Hans Peter Hallbeck and the cradle of missions in South Africa a theological-critical study

dc.contributor.advisorBritz, R. M.
dc.contributor.advisorNeele, A. C.
dc.contributor.authorBoon, Pieter Gerrit
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Hans Peter Hallbeck (1784-1840) was born in Sweden and studied theology in Lund. After his studies he however joined the Moravian Church, a very unusual step in a country where the Moravians were regarded as a dangerous sect by the Lutheran State Church. After having been involved in the Moravian education in Göteborg (Sweden), Germany, Ireland and England, he was called to become superintendent of all Moravian Missions in South Africa. In the Cape Colony he settled in Genadendal, the oldest mission station of the country. This study illustrates, by using the primary sources, that Genadendal can be regarded as the cradle of all missions in South Africa. This was not only because of the fact that it was the oldest mission station, but also because of Hallbeck’s able ministry. In the Hallbeck era (1817-1840) Genadendal became a model, not only for the Moravian missions (Hallbeck established a number of new mission stations), but also for other missionary societies and their missionaries. In fact, most other missionary societies started their enterprises in South Africa in the Hallbeck era. New and unexperienced missionaries found in Genadendal a thriving and effective mission station, managed on the basis of Rules and Regulations that stood in the Moravian tradition (Spangenberg, Loretz), but that were also adapted by Hallbeck to the South African context. They took along not only their impression of Genadendal, but also copies of important documents like the Rules and Regulations, when venturing into the interiors of Africa to establish new mission stations. In this sense the Genadendal of the Hallbeck era became the cradle of missions in South Africa. This study deals with the historical trajectories of Moravian theology. It also pays attention to the positioning of the Moravian Mission in the South African societal context, their relationship with the government, as well as with other missionary societies. Special attention is given to the relationship between Hallbeck and his colleague superintendent of the London Missionary Society, Dr John Philip. During the Hallbeck era major developments took place on the South African scene. All of them had an impact on the mission. One can think of: - The arrival of the British Settlers (1820) - The frontier wars in the eastern Cape - The abolition of slavery (1834 de jure and 1838 de facto) - The emigration of settlers out of the Cape Colony (1836-1838 – the Great Trek) - The immigration of the Fingu nation into the Cape Colony During his ministry Hallbeck wrote thousands of pages (reports, diaries, letters, etc.), in which the above mentioned events are dealt with from a surprising perspective. As a matter of fact, the Moravian archives (both in South Africa and Europe) prove to be a goldmine of primary sources yet untouched, shedding new light on major happings in South African history. In conclusion the question is also asked as to the legacy of Hans Peter Hallbeck. His impact on Cape Colonial society during the first half of the 19th century is explicated. He became the first bishop South Africa ever received. He established in Genadendal the first seminary (for the training of teachers and pastors) in South Africa. He played a significant role in the christianisation and upliftment of the nations of South Africa. He was one of the first historiographers of South Africa. And last but not least, his influence was also felt outside South Africa. His reports were widely published in missionary magazines across Europe and in North America. He was involved in publishing a missionary textbook in Germany. Even in his fatherland Sweden he left an indelible mark on the religious developments during the 19th century.