The genetic, morphological and physiological evaluation of African cowpea genotypes

dc.contributor.advisorVerhoeven, R. L.
dc.contributor.advisorLabuschagne, M. T.
dc.contributor.authorMagloire, Nkouannessi
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is a staple food crop of significant economic importance worldwide. Cowpea is valued for the high vitamin and mineral content present in young leaves, pods and seed. The crop is unique in that it provides food, cash and fodder. However, cowpea production is limited by numerous biotic (insects, microbial and fungal diseases, and other pests) and abiotic (high temperature, drought) factors. Because of its widespread use, numerous initiatives have been undertaken to improve various agronomic and nutritional traits of cowpea. Analysis of genetic relationships among and within crop species is a prerequisite for any genetic improvement and central to successful breeding programmes. This can be achieved through characterisation of germ plasm either using morphological, biochemical or DNA markers. Fifteen qualitative morphological traits and 12 quantitative morphological traits were used in this study to group 20 cowpea accessions from three different African regions into clusters according to their genetic distance, in order to quantify the extent of phenotypic and genetic diversity among these accessions and identify desirable groups that could be utilised in breeding programmes. The results showed a relatively high level of dissimilarity among the accessions for most of the morphological traits analyzed, especially for accessions from different countries. This indicates better possibilities for genetic improvement of the crop through selection and cross breeding. However, a very high level of similarity was revealed between many accessions from the same region for most of the characters studied. Makueni, Gacaga, M.66, Kamurugu 1, Bafoussam 1, MTA22, AS-94 and Okhalweni were the group of accessions different from the other accessions for most of the traits studied and can therefore be used for cowpea improvement programmes through cross breeding. Drought is a serious environmental stress affecting cowpea production throughout the world. Twenty cowpea accessions were characterised for drought tolerance using three different screening methods (pot screening method, cell membrane stability and stomatal behaviour). For the pot screening method, seeds were planted in pots in the glasshouse at the University of the Free State. After germination plants were kept well watered, until they had completed the early development stage, after which 500 ml of water was given per day per pot up to the flowering stage when the watering was terminated. After 21 days, each plant was scored using the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) descriptors for cowpea. The results showed a wide range of drought tolerance among the studied accessions and this suggests the possibility of breeding cowpea drought tolerant cultivars. Bafoussam 1 and Bafoussam 2 were found to be highly drought tolerant and could be valuable materials for drought tolerance improvement in cowpea. Drought tolerance potential of the accessions was also characterised based on their ability to close their stomata, and the number of stomata per unit leaf area under water deficit conditions. The results showed that cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in Kenya, South Africa and Cameraan were rich in drought tolerant accessions. The general trend showed that accessions from the humid areas of Kenya and Cameraan had a relative high stomata density and also had the lowest ability to regulate the degree of their stomatal opening under drought stress. Meanwhile accessions from the arid and semi-arid areas of South Africa, Cameroon, and Kenya did show a relatively good ability to regulate the degree of their stomatal opening under the imposed drought stress and had a relatively low stomatal density. Materials with good drought tolerance included Bafoussam 4, MT22, AS-94, Balen, Hluhluwa, Mpenbeni, Bafoussam 5 and K.80. However, Bafoussam 4 was the only accession found to have both a low stomatal density and a good ability to regulate the degree of its stomatal opening under the imposed drought stress. Therefore it was not possible to confirm any correlation between the ability to regulate the degree of stomatal opening and stomatal density among the accessions studied. The results of the cell membrane stability test also showed that there was significant variation among the accessions for electrolyte leakage. Kamurugu 2, Ken-Kunde, Kasuku, and K.80 had the highest percentage level of injury and were found to be the most susceptible to drought stress, when the accessions were exposed to simulated osmotic stress. Bafoussam 2, Okhalweni, and Bafoussam 4 had the lowest percentage level of injury and were found to be the least susceptible to drought stress. The results of the three techniques seemed to be promising in discriminating the accessions tested