In the home stretch: the legalisation of African traditional healing in South Africa

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Pretorius, Engela
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University of the Free State
English: The overall aim of this article is to describe the current status of indigenous health care policy and to determine what progress has been made in translating policy principles into action. The article deals with the models for incorporating traditional health care into the official health care system; the present status of traditional health care and the rationale for legitimising it; the many complex issues involved in developing a policy on ethnomedicine, and an assessment of the progress made in respect of the legalisation of this kind of health care five years into the new order. The main conclusion is that, although great strides have been made, there are still some very serious constraints which are likely to inhibit the indigenous health care sector for some time to come.
Afrikaans: Die breë doelstelling van hierdie artikel is 'n beskrywing van die huidige stand van inheemse gesondheidsorgbeleid en 'n bepaling van die vordering ten einde beleids- beginsels ten uitvoer te bring. Aspekte wat aangespreek word, is die modelle om tradisionele gesondheidsorg by die amptelike gesondheidsisteem te inkorporeer; die huidige status en die rasionaal ten einde tradisionele gesondheidsorg te legitimeer; die omvattende en veelkantige problematiek condom die ontwikkeling van beleid oor etnomedisyne; asook 'n bepaling van die vordering met betrekking tot die amptelike erkenning van inheemse gesondheidsorg vyf jaar na die aanvang van die nuwe orde. Die hoof gevolgtrekking is dat ten spyte van noemenswaardige vordering in hierdie verband, verskeie ernstige beperkinge die inheemse gesondheidsorgsektor vir geruime tyd nag aan bande sal lê.
Traditional healing, South Africa, Ethnomedicine, Health care
Pretorius, E. (1999). In the home stretch: the legalisation of African traditional healing in South Africa. Acta Academica, 31(2), 1-17.