Dimensions of oracle-speech in the Near Eastern, Mediterranean, and African contexts: a contribution towards African orality

dc.contributor.advisorNel, P. J.
dc.contributor.advisorMoleleki, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorMasoga, Mogomme Alpheus
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Divination is receiving ever more attention in the media. Communities, groups of people and individuals are asking questions, voice opinions, and make judgements on the function of this important branch of African life and philosophy. The thesis attempts to address this issue. Relating African divination to the rich and universal tradition of divination and oracle, it argues that this important part of African life be brought to the forefront for purposes of research and scholarship. This generally marginalised part of African life and culture, should be accorded its rightful place in academia. To this end, the researcher gives an account of his own life history as it was informed by divination and divination oracles. He further provides data on African divination oracles drawn from sample interviews with diviners. In this context, 'the data is comparatively interpreted in terms of existing oral theories and scholarship on Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean divination and oracle. The thrust of the thesis is that it aims to both provide some insight into divination as practiced by African people and to bring this previously marginalized discourse and its practices into the centre of debate and scholarship.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Waarsêery ontvang meer en meer aandag in die media. Gemeenskappe, groepe mense en individue vra vrae, lug opinies en gee uitsprake oor die funksie van hierdie belangrike vertakking van die Afrika-lewe en -filosofie. Die tesis poog om hierdie saak aan te spreek. Deur die Afrika-waarsêerskuns met die ryk en universele tradisie van waarsêery en orakelkuns te verbind, word die argument gevoer dat hierdie belangrike deel van Afrikalewe na die voorgrond vir die doel van navorsing en intellektuele gesprek gebring word. Hierdie algemeen gemarginaliseerde deel van Afrika-lewe en -kultuur behoort sy regmatige plek in die akademie in te neem. In hierdie verband gee die navorser rekenskap van sy eie lewensgeskiedenis soos dit deur waarsêery en orakelkuns gevorm is. Hy verskaf verder data oor die Afrika-waarsêerkuns en orakels uit geselekteerde onderhoude met waarsêers. In hierdie konteks gesien word die data vergelykend geïnterpreteer met die heersende stand van wetenskaplike mondelinge teorië oor die Antiek Naby-Oosterse en Meditterreense waarsêery en orakels. Die doel van die tesis is om beide insig in waarsêery, soos dit deur die Afrika-mense uitgeleef word, te verskaf, sowel as om die voorheen gemarginaliseerde diskoers rakende hierdie praktyk die middelpunt van intellektuele bespreking te maak.af
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Research Foundation (NRF)en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectOral traditionen_ZA
dc.subjectRites and ceremonies -- Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectAfricans -- Ethnic realityen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (D.Phil. (Near Eastern Studies))--University of the Free State, 2002en_ZA
dc.titleDimensions of oracle-speech in the Near Eastern, Mediterranean, and African contexts: a contribution towards African oralityen_ZA
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