman, manifest in several texts on these wars. In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the thesis, insights from alienation theory are integrated with theories of historiography, trauma, masculinity, and counterinsurgencies, all in an attempt to come to a better understanding of the texts under consideration. Despite literary theory’s insistence that alienation is a feature of modernist and postmodernist literature, and literature on these counterinsurgencies in particular, little has been written on what alienation actually is. Seeman’s variant was chosen because it is the most detailed and comprehensive treatment of alienation available, and although published in 1959, Seeman’s notion of alienation continues to be relevant within sociology. Seeman’s six aspects of alienation include powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, cultural estrangement, social isolation, and self-estrangement, and these are used to discuss the literature on these two counterinsurgencies, highlighting how these aspects of alienation manifest in a variety of literary texts. The line between history and fiction is of course also an important boundary challenged by literature on these wars, and therefore a section is included under meaninglessness that deals with the writing of history and the role historical fiction plays in representing the past. Under cultural estrangement, a section is also included on masculinity, because since the army was often seen as offering a rite of passage, alienation manifests in this sense as well by rejecting the cultural values of masculinity. A section is also included on the alienating effects of trauma, because trauma is of course an important facet of literature on these wars, and it is shown how alienation ties in with trauma through two texts in particular: Larry Heinemann’s Paco’s Story and Anthony Feinstein’s Kopwond (released in English as Battle Scarred). Lastly, the study discusses all six aspects of alienation in reference to two of the seminal texts on these wars: Tim O’Brien’s If I die in a combat zone and Alexander Strachan’s ‘n Wêreld sonder grense. In general, the thesis tries to come to terms with the complexities of these wars: history, alienation, and identity are complex issues in these conflicts, and the interpretation of literary texts can be done from an extensive variety of perspectives. It is shown how alienation theory provides a useful prism for looking at these texts that stem from two watershed conflicts that changed their societies irrevocably.
  • ItemUnknown
    'n Diskursiewe ondersoek van enkele verteenwoordigende Afrikaanse en Nederlandse historiese romans
    (University of the Free State, 2005-11) Marais, Nina-Marié; Van Coller, H. P.
    English: The preceding study is an exploration of the interdisciplinary and inter-discursive “dialogue” between the historical novel, historiography and the philosophy of history. A rigid distinction between the discourses of literature and historiography is questioned in the contemporary literary criticism and the contemporary philosophy of history. In the work of the narrativist philosophers of history like Hayden White and Frank Ankersmit the narrative features of historiography is analysed. In contemporary literary criticism the historical novel is not studied in an autonomous manner. The emphasis in the work of Linda Hutcheon and Elisabeth Wesseling is on the close ties between historiography, the historical novel and the philosophy of history. Developments in the philosophy of history and historiography from the nineteenth century until the late twentieth century has been related to developments in the genre of the historical novel in this study. Although the developmental phases of the philosophy of history does not correlate completely with the developmental phases of the historical novel, it can be alleged that the Classical historical novel can be associated with empiricism in nineteenth century historiography and philosophy of history and that the new historical novel has a close affiliation with the contemporary philosophy of history. The poststructuralist problematisation of history has had a big influence on the contemporary philosophy of history, as well as on the new historical novel. It appears that the deconstruction of empirical approaches to historiography has a great deal in common with the contemporary critique on the historical novel in which confidence in the objective representability of the historical reality is undermined. Historiography ( like fiction ) is seen as a subjective, ideological and rhetorical construct which cannot represent the past in a transparent manner. History is viewed as a text which is constantly rewritten from new points of view and new ideological perspectives. Each attempt to reconstruct a reliable image of the past is undermined by limitations like the fact that archival material does not provide a complete picture of the past, the fact that each archival document was written from an ideological perspective or that the archive is institusionalized. The idea that history can be viewed as an ideological construct was proposed by Hutcheon and Wesseling in their work and it was especially this aspect of the historiographical discourse that was analysed in this study. Foucault’s association of discourse with a form of power was applied to the manner in which the historiographical discourse took part in the colonial discourse in the past, but also the manner in which a principally male perspective on history was favoured in the historiographical discourse in the past. With reference to contemporary historical novels like Eilande ( 2002 ) by Dan Sleigh as well as the novels of Hella Haasse like Heren van de Thee ( 1992 ), Mevrouw Bentinck of Onverenigbaarheid van karakter ( 1978 ) and Een gevaarlijke verhouding of Daal-en-Bergse brieven ( 1976 ) the ways in which the new historical novel represents an alternative form of historiography than formal historiography was investigated. It appears that new historical novels provides an alternative perspective on history than the Western and androcentric historiographical tradition. The existing historical record is supplemented in these novels with the perspective of marginal subjects such as women, indigenes, or the micro-histories of unimportant historical figures. The novelist Haasse enters the domain of the historian through the re-valuation of “apochryphal” historical sources such as the letter, diary, marriage certificate or will, whereby an alternative perspective is given on history than in the traditional, political historiography.
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    'n Ondersoek na George Weideman as dramaturg
    (University of the Free State, 2012-10-18) Beuke-Muir, Christina Maria; Van Coller, H. P.
    Abstract not available
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    Die digter en sy middele: 'n ondersoek na die vernufpoesie in Afrikaans
    (University of the Free State, 1988-11) Hugo, Daniel Johannes; Kannemeyer, J. C.; Van Coller, H. P.; Scholtz, M. G.
    Abstract not availble
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    Die impak van sosiopolitieke verandering op die plek van vroueskrywers in die Afrikaanse literêre kanon
    (University of the Free State, 2009) Human-Nel, Maria Johanna; Van Coller, H. P.; Van Jaarsveld, A.
    Abstract not available