Pre-occupations and rituals related to food in patients with eating disorders

dc.contributor.advisorWalsh, Corinna
dc.contributor.authorHambloch, Danielle
dc.description.abstractEnglish: Introduction: Course and outcomes of eating disorders are often chronic conditions with lapses and relapses occurring commonly. The high relapse rate as well as the large number of patients’ who still suffer from eating disorder symptoms, even years after treatment, is due to the fact that even though weight is within a normal, healthy range and bingeing and purging episodes have ceased. These patients, however, still continue to be preoccupied with thoughts about food, eating, and their bodies and therefore may still participate in ritualised behaviours surrounding eating and their bodies. The Yale-Brown-Cornwell Eating Disorder Scale Self Report Questionnaire (YBC-EDS-SRQ) is a reliable and valid semi-structured questionnaire that assesses these pre-occupations and rituals in a private setting where patients feel comfortable reporting the intensity, as well as frequency of their eating disorder symptoms. This assessment tool can also provide researchers and clinicians with an efficient means of evaluating the severity and impairment of the symptoms associated with the wide range of pre-occupations and rituals experienced by patients struggling with eating disorders, which in turn can motivate treatment options. Main objective: The main objective of the study was to describe the pre- occupations and rituals related to food in patients with eating disorders. In order to achieve the main objective of the study, the following sub-objectives were investigated: the demographic profile of participants; current anthropometric status, including weight and height to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI); and the pre-occupations and rituals related to food. Subjects and methods: The sample included all in-patients (n=5), as well as those who had been discharged but were still being followed up in the outpatient clinic (n=4), from an institution specialising in eating disorders i.e. Tara Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. The anthropometric measurements were obtained using standard techniques, while the socio-demographic information was obtained in one-on- one interviews between the resident dietitian and each participant. The YBC-EDS-SRQ was self-administered. The YBC-EDS-SRQ nine questions considers pre-occupations and rituals of participants during their ‘Current’ and ‘Worst period’ of experiencing the eating disorder. This showed that in most instances, the pre- occupations and rituals occupied a greater amount of time throughout a day during the participants’ ‘Worst period’ than during the ‘Current period’. Pre-occupations and rituals during the ‘Worst period’, were also absent for a smaller proportion of the day when compared to the ‘Current period’. After completion of the questionnaire, scores were determined separately for the ‘Current’ and ‘Worst’ period’s. The pre-occupations subtotal score was calculated by adding together the scores of four questions (1, 3, 4 and 7) for each period and the rituals subtotal score was calculated by adding together the scores of four questions (10, 12, 13 and 15). The total score was calculated by adding together the subtotals of the pre-occupations and rituals. The experimental change score was calculated by adding together the scores for questions 6, 8, 9, 15, 17 and 19. Results: Nine participants were recruited and included in the research study. Five of the nine participants were in-patients and four of the nine participants were outpatients. All of the nine participants were female. Eight of the nine were Caucasian, while one was Indian. More than half of participants were currently diagnosed with AN-non purging, with one currently diagnosed with AN-purging type and three currently diagnosed with BN-purging type. With regards to previous diagnosis, seven of the nine participants had not been previously diagnosed with an eating disorder. This information is supported by seven of the nine participants who had not been previously admitted to Tara Hospital or any other institution for an eating disorder. Three participants had a BMI <18.5 kg/m2 which indicated that they were underweight, five had a BMI within the normal range and only one had a BMI between 25-30 kg/m2, indicating overweight. Pre-occupations typically occupied a significant proportion of the individuals’ time, interfered with daily functioning, caused severe distress and although they are often mildly resisted, the pre-occupations are perceived to be largely out of the individuals’ control. Rituals have been identified as somewhat less severe than the pre-occupations, however, individuals still spend a vast majority of their time, performing them and also experienced little control over them. For the pre-occupations sub-total score, the ‘Current period’ had a mean score of 8.6. The ‘Worst period’ had a mean score of 10.7. For the rituals sub-total score, the ‘Current period’ had a mean score of 6.2. The ‘Worst period’ had a mean score of 9.4. For the total score, the ‘Current period’ had a mean score of 14.8, while the ‘Worst period’ had a mean score of 20.1. For the experimental change score, the ‘Current period’ had a mean score of 8.4 and the ‘Worst period’ had a mean score of 13.0. When compared with other similar studies, these results indicate a moderate level of eating disorder symptom severity related to pre-occupations and rituals in this sample of participants. Conclusion: The results of this study confirm that the high rate of relapse that occurs in patients who suffer from eating disorder symptoms, despite the fact that treatment is ceased, may be related to the fact that even though weight is within a normal, healthy range and bingeing and purging episodes have ceased, these patients still continue to be preoccupied with thoughts about food, eating, and their bodies and therefore may still participate in ritualised behaviours surrounding eating and their bodies.