Reactions of polyphenols with α-keto acids

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Montsho, Rosinah Maiyane
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University of the Free State
English: Novel methods of carbon-carbon bond formation are of considerable theoretical and practical interest to synthetic organic chemists. This work investigates the formation and synthetic potential of a methine bond (one carbon link) between two aromatic moieties to form diphenylmethane derivatives. This methine link is of industrial importance when the aromatic moiety is hydroxylated. The colour stability of red wine is attributed to a methine bond that is the result of condensation between glyoxylic or pyruvic acid and an anthocyanidin. This bond may be formed spontaneously during the ageing of wine. Wattle extract based adhesives rely on the reaction between formaldehyde and polyphenols to form methine linked polymers. Patented antioxidants rely on the availability of a benzylic proton on a methine link, ortho to a hydroxy group (Irganox®HP-136). The proximity of the two carbonyl double bonds in α-dicarbonyl compounds enhances the reactivity of each other towards nucleophiles. In the case of α-keto acids the α- keto group is more electrophilic than the carboxylic group and susceptible to attack by nucleophiles. The hydroxy groups of phloroglucinol and other polyhydroxybenzenes donate electrons to the aromatic ring to increase the nucleophilicity of the aromatic carbons. Polyphenols thus become ambident nucleophiles that can react either via oxygen or carbon and have the ability to form new carbon-carbon bonds with suitable electrophiles. As part of our ongoing investigation into the importance of p-quinone methides in flavonoid chemistry the reaction of a variety of polyhydroxyphenols with α-keto acids were investigated. Addition of an aromatic ring to a carbonyl group creates a benzylic hydroxy group. With strongly nucleophilic aromatic rings this benzylic substituent is replaced with a second aromatic ring to yield the anticipated methine linked biaryl compound. Phloroglucinol reacts with pyruvic acid to give 4,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-3-(2,4,6- trihydroxyphenyl)-1-benzofuran-2(3H)-one and with glyoxylic acid to yield 4,6- dihydroxy-3-(2,4,6-trihydroxyphenyl)-1-benzofuran-2(3H)-one. These products are lactones between the phenolic- and carboxylic acid moiety of an intermediate biaryl organic acid. With oxaloacetic acid a 4,5′,6,7′-tetrahydroxy-2H-spiro[benzofuran-3,4′- chroman]-2,2′-dione is isolated. With unreactive aromatic nucleophiles the benzylic hydroxy group is eliminated before substitution can take place if hydrogen is available in the α-position. Tri-omethylphloroglucinol reacts with pyruvic acid to give methyl-2-(2,4,6- trimethoxyphenyl)-acrylate via the elimination of water. This acrylic acid reacts with ozone to form methyloxo-(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)-acetate and with diazomethane to form 2-methoxy(2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydrofurane. To demonstrate the potential of this reaction we reacted resorcinol with phydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and obtained both the Z and E isomers of 6-hydroxy-3-(4- hydroxybenzylidene)-3H-benzofuran-2-one. This isoaurone synthesis represents an improvement on the recently published synthesis of this natural product. We have developed a novel reaction to form carbon-carbon bonds and synthesize methine linked diaryl compounds. We have developed this reaction into a new procedure to synthesize free phenolic 3-substituted benzofuran-2-ones. We adapted this reaction to improve a recently published method to synthesize a free phenolic isoaurone. We can use our reaction to synthesize acrylic acids with a phenolic substitutuent in the α-position and have started to explore the potential of this α,β- unsaturated carboxylic acid as intermediates for various synthetic procedures.
