'n Ekonomiese evaluering van alternatiewe spilpuntbeleggingstrategieë in die Suid-Vrystaat substreek met inagneming van risiko

dc.contributor.advisorOosthuizen, L. K.
dc.contributor.authorMeiring, Jan Andries
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The lack of reliable procedures for the economic evaluation of centre pivot investment alternatives results in unsatisfactory research results in respect of the economics of irrigation on the one hand, and often causes irrigation farmers to make investment decisions that are economically inefficient and financially unfeasible on the other hand. The purpose of the study was to develop and illustrate a scientific procedure to evaluate the economic profitability and financial feasibility of alternative centre pivot investments in the Southern Free State subregion, taking risk into account. There are approximately 112 land owners in the area studied, and approximately 80 per cent of the 8 500 hectare of scheduled irrigation area is under centre pivot irrigation. Data was collected by means of the group discussion and the Dephi technique. Data was also generated by means of the PUTU crop growth simulation model. The research methodology entailed, firstly, the development of a cost-accounting procedure for centre pivots which took the technical aspects of the systems into account. Eighteen representative centre pivot systems were compiled and designed for the Southern Free State subregion. After irrigation cost-accounting was done for all the systems, economic profitability analyses were carried out by means of the net present-value technique. Given a crop rotation system of wheat, maize and cotton, the economic analyses for a period of fifteen years were made and repeated twenty times for each investment alternative. Production and price risk were taken into account in the analyses by simulating yields and making the series analyses. The net benefit: investment ratio was used to rank the centre pivot systems according to relative profitability. Subsequently financial profitability analyses for six profitable centre pivot investments were made by applying the cash flow technique. Finally risk-efficient investment strategies were selected by means of stochastic dominance criteria. The main result of the study was that a procedure for the economic evaluation of appropriate centre pivot investment strategies was developed whereby irrigation farmers and advisers can analyse the economic profitability and financial feasibility of centre pivot systems satisfactorily. In general the objectives of the study were achieved to a sufficient extent. A cost-accounting procedure was developed that took the technical properties of centre pivot systems into account fully. Fixed and variable cost, as well as the marginal factor cost of centre pivot irrigation, can be estimated by hand method or computer programme for new or existing centre pivot systems. Eighteen typical centre pivots ranging in size from thirty to sixty hectare, with application capacities of 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm and pumping heights of -15 m and 10 m were developed for clay and sandy soils in the study area. An increase in pumping height and capacity led to higher fixed and variable costs, while clay soils also had higher irrigation costs than sandy soils. All eighteen typical centre pivot systems in the Southern Free State were economically profitable. A sixty hectare system with a static height of -15 m and a capacity of 12 mm on sandy soil under irrigation was the most profitable centre pivot investment with an aggregate net present value of R563 238. Production and price risk caused big differences in the net present value that can be expected. Two of the six selected profitable centre pivot systems are financially unfeasible if a cooperative loan for a period of five years at an interest rate of 19.75 per cent is used. The probabilities that a cash flow deficit will occur during the five years of the investments are 65 and 70 per cent and the deficit can amount to R20 678. Risk-efficient investment strategies were selected by means of first order stochastic dominance. The most important implication of the study is that the economic and financial analyses of the economics of irrigation must be extended to a total farm level.