The role of school and educator variables in selected learner outcomes

dc.contributor.advisorGrobler, A. A.
dc.contributor.advisorLens, W.
dc.contributor.authorVan der Linde, Lori-Ann
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Education has been earmarked as the key to social upliftment and economic prosperity in South Africa. Eighteen years after the demise of Apartheid, much progress has been made in the South African education system, but many challenges still remain. Whereas equity has largely been attained in educational spending and almost universal enrolment has been achieved, vast discrepancies persist in the quality of education received by learners in different school types. This cross-sectional survey study investigated both contextual and individual factors related to educational effectiveness in South Africa. The contextual variables examined were school type (i.e., Advantaged, Transitional, Disadvantaged Black, and Disadvantaged Coloured), school environment, classroom environment, and average class size. At the person level, two educator variables (i.e., burnout and motivating style) and two learner variables (i.e., motivational aspirations and Grade 12 achievement) were included. The sample consisted of 1040 Grade 12 learners from the Motheo District in Bloemfontein and 106 Grade 12 educators from the same nine randomly selected schools. The main outcome variable under consideration was learners’ Grade 12 matriculation examination marks, which represent the primary barometer of the health of the South African education system. Five specific research questions were formulated and investigated. The first research question concerned the relationships between school environment, classroom environment, educator burnout and educator motivating style. Hypotheses were largely confirmed and several significant correlations were identified (small to medium effect sizes). The second research question investigated whether school environment could predict educator burnout, and multiple regression results indicated that school environment was indeed an important predictor of educator burnout. Research question three examined whether learners’ motivational aspirations and the average class size per school could predict Grade 12 learner achievement. Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), a good fit was found for the specified model and all hypotheses were confirmed. Average class size was negatively related to Grade 12 learners’ achievement as well as learners’ relative intrinsic aspirations. Learners’ relative intrinsic aspirations were positively related to their Grade 12 achievement. Research question four concerned whether school type could predict Grade 12 learner achievement. Multiple regression analysis results confirmed that school type was a significant and important predictor of Grade 12 achievement. Learners in Advantaged schools performed best, followed by those in Transitional schools, and learners in Disadvantaged Black and Coloured schools performed most poorly. Finally, research question five investigated whether the four school types differed in their school, classroom, educator and learner variables. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results indicated that significant differences existed in school environment, classroom environment, learners’ motivational aspirations and learners’ Grade 12 achievement across the four school types. No significant differences were found for the educator variables. By identifying differences between the four school types, it was possible to identify which variables may be important for Grade 12 learner achievement in South Africa. Results for the five research questions were interpreted and discussed against the backdrop of relevant theory and research and with consideration to the South African educational context. Potential implications of the findings for education in South Africa were presented and the importance of the school environment as a focus area for assessment and intervention was highlighted.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Onderwys was geïdentifiseer as die sleutel tot sosiale verheffing en ekonomiese vooruitgang in Suid-Afrika. Agtien jaar na die verval van Apartheid was daar baie vooruitgang gemaak in die Suid-Afrikaanse opvoedkundige sisteem, alhoewel daar steeds baie uitdagings is. Waar ekwiteite grootliks bereik is in opvoedkundige bestending en universele werwing bykans bereik is, is daar steeds ontsaglike diskrepansies in die kwaliteit van onderwys wat ontvang word deur leerders in verskillende tipe skole. Die deursnee-opname navorsing ondersoek beide kontekstuele en individuele faktore wat verband hou met opvoedkundige effektiwiteit in Suid-Afrika. Die kontekstuele veranderlikes wat ondersoek was, is skooltipes (bv. Bevoordeelde, Oorgangs-, Benadeelde, Swart en Benadeelde Kleurling skole), skoolomstandighede, klaskameromstandighede en gemiddelde klasgroote. Op die persoon-vlak was twee onderwyserveranderlikes (bv. psigiese uitbranding en motiveringstyl) en twee leerderveranderlikes (bv. motiveerende aspirasies en Graad 12-prestasie) ingesluit. Die steekproef bestaan uit 1040 Graad 12-leerders van die Motheo Distrik in Bloemfontein en 106 Graad 12-onderwysers van dieselfde nege ewekansig gekose skole. Die hoofuitkomsveranderlike in oordenking was leerders se Graad 12-matrikulasie eksamenpunte, wat die primȇre barometer van die gesondheid van die Suid-Afikaanse onderwyssisteem verteenwoordig. Vyf spesifieke navorsingsvrae was geformuleer en ondersoek. Die eerste navorsingsvraag behels die verhouding tussen skoolomstandighede, klaskameromstandighede, onderwyseruitbranding en onderwysermotiveringsstyl. Hipoteses was grootliks bevestig en verskeie merkwaardige verbande was geïdentifiseer (klein tot medium effek grootes). Die tweede navorsingsvraag ondersoek die moontlikheid of onderwyseruitbranding deur skoolomstandighede voorspel kan word, en meervoudigeregressie resultate het aangedui dat skoolomstandighede inderdaad ’n belangrike bepaler is vir onderwyseruitbranding. Die derde navorsingsvraag ondersoek die moontlikheid dat leerders se motiverende aspirasies en die gemiddelde klaskamergrootte per skool Graad 12-leerderprestasie kan voorspel. Deur Strukturele Vergelykings-Modellering (SEM) te gebruik, was ’n goeie passing gevind vir die gespesifiseerde model en alle hipoteses was bevestig. Gemiddelde klasgroote was negatief verwant aan Graad 12-leerderprestasie sowel as leerders se relatiewe intrinsieke aspirasies. Leerders se relatiewe intrinsieke aspirasies was positief verwant aan hul Graad 12-prestasie. Navorsingsvraag vier ondersoek die invloed van skooltipe op Graad 12- leerderprestasie. Meervoudigeregressie-analise het bevestig dat skooltipes ’n betekinisvolle en belangrike bepaler van Graad 12-prestasie is. Leerders in Bevoodeelde skole presteer die beste, gevolg deur die leerders van Oorgangsskole, en leerders in Benadeelde Swart en Banadeelde Gekleurde skole vaar die swakste. Laastens, navorsingsvaag vyf ondersoek of die vier skooltipes verskil in terme van hul skool-, klaskamer-, onderwyser- en leerderveranderlikes. Variansieanalise (ANOVA) resultate dui aan dat betekenisvolle verskille bestaan in die skool- en klaskameromstandighede, leerders se motiverende aspirasies en leerders se Graad 12- prestasie in die vier skooltipes. Geen betekinisvolle verskille was gevind vir die onderwyserveranderlikes nie. Deur die verskille tussen die vier skool tipes te indentifiseer, was dit moontlik om vas te stel watter veranderlikes belangrik mag wees vir Graad 12- leerderprestasie in Suid-Afrika. Resultate vir die vyf navorsingsvrae was geïnterpreteer en bespreek teen die agtergrond van relevante teorie en navorsing, met konsiderasie vir die konteks van Suid- Afrikaanse onderwys. Potensiële implikasies vir die bevindings van onderwys in Suid-Afrika was voorgestel en die belangrikheid van die skoolomstandighede as ’n fokus area vir evaluering en ingryping was
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2012en_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- South Africa -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- Social aspects -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectAcademic achievementen_ZA
dc.subjectEducator burnouten_ZA
dc.subjectEducational effectivenessen_ZA
dc.subjectClassroom environmenten_ZA
dc.subjectGrade 12 achievementen_ZA
dc.subjectSchool environmenten_ZA
dc.subjectMotivating styleen_ZA
dc.subjectMotivational aspirationsen_ZA
dc.titleThe role of school and educator variables in selected learner outcomesen_ZA
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