Afrikaans: Nuwe metodes om koolstof-koolstof bindings te vorm is van beduidende teoretiese en praktiese belang vir sintetiese organiese chemici. Hierdie werk ondersoek die vorming van ’n metienbinding (enkel koolstof verbinding) om difenielmetaanverbindings te vorm asook die sintetiese potensiaal van hierdie verbinding. Metienverbindings is van industriële belang indien die aromatiese gedeelte poligehidroksileer is. Die kleurstabiliteit van rooiwyn word aan ‘n metienbinding tussen antosianidiene toegeskryf. Hierdie bindings ontstaan spontaan tydens veroudering van rooiwyn vanaf pirodruiwesuur of glioksielsuur. Wattelbasekstrak word gebruik om kleefstof te vervaardig. Kleefstofvorming berus op die koppeling van polifenole met metienbindings afkomstig vanaf formaldehied. Gepatenteerde antioksidante bevat ‘n bensiliese waterstof op ‘n metiengroep orto tot ’n aromatiese hidroksielgroep (Irganox®HP-136). Twee karbonielgroepe op aangrensende koolstofatome verhoog mekaar se reaktiwiteit teenoor nukleofiele aanval. In die geval van α-keto karboksielsure is die α-ketoongroep baie meer reaktief as die karboksielgedeelte en geneig tot reaksie met elektrofiele. Die hidroksielgroep van floroglusinol en polihidroksi-arielverbindings skenk elektrone aan die aromatiese ring om die nukleofiliteit van die aromatiese koolstowwe te verhoog. Polifenole is dus ambidente nukleofiele wat via suurstof of via koolstof kan reageer. Polifenole kan dus koolstof-koolstofbindings met geskikte elektrofiele (soos α-keto karboksielsure) vorm. Hierdie verhandeling behels ’n ondersoek na die reaksies van floroglusinol met ’n verskeidenheid α-keto karboksielsure en die sintetiese potensiaal van hierdie produkte. Addisie van ’n aromatiese ring aan ’n karbonielgroep skep ’n bensiliese hidroksiegroep. In die geval van reaktiewe nukleofiele aromatiese ringe word hierdie bensiliese hidroksiegroep met ’n tweede aromatiese groep vervang om die verwagte metiengekoppelde biarielverbinding te vorm. Floroglusinol reageer met pirodruiwesuur om 4,6-dihidroksi-3-metiel-3-(2,4,6- trihidroksifeniel)-1-bensofuraan-2(3H)-oon te vorm en met glioksielsuur om 4,6- dihidroksi-3-(2,4,6-trihidroksifeniel)-1-bensofuraan-2(3H)-oon te vorm. Hierdie produkte is laktone tussen die karboksielsuur- en fenolgedeelte van die diarielverbinding. Floroglusinol vorm ’n spirobilaktoon, 4,5',6,7'-tetrahidroksi-2Hspiro[ bensofuran-3,4'-chroman]-2,2' dioon met oksaalasynsuur. Met minder reaktiewe aromatiese nukleofiele vind eliminasie van die bensiliese hidroksiegroep plaas, voordat substitusie met ’n tweede aromatiese nukleofiel kan plaasvind, op voorwaarde dat ’n waterstofatoom in die α-posisie beskikbaar is. Trimetoksiefloroglusinol reageer met pirodruiwesuur in metanol om metiel-2-(2, 4, 6-trimetoksifeniel)-akrilaat via eliminasie van water te lewer. Hierdie akrilaat reageer met osoon om okso-(2,4,6-trimetoksifeniel)-asynsuur metielester te vorm en met diasometaan om 2-metoksie-3-(2,4,6-trimetoksiefeniel)-4,5-dihidrofuraan te vorm. Om die potensiaal van hierdie reaksie te demonstreer is resorsinol met phidroksifenielpirodruiwesuur gereageer om die Z-isomeer van 6-hidroksi-3-(4- hidroksibensilideen)-3H-bensofuraan-2-oon te vorm. Hierdie isoauroonsintese is ’n verbetering van ’n onlangs gepubliseerde sintese van hierdie natuurlike produk. Ons het dus ’n nuwe metode ontwikkel om koolstof-koolstof bindings en metiengekoppelde diarielverbindings te vorm. Hierdie reaksie is ontwikkel tot ’n nuwe prosedure om vry fenoliese 3-gesubstitueerde bensofuraan-2-one te sintetiseer. Die reaksie is aangepas om ’n onlangs gepubliseerde sintese van ’n vry fenoliese isoauroon te verbeter. Die reaksie is gebruik om akrielsure met ’n fenoliese substituent in die α-posisie te sintetiseer en daar is begin om die sintetiese potensiaal van hierdie nuwe metode, om α,β-onversadigde sure te sintetiseer, te ondersoek.
Methine bonds, Diphenylmethane, Antioxidant, α-dicarboxlic acid, Benzofuran-2-one, 2-(2,4,6-trmethoxyphenyl)-acrylic acid, Isoaurone, Cyclopropane, Phloroglucinol and pyruvic acid, Dissertation (M.Sc. Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2007., Polyphenols, Chemistry, Organic -- Synthesis