'n Psigo-opvoedkundige ondersoek na die stand van multikulturele opvoeding en die ontwerp van 'n multi-kulturele opvoedingsraamwerk vir Noord-Kaapse skole

dc.contributor.advisorKotze, C. J.
dc.contributor.authorKivedo, Cyril Llewellyn
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The purpose of this study is to assist educators in multicultural schools, education officials and designers to effectively understand and execute their roles and responsibilities in a rapidly changing education environment, as well as insight into present and future challenges. A framework for activities within a multicultural educational setting has been structured to achieve this aim. Different aspects and activities which may have an influence on multicultural education, were investigated and analyzed for the achievement of multicultural education in schools. The necessity of a complete change of various school aspects and a subsequent paradigm shift were discussed. The critical roles of principals, educators, parents, learners, community and the education department in the improvement and implementation of multicultural education can serve as important guidelines. The dynamics, processes, characteristics and different approaches to multicultural education worldwide and in South Africa are outlined. The disadvantages of overemphasizing one approach over another were highlighted. A variety of factors which may influence multicultural education were identified from the self-structured educator questionnaires and from group interviews with learners in Northern Cape schools. The importance of continuous educator and parent training, development, inclusive school policy formulation and consistent monitoring of implementation, were highlighted. Strategies, which may serve as a framework for the implementation of multicultural education were explained and defined.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie is daarop gemik om onderwyspersoneel in multikulturele skole, onderwysbeamptes en beplanners van hulp te wees sodat hulle effektief hul rol en verantwoordelikheid in ‘n snel veranderende opvoedingsmilieu kan verstaan en begrip kan hê vir huidige en toekomstige uitdagings. ‘n Raamwerk vir aktiwiteite binne ‘n Multikulturele Opvoedingsopset is saamgestel om dié doel te verwesenlik. Vir die samestelling van hierdie raamwerk is verskillende aspekte en aktiwiteite ondersoek wat multikulturele opvoeding beïnvloed en bevorder. Aspekte en aktiwiteite is geanaliseer sodat duidelike prosedures saamgestel kan word vir die verwesenliking van multikulturele opvoeding in skole. Die totale verandering van talle skoolaspekte en die paradigmaskuif wat nodig is vir die implementering van multikulturele opvoeding is deeglik bespreek. Die kritiese rolle van die skoolhoof, onderwysers, ouers, leerders, gemeenskap en die onderwysdepartement tot die skepping van ‘n positiewe multikulturele opvoedingsetos kan as belangrike riglyne dien vir die uitbreiding en vestiging van multikulturele aspekte. Die dinamika, proses, kenmerke en verskillende benaderings van multikulturele opvoeding soos dit vergestalt wêreldwyd en in Suid-Afrika is uiteengesit en die nadele verbonde aan ‘n oorbeklemtoning van een benadering bo ‘n ander is uitgewys en op die voorgrond gebring. Mites aangaande multikulturele opvoeding is ook aangedui. Uit selfgestruktureerde vraelyste aan onderwysers en groepsonderhoude met leerders in Noord-Kaapse skole is ‘n verskeidenheid faktore geïdentifiseer wat multikulturele opvoeding beïnvloed. Die belangrikheid van voortdurende onderwyser- en oueropleiding en ontwikkeling, sowel as inklusiewe skoolbeleidsformulering en die konsekwente monitering van die implementering daarvan is as uiters belangrik aangedui. Strategieë wat die raamwerk vorm vir die implementering van multikulturele opvoeding is uitgespel en omskryf.af
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectPsycho-educational investigationen_ZA
dc.subjectMulticultural educationen_ZA
dc.subjectMulticultural education frameworken_ZA
dc.subjectSocial responsible educationen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation for a new South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMulticultural education -- South Africa -- Northern Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectMulticulturalism -- South Africa -- Northern Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Psychology of Education))--University of the Free State, 2006en_ZA
dc.title'n Psigo-opvoedkundige ondersoek na die stand van multikulturele opvoeding en die ontwerp van 'n multi-kulturele opvoedingsraamwerk vir Noord-Kaapse skoleaf
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