Cartesianism and reformed scholastic theology: a comparative study of the controversy between Christoph Wittich and Petrus van Mastricht

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Schlebusch, Jan Adriaan
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University of the Free State
English: The significance of the dispute between the two 17th century Dutch Reformed Scholastics, Christoph Wittich and Petrus van Mastricht, within the theological and philosophical context of Post-Reformation Protestant Scholastic Theology can scarcely be overestimated. The issue of the authority of Scripture, itself the epistemological standard upon which the Reformation was built, is at the very core of the dispute. From the historical context of their dispute as well as the philosophical presuppositions with which they approach the issue at hand, one can glean the differing philosophical lines of thought present in the exegetical approaches of the two respective authors. An epistemological battle regarding the foundation and nature of true knowledge is at the heart of this dispute. Cartesianism gained increasing popularity in 17th century Dutch academic circles, and René Descartes’s Accommodation Theory, i.e. his attempt to reconcile his epistemological methodology of liberation from deception via hyperbolic doubt with Divine Revelation, plays a central role in Wittich’s dealings with Scripture. Wittich’s acceptance of this element of Cartesian epistemology should be seen in light of his desire to reconcile Copernican physics with the revelation of the Holy Scripture. Van Mastricht on the other hand, responds with an attempt to prove that the application of the Accommodation Theory in the field of Biblical exegesis, particularly with regard to passages where moral and practical matters are adressed, is heresy, since he regards Wittich’s approach is fundamentally rooted in the presupposition that human reason is not fallen and enslaved to sin as Reformed Theology has historically taught, and that this forms the premises from which Wittich understands its ability to function perfectly well without the need of being redeemed and sanctified first. The net effect of these differing philosophical and theological presuppositions is that the authors’ respective interpretations of the same Biblical texts radically differ, as what Wittich constantly sees as the Holy Spirit’s accommodation of absolute truths to the beliefs of the original audience to whom the books of the canon were adressed, is viewed by Van Mastricht as the mere rendering of absolute truths by the Holy Spirit within the particular historical and social context in which they were written. Therefore Van Mastricht views Wittich’s application of Cartesianism to the exegesis of Scripture via the Accommodation Theory to be at odds with the historic Calvinist doctrine of Divine Accommodation in special revelation. Van Mastricht defends Scripture’s absolute authority in the midst of potential skepticism caused by an incorporation of Cartesianism into Reformed Theology.
Afrikaans: Die betekenis van die dispuut tussen die twee 17e eeuse Nederlandse Gereformeerde Skolastici, Christoph Wittich en Petrus van Mastricht, binne die teologiese en filosofiese konteks van Post-Reformasie Protestantse Skolastiese Teologie kan beswaarlik oorskat word. Die kwessie aangaande die gesag van die Skrif, wat self die epistemologiese standaard was waarop die Reformasie gebou is, is die ware kern van die dispuut. Vanuit die historiese konteks van hul dispuut, sowel as die filosofiese vooronderstellings waarmee hulle die betrokke kwessie benader, kan die filosofiese denklyne in die eksegetiese benaderings van die twee onderskeie outeurs gekontrueer word. Die kern van die dispuut is ‘n epistemologiese stryd aangaande die grondslag en aard van ware kennis. Cartesianisme het gedurende die 17e eeu toenemend gewild geraak binne akademiese kringe in Nederland en René Descartes se Akkommodasieteorie, i.e. sy poging om sy epistemologiese metodologie van bevryding van misleiding via hiperboliese twyfel met die goddelike openbaring te versoen, speel ‘n sentrale rol in Wittich se hantering van die Skrif. Wittich se aanvaarding van hierdie element van Cartesiese epistemologie moet gesien word in die lig van sy begeerte om Copernicaanse fisika met die openbaring van die Heilige Skrif te versoen. Aan die ander kant reageer Van Mastricht met ‘n poging om te bewys dat die toepassing van die Akkommodasieteorie op die eksegese van die Skrif, veral in verband met tekste waar morele en praktiese kwessies bespreek word, ‘n dwaalleer is, aangesien hy Wittich se benadering beskou as fundamenteel begrond in die vooronderstelling dat die menslike rede nie gevalle en verslaaf aan die sonde is soos Gereformeerde teologie histories geleer het nie. Dit vorm die basis waarop Wittich die rede beskou as perfek funksionerend sonder om eers verlos en geheilig te word. Die netto effek van hierdie filosofiese en teologiese voorveronderstellings is dat die outeurs se onderskeie interpretasies van dieselfde Bybelse tekste radikaal verskil, aangesien dit wat Wittich deurlopend beskou as die Heilige Gees se akkommodering van absolute waarhede met die oortuigings van die oorspronklike gehoor aan wie die boeke van die kanon gerig is, sien Van Maastricht dit as die blote weergee van absolute waarhede deur die Heilige Gees binne die besonderse historiese en maatskaplike konteks waarbinne dit neergeskryf is. Daarom beskou Van Masticht Wittich se toepassing van Cartesianisme op die eksegese van die Skrif via die Teorie van Akkommodasie as teenstrydig met die historiese Calvinistiese leer van Goddelike Akkommodasie in die besondere openbaring. Van Mastricht verdedig die Skrif se absolute gesag te midde van potensiële skeptisisme veroorsaak deur ‘n inkorporering van Cartesianisme in Gereformeerde Teologie.
Dissertation (M.A. (Philosophy))--University of the Free State, 2013, Religious disputations, Protestant Scholasticism, Cartesian linguistics, Reformed Church -- Doctrines