for their drought tolerance ability as presented in Appendix. However, extensive field screening is required to confirm the results obtained in this studyen_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Akkerbone (Vigna unguiculata) is 'n stapelvoedselgewas van betekenisvolle ekonomiese waarde. Akkerbone is belangrik vir die hoë vitamien en minerale inhoud van jong blare, peule en sade. Die gewas is uniek deurdat dit voedsel, kontant en voer verskaf. Die produksie van akkerbone word deur verskeie biotiese (insekte, mikrobiese en fungi siektes, en ander peste) en abiotiese (hoë temperature, droogte) faktore beperk. Weens die wydverspreide gebruik van akkerbone, is verskeie inisiatiewe reeds onderneem om die agronomiese en voedingswaarde van akkerbone te verbeter. Analise van die genetiese verwantskappe onder gewasspesies is 'n voorvereiste vir enige verbetering en sentraal tot suksesvolle teelprogramme. Dit kan bereik word deur die karakterisering van kiemplasma deur morfologiese, biochemiese of DNA-merkers te gebruik. Vyftien kwalitatiewe en 12 kwantitatiewe morfologiese kenmerke is in hierdie studie gebruik om 20 akkerboon genotipes van drie Afrika-lande volgens hul genetiese afstand te groepeer om die omvang van die fenotipiese en genetiese diversiteit tussen die genotipes te kwantiviseer en groepe wat vir teelprogramme gebruik kan word, te identifiseer. Die resultate toon 'n relatiewe hoë graad van morfologiese verskil tussen die genotipes van die drie lande. Dit toon dat daar moontlikhede is vir genetiese verbetering deur seleksie en kruisteling. 'n Hoë graad van ooreenkoms kom voor tussen genotipes van dieselfde gebied. Makueni, Gacaga, M.66, Kamurugu 1, Bafoussam 1, MTA22, AS-94 en Okhalweni is die genotipes wat van die ander verskil en dus in teelprogramme gebruik kan word om akkerbone te verbeter. Droogte is 'n ernstige probleem wat die produksie van akkerbone wêrelwyd beïnvloed. Twintig akkerboon genotipes is met behulp van drie verskillende metodes (pottoetsmetode, selmembraanstabiliteittoets en stomatagedrag) vir droogteweerstandbiedendheid getoets. Die pottoetsmetode is uitgevoer deur sade in potte, in In glashuis, aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat te plant. Tot en met die blomstadium is die plante elke dag natgemaak waarna geen water meer toegedien is nie. Na 21 dae is die plante volgens die Internasionale Raad van Plant Genetiese Bronne beoordeel. Die resultate het 'n wye reeks van droogtebestandheid in die bestudeerde genotipes getoon wat aandui dat daar 'n moontlikheid is om droogtebestande akkerbone te teel. Die resultate het getoon dat Bafoussam 1 en Bafoussam 2 hoogs droogteweerstandbiedend is en waardevolle materiaal kan wees om droogteweerstandbiedendheid in akkerbone te verhoog. Droogteweerstandbiedendheid van die genotipes is ook bepaal volgens hul vermoë om stomata onder toestande van watertekort te sluit en die aantal stomata per blaar per eenheidsoppervlakte. Die resultate het getoon dat akkerbone (Vigna unguiculata) in Kenia, Suid-Afrika en Kameroen ryk is aan droogteweerstandbiedende genotipes. Die algemene neiging was dat genotipes van die vogtige gebiede van Kenia en Kameroen baie stomata per eenheidsoppervlakte gehad het en ook die laagste vermoë om hul stomataopening onder droogtetoestande te reguleer. Genotipes van die droë en half-droë gebiede van Suid-Afrika, Kameroen en Kenia het relatief goeie vermoë getoon om stomata-opening onder droogtetoestande te reguleer en het relatief min stomata per eenheidsoppervlakte gehad. Genotipes wat goeie droogteweerstandbiedendheid getoon het, is Bafoussam 4, MTA22, AS-94, Balen, Hluhluwa, Mpenbeni, Bafoussam 5 en K.80. Die enigste genotipe met goeie regulering van stomata-opening en min stomata per eenheidsoppervlakte was Bafoussam 4. Dit was dus nie moontlik om enige korrelasie tussen stomataopening regulering en stomata digtheid in die bestudeerde genotipes te bevestig nie. Die resultate van die selmembraanstabiliteittoets het ook getoon dat daar beduidende variasie tussen die genotipes t.o.v. elektrolietdeurlating bestaan. Kamurugu 2, Ken-Kunde, Kasuku en K.80 het die hoogste persentasie besering getoon en is dus die mees vatbare genotipes teen droogte. Bafoussam 2, Okhalweni en Bafoussam 4 het die laagste persentasie besering getoon en is dus die meeste bestand teen droogte. Die resultate van die drie tegnieke blyk belowend te wees vir die toetsing van weerstandbiedendheid in akkerboon genotipes (Aanhangsel). Baie veldtoetse is egter nodig om die resultate van hierdie studie te
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Plant Sciences (Plant Breeding) University of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectCowpea -- Geneticsen_ZA
dc.subjectCowpea -- Germplasm resourcesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Plant Sciences (Plant Breeding))--University of the Free State, 2006en_ZA
dc.titleThe genetic, morphological and physiological evaluation of African cowpea genotypesen_ZA
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