Characterisation and substitution kinetics of chromium(III) - N-(carbamoylmethyl)-iminodiacetato complexes

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, H. G.
dc.contributor.advisorPurcell, W.
dc.contributor.authorCloete, Nicolene
dc.description.abstractEnglish: N-Carbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic acid (H2ada) is widely used in biological buffers of pH 6.0 - 7.4 and is also a well known chelating agent that acts as a tetradentate ligand under most circumstances. The first known structure determination with coordinated ada2- was reported by Sivak and co-workers (1995:1057) during a study in which they characterised [VO(O2)(η4-ada]-. Only one complex, [Ni(η3-ada)(bipy)(H20]·4H20, has been reported in the literature in which ada2- is coordinated as a tridentate ligand (Bugella-Altamirano et al.,2000:727). The synthesis of Cs[Cr(η3-ada)2]-2H20 was confirmed by means of IR, UV/VIS spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The Cs[Cr(η3-ada)2]-2H20 complex is the first metal(lll)-ada complex and only the second metal-ada complex with ada2- coordinated in tridentate mode. The IR vibrational frequencies obtained for Cs[(η3-ada)2]-2H20 are indicative of COO- groups coordinated to the Cr(llll) metal centre and of uncoordinated glycinamido groups. The crystal structure determination confirmed the IR data by clearly showing that all the COO- groups are coordinated to the Cr(lll) centre and that both amido groups remained uncoordinated. The intermediates and the final products of the kinetic studies perfonned in this study, were also successfully isolated and characterised by means of IR, UV/VIS spectrums and X-ray crystallography. (see Scheme 1). Scheme in PDF full text. The interest in the characterization of rnetal-ada complexes have increased in the last few years, but kinetic studies on metal-ada complexes are yet to be published. The first UV/VIS and kinetic investigation on a metal-ada complex was performed in this study. The UV/VIS investigation revealed that the protonation of the [Cr(η3-ada)2]- complex leads to the breaking of a Cr-O(carboxylate) bond and the subsequent coordination of an aqua ligand to the Cr(lll) centre, forming the [Cr(η3-ada)(η2-Hada)(H20)] intermediate. This first reaction of the stepwise dissociation of the two ada2- ligands from (Cr(η3-ada)2]- was investigated (k1=4.34(4)x10-1 M-1s-1 at 19.6°C). The substitution reaction between [Cr(η3-ada)(η2-Hada)(H20)] and NCS- was also studied. At pH = 0.8 NCS- ions substituted the aqua ligand (2.2 x 10-1 M-1 s-1 at 25°C) before the ada2- ligands dissociated from the Cr(lll)-ada complex over a period of three days. The above mentioned reactions that were kinetically investigated in this study all have relatively fast reaction rates. This is indicative of the labilisation of the Cr(lll) complex by the electron rich ada2- ligands, in which the electron density is donated to the normally inert Cr(lll) centre making it react more like the labile Cr(ll) species. The various Cr(lll)-ada complexes that were isolated and characterised can successfully be used as biological model complexes in future studies. These complexes could for example be used to simulate the bonding of metal ion to functional groups of wool fibre or might have uses as models in pharmacology.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: N-KarbamoTelmetiel-iminodiasynsuur (H2ada) word gebruik in biologiese buffers van pH 6.0-7.4 en is oak welbekend as 'n chelerings agent wat as 'n tetradentate ligand optree in die meeste omstandighede. Die eerste bekende struktuur-bepaling met gekoordineerde ada2- was gerapporteer deur Sivak en medewerkers (1995:1057) gedurende 'n studie waarin hulle [VO(O2)(η4-ada)]- gekarakteriseer het. Slegs een kompleks, [Ni(η3-ada)(bipy)(H20]4H20, waarin ada2- gekoordineer is as 'n tridentate ligand, is in die literatuur gerapporteer. Die sintese van Cs[Cr(η3-ada)2]2H20 was bevestig deur die gebruik van IR, UV/VIS spektroskopie en X-straal kristallografie. The Cs[Cr(η3-ada)2]2H20 kompleks is die eerste metal(lll)-ada kompleks en ook die tweede metal-ada kompleks met ada2- wat tridentaat gekoordineer is. Die IR vibrasie frekwensies wat vir Cs[Cr(η3-ada)2]2H20 verkry is het aangedui dat die COO- groepe gekoordineer is aan die metaal sentrum en dat die glisienamido groepe ongekoordineer gebly het. Die kristalstruktuur bepaling het die IR data bevestig, deur aan te dui dat al die COO- gekoordineerd is aan die Cr(lll) senter en dat albei amide groepe ongekoordineerd gebly het. Die intermediere en die eindprodukte van die kinetiese studies, was ook suksesvol geTsoleer en gekarakteriseer deur gebruik van IR, UV/VIS spektroskopie en X-straal kristallografie (sien Skema 1). Sien skema in PDF volteks. Die belangstelling in die karakterisering van metal-ada komplekse het onlangs toegeneem, maar geen kinetiese studies is nag gepubliseer nie. Die eerste UV/VIS en kinetiese bestudering van 'n metal-ada kompleks was uitgevoer in hierdie studie. Die UV/VIS studie het aangedui dat die protonering van die [Cr(η3-ada)2]- kompleks lei tot die breking van 'n Cr-O(karboksilaat) binding en die opvolgende koordinering van 'n akwa ligand aan die Cr(lll) senter, met die vorming van die [Cr(η3-ada)(η2-Hada)(H20)] intermedier. Hierdie stapsgewyse dissosiasie van die twee ada2- ligande van [Cr(η3-ada)2]- is ondersoek (k1 = 4.34(4) x 10-1 M-1 s-1 at 19.6°C). Die substitusiereaksies tussen [Cr(η3-ada)(η2-Hada)(H20)] en NCS- was ook bestudeer. Die akwa ligand word by pH = 0.8 deur NCS- ione gesubstitueer (2.2(2) x 10-1 M-1 s-1 by 25°C) waarna die ada2- ligande gedissosieer het van die Cr(lll)-ada kompleks oor 'n tydperk van drie dae. Die bogenoemde reaksies wat kineties gevolg was in hierdie studie is relatief vinnig. Dit dui aan dat labilisering van die Cr(lll) kompleks deur die elektronryk ada2- ligande plaasvind waarin die elektrondigtheid gedoneer word aan die Cr(lll) senter wat normaalweg inert is om soos die meer labiele Cr(ll) spesie op te tree. Die verskeie Cr(lll)-ada komplekse wat geYsoleer en gekarakteriseer is in hierdie studie kan suksesvol as biologiese modelkomplekse gebruik word in toekomstige studies. Hierdie komplekse kan byvoorbeeld gebruik word om die binding van 'n metaal aan 'n funksionele groep van wol na te boots of kan gebruik word as modelkomplekse in farmakologie.en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Foundation (NRF)en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectN-carbamoylmethyl-iminodiacetic aciden_ZA
dc.subjectChelate ringopeningen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstitution reactionsen_ZA
dc.subjectX-ray crystallographyen_ZA
dc.subjectChromium groupen_ZA
dc.subjectChemical kineticsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2005en_ZA
dc.titleCharacterisation and substitution kinetics of chromium(III) - N-(carbamoylmethyl)-iminodiacetato complexesen_ZA
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