The role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between psychosocial factors and suicide behaviour in South African adolescents

dc.contributor.advisorTadi, N. F.
dc.contributor.advisorGeorge, A. A.
dc.contributor.authorDu Plooy, Hilda
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Globally and especially in South Africa there is a growing concern about the presence of emotional disturbances among adolescents manifesting itself as suicide behaviour. Suicide behaviour among the adolescents is ranked as one of the top two causes of death in South Africa. Hence, it is necessary to explore the various factors contributing to this alarming situation. Therefore, the overall aim of this study was to investigate the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in the relationship between psychosocial factors and adolescent suicide behaviour, along with gender and racial differences. The study utilized quantitative methods with a non-experimental correlational design. The stratified sample participants included a total of 662 learners between grade 10-12 from the Eden district, Western Cape Province. The total sample consisted of male (N=275), female (N=387), Black (N=342), Coloured (N=253), and White adolescents (N=65). The quantitative measures used to obtain information was The Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, Adolescent Version (SIQ), The Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory, Youth Form (LISRES), the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, Youth Version (Bar-On EQI), and a biographical questionnaire. Through moderated hierarchical regression analyses, gender and racial differences were determined in regards to significant differences in suicidal ideation, interpersonal stressors-and resources, and emotional intelligence. As suicidal ideation has been proved to be a good predictor of suicide risk behaviour among adolescents, findings in the current study indicated a high suicide risk (N = 229) among the total sample, bringing the incidence of suicide behaviour to 34.6%. Genderand racial differences were found in relation to interpersonal stressors-and resources and risk of suicide behaviour, with female adolescents reporting a stronger correlation between experienced interpersonal stressors (parents, family and school) and higher levels of suicide behaviour. The Coloured adolescents, in comparison with the White adolescents, reported friends as the main stressor that correlated with increased levels of suicide behaviour. Friends as a resource were reported to be strongly correlated with lower levels of suicide behaviour amongst the Black and White adolescent sample, but specifically among the White adolescents. The parent resource showed a significant negative correlation with suicide behaviour amongst the total group of adolescents. For the White adolescents, experiencing school as a resource decreased suicide behavior significantly. With regards to Emotional Intelligence (EI), Stress management had the most significant negative correlation with suicide behaviour among the total group of adolescents. Results suggested no gender differences between EI and suicide behaviour. Racial differences were found among the Black and White adolescents on the total EI score. A higher total EI score was more significant for the White group in relation to decreased levels of suicide behaviour, than the Black group. The group of White adolescents also reported a strong negative correlation with general mood EI (feeling optimistic and happy) and suicide behaviour. In determining the moderating role of EI in the relationship between interpersonal stressors and resources and risk towards suicide behaviour, gender-and racial differences were also reported. Among the male adolescents, poor adaptability and stress management EI led to an increase of suicide behaviour when parents and school, as stressors, were high. The findings also showed that the White adolescent group with low and high adaptability EI led to a rise in suicide behaviour when increased levels of friends as stressor were reported, while the presence of poor adaptability EI was more strongly associated with higher suicide levels among this group. Among the Coloured adolescent sample, the adolescents with higher levels of interpersonal EI displayed a greater increase in suicide behaviour with an increase in friends as stressor. This was found to be more pronounced when compared with the Coloured adolescents who reported low levels of interpersonal EI. Pertaining to resources, the total group of adolescents reported a strong negative correlation between high levels of interpersonal EI and suicide behaviour when there was an increase of parents as resource. Findings further indicated that for the total group of adolescents with higher adaptability EI, there was a decrease in suicide behaviour when there was an increase of boy-/girlfriend as resource. Among the adolescents with low levels of adaptability EI, there was a risk of displaying higher levels of suicide behaviour, regardless if support was received from a boy-/girlfriend. Lastly, high levels of interpersonal EI showed a strong negative correlation with suicide behaviour among all the adolescents who experienced increases of boy-/girlfriend as a resource. Interestingly, although a strong positive correlation between low levels of interpersonal EI and suicide behaviour was expected, it was present irrespective of whether boy-/girlfriend as a resource increased or not. The findings of this study recommend EI skills training in mental health settings and educational curricula in the prevention and intervention of suicide behaviour among adolescents. The implementation of programmes aimed at enhancing social support and skills for parents, families, the school, and adolescents, are also recommended. Additional research is recommended to explore the dynamics of other personal variables and nature of interpersonal relationships among the different gender and racial groups within the South African context. These interventions could expand on the knowledge of the risk and protective factors involved in adolescent suicide behaviour.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Wêreldwyd, en veral in Suid-Afrika, is daar toenemende kommer oor die voorkoms van emosionele versteurings onder adolessente wat as wanaanpassingsgedrag soos selfmoordgedrag manifesteer. In Suid-Afrika word selfmoordgedrag onder adolessente as een van die twee oorsake van dood gereken wat die meeste voorkom, derhalwe is daar ʼn behoefte om die verskeie faktore wat tot hierdie onstellende situasie bydra te ondersoek. