On some methods of reliability improvement of engineering systems

dc.contributor.advisorFinkelstein, Maxim
dc.contributor.authorMangara, Bernard Tonderayi
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis was to study some methods of reliability improvement of engineering systems. The reason for selecting the theme “reliability improvement of engineering systems” was first to explore traditional methods of reliability improvement (that is, based on the notion that reliability could be assured by simply introducing a sufficiently high “safety factor” into the design of a component or a system) and then propose new and original concepts of reliability improvement. The latter consists of approaches, methods and best practices that are used at the design phase of a component (system) in order to minimize the likelihood (risk) that the component (system) might not meet the reliability requirements, objectives and expectations. Therefore, chapter 1 of the thesis, “Introduction to the main methods and concepts of reliability for technical systems” encompasses the introduction section and the main traditional methods available for improvement of technical / engineering systems. In chapter 2, “Reliability Component Importance Measures” two new and original concepts on reliability improvement of engineering systems are introduced. These are: 1) the study of availability importance of components in coherent systems and 2) the optimal assignment of interchangeable components in coherent multi-state systems. In chapter 3, “Cannibalization Revisited” two new and original concepts on reliability improvement of engineering systems are introduced. These are: 1) theoretical model to show the effects of cannibalization on mission time availability of systems and 2) new model for cannibalization and the corresponding example. In chapter4, “On the Improvement of Steam Power Plant System Reliability” a new and original model is developed that helps in determining the optimal maintenance strategies which will ensure maximum reliability of the coal-fired generating station. Conclusions are given, concerning the study conducted and the results thereof, at the end of each chapter. The conclusions for this thesis are annotated in chapter 5. A set of selected references that were consulted during the study performed for this doctor of philosophy thesis is provided at the end.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die doel van hierdie tesis was om sekere metodes te bestudeer om ingenieurswese stelsels se betroubaarheid te verbeter. Die rede hoekom die tema “inginieurswese stelsels verbetering” gekies was, was om eerstens die tradisionele metodes van betroubaarheid verbetering te ondersoek, (wat gebaseer is op die ideë dat betroubaarheid kan verseker word deur om net n hoë voldoende veiligheids faktor in die ontwerp van komponente of stelsels voor the stel) asook nuwe, oorspronklike konsepte van betroubaarheid verbetering. Die laasgenoemde bestaan uit benaderings, metodes en beste praktyke wat gebruik kan word by die ontwerps fase van n komponent (stelsel) om die waarskynlikheid (risiko) te minimaliseer wanneer die komponent (stelsel) nie voldoen aan die betroubaarheid vereistes, objektiewe en verwagtinge nie. Daarom, hoofstuk 1 van die tesis, “Introduction to the main methods and concepts of reliability for technical systems” sluit in die inleiding seksie en die hoof tradisionele metodes beskikbaar om tegniese/ ingenieurswese stelsels te verbeter. In hoofstuk 2, “Reliability Component Importance Measures” twee nuwe en oorspronklike konsepte oor betroubaarheid verbetering van ingenieurswese stelsels word voorgestel. Hulle is: 1) die studie van hoe belangrik die beskikbaarheid van komponente in samehangende stelsels is en 2) die optimale toewysing van verwisselende komponente in samehangende multi-stadium stelsels. In hoofstuk 3, “Cannibalization Revisited” twee nuwe en oorspronklike konsepte oor betroubaarheid verbetering van ingenieurswese stelsels word voorgestel. Hulle is: 1) n teoretiese model om die effekte van kannibalisering op missie tyd beskikbaarheid van stelsels te toon en 2) n nuwe model vir “cannibalization” en die oorstemende voorbeeld. In hoofstuk 4, “On the Improvement of Steam Power Plant System Reliability” n nuwe en oorspronklike model is ontwikkel en dit sal help om die optimale instandhouding strategieë wat die maksimum betroubaarheid van die steenkool-aangedrewe kragsentraal verseker. Die gevolgtrekkings word gegee, met betrekking tot die studie en die resultate daarvan is aan die einde van elke hoofstuk. Die gevolgtrekking vir hierdie tesis is geannoteer in hoofstuk 5. n Stel geselekteerde verwysings wat gekonsulteer was gedurende die studie wat uitgevoer was vir hierdie doctors filosofie tesis word aan die einde voorsien.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectImportance measuresen_ZA
dc.subjectSystem reliabilityen_ZA
dc.subjectReliability (Engineering)en_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Mathematical Statistics))--University of the Free State, 2015en_ZA
dc.titleOn some methods of reliability improvement of engineering systemsen_ZA
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