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Hans Peter Hallbeck (1784-1840) is in Swede gebore en het teologie in Lund gestudeer. Na sy studie het hy aangesluit by die Morawiese Kerk, ‘n baie ongebruiklike stap in ‘n land waar die Herrnhutters as ‘n gevaarlike sekte deur die Lutherse Staatskerk beskou is. Nadat hy betrokke was by die Morawiese onderwys in Göteborg (Swede), Duitsland, Ierland en Engeland, is hy beroep as superintendent van al die Morawiese sending in Suid-Afrika. In die Kaapkolonie het hy gaan woon in Genadendal, die oudste sendingstasie van die land. Hierdie studie illustreer, deur van die primêre bronne gebruik te maak, dat Genadendal beskou kan word as die wieg van alle sending in Suid-Afrika. Dit is nie net vanweë die feit dat dit die oudste sendingstasie is nie, maar ook deur Hallbeck se bekwame bediening. In die Hallbeck era (1817-1840) het Genadendal ‘n model geword, nie net vir die Morawiese sending nie (Hallbeck het ‘n aantal nuwe sendingstasies gestig), maar ook vir ander sendinggenootskappe en hulle sendelinge. Dit was in hierdie era wat die meeste ander sendinggenootskappe met hulle aktiwiteite in Suid-Afrika begin het. Nuwe en onervare sendelinge het in Genadendal ‘n bloeiende en effektiewe sendingstasie gevind, bestuur op die basis van Reëls en Regulasies wat in die Morawiese tradisie gestaan het (Spangenberg, Loretz), maar wat ook aan die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks aangepas is. Hulle het nie net hulle indrukke van Genadendal saamgevat nie, maar ook kopieë van belangrike dokumente soos die Reëls en Regulasies, wanneer hulle verder Afrika ingetrek het om nuwe sendingstasies op te rig. In hierdie sin het die Genadendal van die Hallbeck era die wieg van die sending in Suid-Afrika geword. Hierdie studie skenk aandag aan die historiese trajekte van die Morawiese teologie. Dit skenk ook aandag aan die posisionering van die Morawiese sending in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, hulle verhouding met die regering, asook met ander sendingenootskappe. Spesiale aandag word geskenk aan die verhouding tussen Hallbeck en sy kollega superintendent van die Londense Sendingsgenootskap, Dr John Philip. Gedurende die Hallbeck era het daar noemenswaardige gebeurtenisse plaasgevind op die Suid- Afrikaanse toneel, wat elkeen ‘n impak op die sending gehad het. Mens kan dink aan: - Die aankoms van die Britse Setlaars (1820) - Die grensoorloë in die ooste van die Kaapkolonie - Die afskaffing van slawerny (1834 de jure en 1838 de facto) - Die emigrasie van koloniste uit die Kaapkolonie (1836-1838 – die Groot Trek) - Die immigrasie van die Fingu nasie in die Kaapkolonie in Hallbeck het tydens sy bediening duisende bladsye volgeskryf (verslae, dagboeke, briewe, ens.), waarin bogenoemde gebeurtenisse belig word vanuit ‘n verrassende perspektief. Die Morawiese argiewe (sowel in Suid-Afrika as in Europa) blyk ‘n goudmyn te wees van onaangeraakte primêre bronne, wat nuwe lig werp op belangwekkende gebeurtenisse in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis. Afsluitend word daar gepoog om die nalatenskap van Hans Peter Hallbeck te beskryf. Hy was die heel eerste biskop van Suid-Afrika. Hy het in Genadendal die eerste kweekskool (vir die opleiding van onderwysers en predikers) van Suid-Afrika opgerig. Hy het ‘n beduidende rol gespeel in die kerstening en opheffing van die volke van Suid-Afrika. Hy was een van die eerste geskiedskrywers van Suid-Afrika. Sy invloed het selfs buite die grense van Suid-Afrika gestrek. Sy verslae is wyd gepubliseer in sendingstydskrifte in sowel Europa as Noord-Amerika. Hy was betrokke by die publikasie van ‘n sendingshandboek in Duitsland. Selfs in sy vaderland het hy ‘n onuitwisbare merk gelaat op die godsdienstige ontwikkeling van Swede in die 19e eeu.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectAbolition of slaveryen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Theology))--University of the Free State, 2015en_ZA
dc.subjectMoravian Church -- South Africa -- Genadendalen_ZA
dc.subjectGenadendal (South Africa) -- Historyen_ZA
dc.subjectHallbeck, Hans Peteren_ZA
dc.titleHans Peter Hallbeck and the cradle of missions in South Africa a theological-critical studyen_ZA
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