Learning mathematics in inclusive classrooms: cases of visually impaired learners in Lesotho secondary schools

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Matobako, Setseetso
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University of the Free State
This study sought to establish how mathematics is taught in classrooms with visually impaired learners. It also examines how learners with visual impairment perceive and engage with the teaching of mathematics in selected schools of Lesotho. The framework of opportunities to learn (OTL) is used as the main theoretical resource. OTL is used as a lens through which conditions that facilitate effective teaching and learning of mathematics can be understood. OTL is considered resourceful for understanding what counts as valid experiences of learners with visual impairment. The study follows a qualitative approach and employs case study design. The main data sources comprise narratives of three learners purposively selected in two schools as well as lesson observations. Semi-structured interviews with teachers are used for triangulation. Content analysis was used for analysing the data mainly extracted from the transcripts. The major findings suggest that mathematics teaching was predominantly conducted through verbal presentation and chalkboard use. The findings revealed that there were minimum opportunities to learn for learners with visual impairment in Lesotho regular classrooms. To a certain extent, learners regulated opportunities to learn in their learning of mathematics by choosing what can benefit them. The findings also demonstrate that factors contributing towards how learners perceive and engage with the teaching of mathematics in inclusive settings include: restrictive provision and scarcity of textbooks, resulting in their dependence on their counterparts with functional vision to read for them; inadequate supply of essential equipment, ineffective use of assistive technology devices leading to their abandonment. This study recommends capacity building of mathematics teachers, through an intensive pre-service and in-service programmes to enable them to gain the appropriate skills that would meet the demands of teaching mathematics to learners with visual impairment in inclusive settings. The study recommends the provision of learning materials in accessible formats to learners with visual impairment to promote their independent learning without inhibiting coexistence with their sighted counterparts. The study recommends future studies to extend the scope of the study by increasing the sample size and also find out teachers’ perspectives of teaching mathematics to learners with special educational needs in under-resourced inclusive schools.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2021
Curriculum, Learners with visual impairment, Mathematics education, Inclusive education, Opportunities to learn, Regular school