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Inleiding: Die verloop en uitkomste van eetversteurings is dikwels chronies en word deur terugval gekenmerk. Die hoë voorkoms van terugval, asook die groot aantal pasiënte wat steeds, selfs jare na behandeling aan simptome van eetversteurings ly, word toegeskryf aan die feit dat alhoewel massa binne die normale reikwydte val, hierdie pasiënte steeds met gedagtes oor voedsel, eet en hul liggame gepreokkupeer is, en dus steeds aan rituele gedrag rondom voedsel en hul liggame deelneem. Die Yale-Brown-Cornwell Eating Disorder Scale Self Report Questionnaire (YBC-EDS- SRQ) is ‘n betroubare en geldige gestruktureerde vraelys wat hierdie preokkupasies en voedselverwante rituele in ‘n privaat opset, waar pasiënte gemaklik voel om die intensiteit en frekwensie van die simptome van hul eetversteuring weer te gee, te assesseer. Hierdie instrument kan ook op ‘n effektiewe wyse die erns van die simptome in pasiënte met eetversteurings bepaal, vir beide navorsers en klinisie. Gevolglik is dit van waarde vir personeel ten einde relevante behandeling te ontwikkel. Hoofdoelwit: Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die preokkupasies en rituele in pasiënte met eetversteurings te beskryf. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is die volgende bepaal: demografiese profiel, huidige antropometrie (massa en lengte om liggaamsmassaindeks (LMI) te bepaal); en preokkupasies en voedselverwante rituele. Deelnemers en metodes: Die steekproef het bestaan uit alle pasiënte in die saal, asook pasiënte wat ontslaan is, maar steeds opgevolg word in die buitepasiënte kliniek, by Tara Hospitaal, ‘n inrigting wat in eetversteurings spesialiseer. Die antropometriese metings is met behulp van gestandardiseerde tegnieke bepaal, terwyl die sosio- demografiese inligting tydens individuele onderhoude deur die dieetkundige met elke deelnemer ingesamel is. Die YBC-EDS-SRQ is deur pasiënte self voltooi. Nadat die vraelyste voltooi is, is ‘n punt vir beide die huidige en die ergste periode bereken. Die preokkupasie subtotaal is bereken deur die totaal vir vier vrae (1, 3, 4 en 7) bymekaar te tel en die rituele subtotal is bereken deur die totaal vir vier vrae (10, 12, 13 and 15) bymekaar te tel. Die finale eindtotaal is bereken deur die subtotale bymekaar te tel. Die eksperimentele veranderingtelling is bereken deur die puntetoekenning vir vrae 6, 8, 9, 15, 17 and 19 bymekaar te tel. Resultate: ege vroulike deelnemers is in die studie ingesluit. Agt van die nege was blank, terwyl een ‘n Indiër was. Meer as die helfde van die deelnemers is huidiglik met anoreksia- purgeertipe- en drie met bulimie-purgeertipe gediagnoseer. Wat vorige diagnose aanbetref, is sewe van die nege nie voorheen met ‘n eetversteuring gediagnoseer nie. Dit stem ooreen met die feit dat hierdie sewe ook nie voorheen as gevolg van ‘n eetversteuring gehospitaliseer is nie. Drie deelnemers het ‘n LMI <18.5 kg/m2 gehad wat aandui dat hulle ondermassa is, vyf se LMI was binne die normale reikwydte, en slegs een het ‘n LMI tussen 25-30 kg/m2 gehad, wat oormassa aandui. Preokkupasies het tipies ‘n betekenisvolle hoeveelheid van deelnemer’s se tyd opgeneem, het hulle funksionering beïnvloed, het erge kommer veroorsaak en was buite die beheer van die individue. Rituele is minder ernstig as preokkupasies ervaar, maar deelnemers het steeds ‘n groot hoeveelheid van hul tyd daaraan spandeer, en gevoel dat hul min beheer daaroor het. Die YBC-EDS-SRQ nege vrae oorweeg die pasiënte se preokkupasies en rituele tydens die huidige en ergste periode. In die meeste gevalle het preokkupasies en rituele tydens die ergste periode meer tyd in beslag geneem as tydens die huidige periode. Tydens die ergste periode was preokkupasies en rituele ook vir ‘n kleiner periode van die dag afwesig as tydens die huidige periode. Vir die preokkupasie subtotaal was die gemiddelde telling vir die huidige periode 8.6, terwyl dit vir die ergste periode 10.7 was. Vir die rituele subtotaal, het die huidige periode ‘n telling van 6.2 gehad terwyl die ergste periode se gemiddelde telling 9.4 was. Vir die totale telling, het die huidige periode ‘n gemiddelde telling van 14.8 gehad en die ergste periode ‘n telling van 20.1. Die eksperimentele veranderingtelling vir die huidige periode was 8.4, en vir die ergste periode 13.0. Hierdie resultate dui op ‘n matige vlak van eetversteuring simptome wat verband hou met preokkupasies en rituele in hierdie groep deelnemers. Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie studie bevestig dat die hoë voorkoms van terugval selfs jare nadat behandeling ten einde voltooi is, wat voorkom in pasiënte met eetvertsteurings, toegeskryf kan word aan preokkupasies en gedagtes oor voedsel, eet en hul liggame. Om hierdie rede neem hierdie pasiënte steeds aan rituele gedrag wat eet en hul liggame aanbetref, deel.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectEating disordersen_ZA
dc.subjectYale-Brown-Cornwell Eating-Disorder-Scale Self-Report-Questionnaireen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation (M.Sc. (Nutrition and Dietetics))--University of the Free State, 2014en_ZA
dc.titlePre-occupations and rituals related to food in patients with eating disordersen_ZA
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