Clinical legal education: Identifying required pedagogical components

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Du Plessis, M. A.
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Faculty of Law, University of the Free State
English: Clinical legal education is mainly a practical course, although it includes training in the substantive law. University law clinics generally have to satisfy two main objectives, namely teaching of students and service to the community. Clinical teaching methods can make distinctive contributions to student learning. Clinical pedagogy consists of three main categories, namely the clinic experience, classroom instruction and tutorial sessions. These, as well as specialised clinical units, are discussed. Clinic duties expose students to real consultations with live clients posing with real problems, ensuring a sustainable platform for teaching and learning. Classroom instructions are required for substantive law review and teaching in fields such as professionalism and ethics. Tutorials are the most focused form of instruction, where the clinical experiences and classroom instructions are transferred into legal practice.
Afrikaans: Kliniese regsopleiding is hoofsaaklik ‘n praktiese kursus alhoewel dit opleiding in die substantiewe reg insluit. Universiteitsregsklinieke moet in die algemeen aan twee hoofdoelstellings voldoen, naamlik die opleiding van studente en dienslewering aan die gemeenskap. Kliniese opleidingsmetodes kan aansienlike bydraes tot studente se studies maak. Kliniese pedagogie omvat drie hoofafdelings, naamlik die kliniekondervinding, formele lesings en tutoriale instruksie. Hierdie, sowel as gespesialiseerde klinieke word bespreek. Dienslewering in die kliniek stel studente bloot aan ware konsultasies met lewende kliënte met regte probleme wat ‘n volhoubare platform vir leer verseker. Formele lesings is nodig om die substantiewe reg te hersien asook vir instruksies in onderwerpe soos professionele en etiese praktyke. Tutoriale is die mees gefokusde vorm van instruksie waar die kliniekondervindings en formele lesings tot regspraktyk oorgedra word.
This article emanates from a PhD study undertaken by the author, comprising a review of four South African university law clinics and comparing those to data collected from international jurisdictions. Empirical studies reflect those done at the University of the Witwatersrand Law Clinic.
Clinical legal education, Clinical pedagogy, Law review, Law tutorials, Law instruction
Du Plessis, M. A. (2015). Clinical legal education: identifying required pedagogical components. Journal for Juridical Science, 40(1 & 2), 64-80.