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie was dus om die rol van EI in die verband tussen psigososiale faktore en adolessente selfmoordgedrag, sowel as geslags- en rasverskille, te ondersoek. Die studie het kwantitatiewe metodes gebruik met ‘n nieeksperimentele korrelasionele navorsingsontwerp. Die gestratifeerde steekproefgroep het ‘n totaal van 662 leerders tussen graad 10-12 van die Edendistrik, Wes-Kaap Provinsie ingesluit. Die totale steekproef het bestaan uit manlike (N=275), vroulike (N=387), Swart (N=342), Kleurling (N=253) en Wit (N=65) adolessente. Die kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente wat gebruik is om inligting in te samel was die Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, Adolescent Version (SIQ), Life Stressors-and Social Resources Inventory, Youth Form (LISRES), die Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, Youth Version (Bar-On EQI) en ‘n biografiese vraelys. Met behulp van gemodereerde hiërargiese regressie ontledings is geslags-en rasverskille bepaal in terme van beduidende verskille ten opsigte van selfmoordideasie, interpersoonlike stressore-en hulpbronne en emosionele intelligensie. Daar is bewys dat selfmoord-ideasie risikogedrag onder adolessente kan voorspel. In die huidige studie bring adolessente met ʼn hoë selfmoordrisiko (N = 229) die voorkoms van selfmoordgedrag tot 34.6%. Geslags- en rasverskille is aangedui in die verhouding tussen die interpersoonlike faktore (stressors en hulpbronne) en selfmoordgedrag. Vroulike adolessente het ʼn duideliker korrelasie getoon tussen die stressors wat hulle ervaar (ouers, gesin en skool) en hoër vlakke van selfmoordgedrag. Die Kleurling adolessente, in vergelyking met die Wit adolessente, het vriende as ʼn hoofstressor aangedui, wat korreleer met verhoogde vlakke van selfmoordgedrag. Daar is aangetoon dat vriende as ʼn hulpbron sterk korreleer met laer vlakke van selfmoordgedrag onder die Swart en Wit adolessente steekproefgroep, maar veral onder die Wit adolessente. Ouers as hulpbron het ʼn beduidende negatiewe korrelasie met selfmoordgedrag onder die totale groep van adolessente getoon. Onder die Wit adolessente het die ervaring van skool as ʼn hulpbron die waarskynlikheid van selfmoordgedrag beduidend verlaag. Met betrekking tot Emosionele Intelligensie (EI), het Streshantering die mees beduidende negatiewe korrelasie met selfmoordgedrag onder die totale groep adolessente gehad. Resultate het geen geslagsverskille tussen EI en selfmoordgedrag suggereer nie. Rasverskille is tussen die Swart en Wit adolessente op die totale EItelling gevind. ʼn Hoër EI-telling is meer beduidend onder die Wit groep in verhouding tot verlaagde vlakke van selfmoordgedrag as onder die Swart groep. Die groep Wit adolessente het ook ʼn sterk negatiewe korrelasie met algemene gemoedstoestand EI (voel optimisties en gelukkig) en selfmoordgedrag getoon. Met die bepaling of EI ʼn matigende rol speel in die verhouding tussen interpersoonlike stressors en hulpbronne en ‘n risiko tot selfmoordgedrag, is geslags- en rasverskille vasgestel. Onder die manlike adolessente het swak aanpasbaarheid en stresbeheer EI tot ʼn toename in selfmoordgedrag gelei wanneer die meting van ouers en skool as stressors hoog was. Die bevindinge het aangetoon dat die groep Wit adolessente met lae en hoë aanpasbaarheid EI tot ʼn verhoging in selfmoordgedrag gelei het wanneer verhoogde vlakke van vriende as stressor aangetoon is, maar die teenwoordigheid van swak aanpasbaarheid EI was steeds in hierdie groep met baie hoër selfmoordvlakke geassosieer. Onder die Kleurling adolessente het die adolessente met hoër vlakke van interpersoonlike EI en met vriende as stressor ʼn groter toename in selfmoordgedrag getoon. Dit was ook duideliker wanneer dit vergelyk word met die Kleurling adolessente wat lae vlakke van interpersoonlike EI getoon het. Betreffende hulpbronne, het die totale groep adolessente ʼn sterk negatiewe korrelasie tussen hoë vlakke van interpersoonlike EI en selfmoordgedrag getoon wanneer daar ʼn toename in ouers as hulpbron was. Die bevindinge het verder aangetoon dat daar ʼn afname in selfmoordgedrag vir die totale groep adolessente met hoër aanpasbaarheid EI was wanneer daar ʼn toename in die kêrel/meisie as hulpbron was. Onder die adolessente met laer vlakke van aanpasbaarheid EI was daar die risiko om hoër vlakke van selfmoordgedrag aan te dui, ongeag of daar ondersteuning van ʼn kêrel/meisie was. Laastens, hoë vlakke van interpersoonlike EI het ʼn sterk negatiewe korrelasie met selfmoordgedrag onder al die adolessente getoon wat ʼn vermeerdering in die kêrel/meisie as hulpbron ervaar het. Dit is interessant dat, hoewel te wagte, daar ʼn sterk positiewe korrelasie tussen lae vlakke van interpersoonlike EI en selfmoordgedrag gevind sou wees, dit sterk teenwoordig was ongeag of kêrel/meisie as ʼn hulpbron verhoog het of nie. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie beveel EI vaardigheidsopleiding binne geestesgesondheidsinstellings en opvoedkundige curricula aan vir die voorkoming van en intervensie in selfmoordgedrag onder adolessente. Die implementering van programme wat daarop gemik is om sosiale ondersteuning en vaardigheid van ouers, gesinne, die skool en adolessente te verbeter, word ook aanbeveel. Bykomende navorsing om die dinamika van ander persoonlike variante en die aard van interpersoonlike verhoudings onder die verskillende geslags- en rasgroepe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse opset word aanbeveel. Hierdie intervensies kan die kennis oor die risiko- en beskermingsfaktore wat by adolessente selfmoordgedrag betrokke is,
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectSuicide behaviouren_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPsychosocial factorsen_ZA
dc.subjectInterpersonal stressors and resourcesen_ZA
dc.subjectEmotional intelligenceen_ZA
dc.subjectGender and racial differencesen_ZA
dc.subjectTeenagers -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectTeenagers -- Suicidal behavior -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectSuicide -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2017en_ZA
dc.titleThe role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between psychosocial factors and suicide behaviour in South African adolescentsen_ZA
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