Die behoefte van professionele personeel in die biblioteek- en inligtingwese aan rekenaarmatige opleiding

dc.contributor.advisorFokker, D. W.
dc.contributor.authorFourie, Ina
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a need for computer training of professional personnel in the South African library and information sciences. The target group also included persons involved in formal training and research. The extent to which libraries and information services have already made use of computer technology and the increased availability of information constituted the reasons for the study. An overall view of the current use of computers in libraries and information services was obtained. The job performance of professional personnel was subsequently analysed, particularly with regard to the tasks for which computer technology can be used, in order to determine the computer knowledge and skills that are required for the effective performance of these tasks. A knowledge of reading and writing was found to be the minimum requirement in this regard. Relevant literature on the subject was also studied with a view to determining the extent to which the Departments for Library and Information Sciences at overseas universities make provision for training in the use of the computer. Special attention was given to the objectives of such training and the method of presentation. It appeared that students of Library and Information Sciences, particularly in the United States of America and in Australia, received considerable computer training. Other countries that can be mentioned in this regard are Britain, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and Japan. Computer training for students of Library and Information Sciences at South African universities was also investigated on the basis of the information contained in the yearbooks of the respective universities. It was found that although most universities in some way or other give some attention to this matter, a wide variety of methods are being used. A number of universities gave no indication in their yearbooks of the inclusion of computer training in these courses. The need for computer training as experienced in practice was determined with the aid of an empirical investigation. Only the professional members of the Northern Transvaal branch of SAILIS were approached in order to identify a general trend. Questionnaires were sent out to them of which 233 ( 51, 13 '\.) were eventually used. The sample response revealed that 78,76 '\. of the respondents regarded computer training as essential for their present job performance and 92, 04 '\. stated that computer training was essential for persons entering the profession for the first time. Various means were identified for offering computer training with special reference to the method of training, the required background knowledge and the problems that may be experienced. A general discussion of the content of courses or themes for computer training also took place. The study revealed that the professional personnel of the South African Library and Information Sciences admitted that there was a great need for computer training. Proposals were made for satisfying this need.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of daar 'n behoefte aan rekenaarmatige opleiding by die professionele personeel in die Suid-Afrikaanse biblioteek- en inligtingwese bestaan en wat die tendens daarvan is. Persona wat by formele opleiding en navorsing betrokke is, is hierby ingesluit. Motivering vir die studie is gevind in die mate waartoe biblioteke en inligtingdienste reeds rekenaartegnologie benut en die toenemende beskikbaarheid van inligting. Die huidige rekenaartoepassings in biblioteke en inligtingdienste is op oorsigtelike wyse ge1dentifiseer. Daarna is die taakverrigting van professionele personeel, spesifiek die take waarvoor rekenaartegnologie benut word, ontleed en die kennis en vaardigheid van rekenarisering en rekenaartoepassings wat vir die effektiewe uitvoering van hierdie take vereis word, is bepaal. Die vlak van kennis en vaardigheid wat vereis word, is bevind as minstens 'n lees-enskryf- kennis en werkende funksionaliteit. Die literatuur is bestudeer om te bepaal tot watter mate die departemente vir Biblioteek- en Inligtingkunde in oorsese lande reeds vir rekenaarmatige opleiding voorsiening maak. Veral die oogmerke van die opleiding en die wyse van aanbieding is uitgewys. Dit het geblyk dat veral die Verenigde State van l>Jnerika en Australie baie aandag aan rekenaarmatige opleiding vir Biblioteek- en Inligtingkundestudente gee. Ander lande wat in die opsig genoem kan word, is Brittanje, Duitsland, Swede, Denemarke, Hongarye en Japan. Rekenaarmatige opleiding vir Biblioteek- en Inligtingkundestudente wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite aangebied word, is ook ondersoek. Die inligting in die jaarboeke van die onderskeie universiteite is gebruik. Daar is bevind dat alhoewel die meeste universiteite wel op een of ander wyse hieraan aandag skenk, 'n wye verskeidenheid benaderings gevolg word. 'n Paar universiteite het ook geen aanduiding in hulle jaarboeke van rekenaarmatige opleiding gegee nie. Die behoefte aan rekenaarmatige opleiding soos wat dit in die praktyk ondervind word, is met behulp van 'n empiriese ondersoek bepaal. Slegs 'n tendens, soos wat dit onder die professionele lede van die Noord-Transvaaltak van SAIBI voorkom, is bepaal. Twee honderde een en twintig vraelyste is uitgestuur en 113 ( 51, 13 1i.) hiervan is gebruik. Uit die steekproefresponsie het geblyk dat JB,16, van die respondente rekenaarmatige opleiding as noodsaaklik vir hulle huidige taakverrigting beskou. 92,04, beskou rekenaarmatige opleiding as noodsaaklik vir nuwe toetreders tot die beroep. Moontlikhede vir die aanbieding van rekenaarmatige opleiding is ge1dentifiseer met spesifieke verwysing na die aanbieding van die opleiding, vereiste agtergrondkennis en probleme wat ondervind mag word. Die inhoud van kursusse of temas vir rekenaarmatige opleiding is baie oorsigtelik bespreek. Uit die· studie is bevind dat daar 'n sterk tendens vir 'n behoefte aan rekenaarmatige opleiding by die professionele personeel in die Suid-Afrikaanse biblioteek- en inligtingwese bestaan. Voorstelle vir die voorsiening in hierdie behoefte, is gemaak.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectComputer managed instructionen_ZA
dc.subjectInformation scientists -- In-service trainingen_ZA
dc.subjectLibrarians -- In-service trainingen_ZA
dc.subjectInformation science -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Bibl. (Library and Information Science))--University of the Free State, 1987en_ZA
dc.titleDie behoefte van professionele personeel in die biblioteek- en inligtingwese aan rekenaarmatige opleidingaf
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