Encopresis: a holistic approach

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Badenhorst, Stefanie
Pretorius, Gertie
Stuart, Anita
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University of the Free State
English: Encopresis is an often under-reported and poorly researched complexity. Earlier treatment followed either a medical or a psychological approach, with little acknowledgement of the social factors involved. Only recently has the biopsychosocial model been recognised. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the holistic treatment model with regard to the prevalence of encopresis, depressive symptomatology, parental involvement and the self-image of the children. The experimental group received treatment during the study while the control group received treatment only after completion of the post-tests. The study demonstrated a relatively high success rate using the holistic treatment approach.
Afrikaans: Enkoprese is ’n dikwels ongerapporteerde en min nagevorsde kompleksiteit. Vroeëre behandeling is oorsaaklik terugherlei na die mediese of die sielkundige verklaringsmodelle. Sosiale faktore is meestal misken totdat ’n klemverskuiwing na die biopsigososiale benadering plaasgevind het. Die navorsingsdoel was om die effektiwiteit van ’n holistiese benadering te evalueer ten opsigte van die voorkoms van enkoprese, depressie-simptome, ouerlike betrokkenheid en selfbeeld van die kind. Die eksperimentele groep het die terapeutiese intervensie ontvang terwyl die kontrolegroep slegs na voltooiing van natoetsing die terapie ontvang het. Die natoetsingresultate dui op ’n hoë suksessyfer met die holistiese terapeutiese benadering.
Encopresis, Holistic treatment, Gastro-intestinal disorder, Bowel control in children
Badenhorst, S., Pretorius, G., & Stuart, A. (2001). Encopresis: a holistic approach. Acta Academica, 33(2), 110-126.