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die gebrek aan betroubare prosedures vir die ekonomiese evaluering van spilpuntbeleggingsalternatiewe lei enersyds tot onbevredigende navorsingresultate ten opsigte van die ekonomie van besproeiing en veroorsaak andersyds dat besproeiingsboere dikwels beleggingsbesluite neem wat ekonomies ondoeltreffend en finansieel onuitvoerbaar is. Die doel met die studie is om 'n wetenskaplike prosedure te ontwikkel en te illustreer om die ekonomiese winsgewendheid en finasiële uitvoerbaarheid van alternatiewe spilpuntbeleggings in die Suid-Vrystaatse substreek, met die inagneming van risiko, te evalueer. Daar is nagenoeg 112 grondeienaars in die ondersoekgebied en sowat 80 persent van die 8 500 hektaar ingelyste besproeiingsoppervlakte is onder spilpuntbesproeiing. Data is met behulp van die groepbesprekings- en Delphi-tegnieke ingesamel. Data is ook deur middel van dit PUTU-gewasgroeisimulasiemodel gegenereer. Die navorsingsmetodologie behels eerstens die ontwikkeling van 'n kosteberekeningsprosedure vir spilpunt wat die tegniese aspekte van die stelsels in ag neem. Agtien verteenwoordigende spilpuntstelsels vir die Suid-Vrystaat substreek is saamgestel en ontwerp. Nadat besproeiingskosteberamings vir al die stelsels gedoen is, is ekonomiese winsgewendheidsontledings met behulp van die netto huidigewaarde-tegniek uitgevoer. Gegewe 'n wisselboustelsel van koring, mielies en katoen, is die ekonomiese ontledings vir 'n periode van vyftien jaar gedoen en twintig keer vir elke beleggingsalternatief herhaal. Produksie- en prysrisiko is in die ontledings in ag geneem deur opbrengste te simuleer en tydreeksontledings te doen. Die netto voordeel: beleggingsverhouding is gebruik om die spilpuntstelsels volgens relatiewe winsgewendheid in rangorde te skik. Daarna is finansiële uitvoerbaarheidsontledings vir ses winsgewende spilpuntbeleggings gedoen deur die kontantvloei-tegniek toe te pas. Laastens is risiko-doeltreffende beleggingstrategieë deur middel van stogastiese dominansie-kriteria geselekteer. Die hoofresultaat van die studie is dat 'n prosedure vir die ekonomiese evaluering van toepaslike spilpuntbeleggingstrategieë ontwikkel is waarmee besproeiingsboere en -adviseurs die ekonomiese winsgewendheid en finansiële uitvoerbaarheid van spilpuntstelsels bevredigend kan ontleed. Oor die algemeen is die doelwitte van die studie tot 'n voldoende mate bereik. 'n Kosteberekeningsprosedure is ontwikkel wat die tegniese eienskappe van spilpuntstelsels volledig in ag neem. Vaste en veranderlike koste, sowel as die marginale faktorkoste van spilpuntbesproeiing, kan met 'n handmetode of 'n rekenaarprogram vir nuwe of bestaande spilpuntstelsels beraam word. Agtien tipiese spilpunte met groottes van dertig en sestig hektaar, toedieningskapasiteite van 8 mm, 10 mm en 12 mm en pomphoogtes van -15 m en 10 m is vir klei- en sandgronde in die ondersoekgebied ontwerp. 'n Styging in pomphoogte en kapasiteit lei tot hoër vaste en veranderlike kostes terwyl kleigronde ook hoër besproeiingskostes as sandgronde het. Al agtien tipiese spilpuntselsels in die Suid-Vrystaat substreek is ekonomies winsgewend. 'n Sestighektaar-stelsel met 'n statiese hoogte van -15 m en 'n kapasiteit van 12 mm met sandgrond onder besproeiing, is die winsgewendste spilpuntbelegging met 'n gemiddelde netto huidige waare van R563 238. Produksie- en prysrisiko veroorsaak groot verskille in die verwagte netto huidige waarde. Twee van ses geselekteerde winsgewende spilpuntstelsels is egter finansieel onuitvoerbaar indien 'n koöperasie-lening vir 'n periode van vyf jaar teen 'n rentekoers van 19.75 persent gebruik word. Die waarskynlikheid dat 'n kontantvloeitekort gedurende die vyfde jaar van die beleggins sal voorkom, is 65 en 70 persent en die tekort kan tot R20 678 beloop. Risiko-doeltreffende beleggingstrategieë is deur middel van eerste orde stogastiese dominansie geselekteer. Die vernaamste implikasie van die studie is dat ekonomiese en finasiële ontledings van die ekonomie van besproeiing tot 'n geheelplaasvlak uitgebrei moet word.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Agricultural Economics)) - University of the Orange Free State, 1990en_ZA
dc.subjectAgricultural productivity -- South Africa -- Southern Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Southern Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectIrrigation -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- South Free Stateen_ZA
dc.title'n Ekonomiese evaluering van alternatiewe spilpuntbeleggingstrategieë in die Suid-Vrystaat substreek met inagneming van risikoaf