Rabbit production and consumption in South Africa

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Bashi, Molao John
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University of the Free State
English: The needs, perceptions and attitudes of potential consumers and producers with regard to consumption and production of rabbit products in Moqhaka, Ngwathe and Matjhabeng local municipalities are analysed in this study. The consumers in aforementioned local municipalities consume common livestock meats such as chicken, mutton, beef and pork. The consumers prefer lean meat. Pork is the most disliked meat by the majority of the surveyed consumers due to stomach problem that it causes when consumed. Pension and casual forms of employment are common sources of income among the African households surveyed. The African and Coloured communities showed more interest in the consumption of rabbit products than the White communily. The main attribute that will encourage the African and Coloured communities to consume rabbit products is its lean meat that is suitable for heart disease patients and people who are over weight. The members of the White population will use rabbit products mainly in the form of rabbit fur apparels and manure. The 'White community showed to have more knowledge about the potential attributes of rabbit products such as meat rich in protein, low on fat, manure suitable for vegetable growing as well as the ability of rabbit fur to make clothes. Rabbit meat was subjected to sensory taste analysis in a bid to determine consumer preference and taste with regard to meat consumption. Rabbit meat was compared to chicken, mutton and beef. Mutton was the most preferred meat by the panelists. However, the differences in the rank sums were all not statistically significant to justify preference of one meat over the other. This could be attributed to the tasting panel which was selected from a broad socioeconomic background and was familiar with at least seventy five percent of the tested meat types. Some members of the tasting panel were familiar with all the meat types. The small-scale farmers in Moqhaka, Ngwathe and Matjhabeng local municipalities are currently involved in both Ianning and non-farming activities which they depend upon for survival. The farming activities include livestock and vegetable production while the non-farming activities include sewing, selling of fat cakes and so forth. The majority of producers and consumers have superficial knowledge about the potential of rabbit production and its products. The surveyed producers are faced with a number of problems such as lack of financial resources, lack of storage facilities and reliable form of transport in order to run their activities efficiently. This condition necessitates the formulation of a well co-ordinated support programme. The formulated programme would determine what form of production credit would be best suited for the rabbit producers in the different production areas. The enterprise budgets formulated indicate that the rabbit enterprise is not only a cost-effective enterprise but also profitable. This is shown by the low cost production ratio and high returns to investment when compared to other enterprises. An investigation of the international market. shows Europe as the most attractive and largest market for rabbit products.
Afrikaans: Die behoeftes, persepsies en houdings van die potensiële verbruikers en produsente met betrekking tot die verbruik en produksie van konynprodukte in die Moqhaka, Ngwathe en Matjhabeng plaaslike munisipaliteite is ge-analiseer in hierdie studie. Die verbruikers in die genoemde plaaslike munisipaliteite verbruik gewone vleisssoorte soos hoender, skaap, bees en vark. Die verbruikers het voorkeur vir maer vleis. Die meeste respondente in die steekproef het die minste van varkvleis gehou weens die hoë vet-inhoud daarvan en as gevolg van geloofsoortuigings. Pensioen en deeltydse vorme van indiensneming is algemene bronne van inkomste onder swart huishoudings in die steekproef. Die swart en kleurling gemeenskappe het meer belangstelling as die blankes getoon in die verbruik van konynprodukte. Die hoofkenmerk wat swart en kleurling gemeenskappe saloortuig om konynprodukte te verbruik is die feit dat dit maer vleis het wat goed is vir hart pasiënte en mense wat oorgewig is. Lede van die blanke bevolking sal konynprodukte hoofsaaklik gebruik in die vorm van die pels vir klerasie en die mis vir bemestig. Die blanke gemeenskap het meer kennis getoon oor die potensiële eienskappe van konynprodukte soos dat dit vleis lewer hoog in proteïne, laag in vetinhoud, mis wat gebruik kan word vir groente produksie en konynpels vir die maak van klere. Konynvleis is onderwerp aan 'n sensoriese smaakanalise in 'n poging om verbruikers se smake en voorkeure met betrekking tot die verbruik van vleis te bepaaL Konynvleis is vergelyk met hoender, skaap en beesvleis. Skaap is deur die meeste lede van die paneel as voorkeurvleis geïdentifiseer. Die verskil tussen die rangordes is egter nie statisties betekenisvol nie en geen regverdiging kan gevind word om te sê dat een vleissoort bo die ander gekies word nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die proe-paneel wat gekies is uit 'n breë sosio-ekonomiese agtergrond en wat minstens met 75% van die vleissoorte bekend was. Sommig van die lede van die paneel was bekend met al die vleissoorte. Die kleinboere in Moqhaka, Ngwathe en Matjhabeng plaaslike munisipaliteite is huidiglik betrokke in boeredery en nie-boerderyaktiwiteite waarvan hulle afhanklik is vir hulle oorlewing. Die boerdery aktiwiteite sluit in lewendehawe en groente produksie terwyl die nie-boerderyaktiwiteite naaldwerk, die verkoop van vetkoeke ens. behels. Die meerderheid produsente en verbruikers het min kennis oor die potensiaal van konyn-produksie. Die produsente in die steekproef staar 'n hele aantal probleme soos 'n tekort aan finansierinsbronne, tekort aan stoorfasiliteite en betroubare vervoer in die gesig. Hierdie probleme beperk hulle vermoë om hulle aktiwiteite effektief te bestuur. Hierdie toes tand vereis die formulering van 'n goed gekoordineerde ondersteuningsprogram. Die geformuleerde program sal bepaal watter vorm van produksiekrediet die beste sal wees vir produsente van konyne in verskillende produksie areas. Die opgestelde bedryfstakbegrotings toon dat die konynbedryf nie net koste-effektief is nie maar dat dit ook winsgewend is. Dit word getoon deur die lae koste produksie verhouding en hoë opbrengste op die investering wanneer dit vergelyk word met ander bedryfstakke. 'n Ondersoek na die internasionale markte toon dat Europa die mees aantreklikste en grootste mark vir konynprodukte is.
Rabbit meat industry -- South Africa, Rabbits -- Marketing, Rabbits -- Breeding -- Economic aspects, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics))--University of the Free State, 2002