'n Narratief-pastorale betrokkenheid by adolessente dogters wat seksueel misbruik is

dc.contributor.advisorVan den Berg, Jan-Albert
dc.contributor.authorFourie, Hester Aletta
dc.description.abstractEnglish: This research is portrayed by the metaphor of cartography. The mapping of the research journey occurs in the light of five directives. These directives are chosen according to the ABDCE approach to therapy (Müller, Van Deventer & Human 2001:1-13). The purpose is to convey the role of hope therapy from an eschatological perspective. This refers to the healing process of adolescent girls that were sexually abused during their lives. Guideline 1 explains the Action taken in regard with what is happening in the present. This refers to perception and the forming of theory by reflection, interpretation and an analytical discourse. Exploring questions according to the rationale, purpose, paradigm, epistemology, methodology and research expectations serve as basis for and contours, of the research journey. The background narrative of every co-researcher are enlightened by this guide and serves as primary cause of this study. Guideline 2 as Basic start of this study is concerned with information about the roads of the past as well as roads still under construction. These roads, mapped as conseptualisation, are an important source of communication. Interpretation of these concepts take place when questions are asked regarding what the text is trying to portray and how it can be understood in comparison to other texts. The research focus on the impact of abuse on the Christian spirituality as source of hope for the teenage girl who was abused. Therefore the concepts of female adolescence and sexual abuse are discussed. Guideline 3 serves as the Dinamics of the research narrative. This can be compared to the development of a photo of the field of research. The researcher are both inquisitive and patient during the development of the photo while the aspects of the research field are studied from different perspectives. These perspectives are precented under guidance of the narrative pastoral approach to research therapy. Therefore the importance of theological theory and practical theological interpretation within a qualitative research paradigm is indicated. The reason is that the researcher attempts to discover the essence of the phenomena of adolescence and abuse. Guideline 4 as Climax serves as the most important highlight of the research process. This serves as an explorative mapping journey of the ideas and principles which are clarified by the narrative pastoral approach. In this approach the hermeneutics is used as strategy to interpret and understand the stories of my coresearchers. This understanding takes place in the circular movement between theory and praxis in an attempt to explain the connection between the narrative approach and a text of hope. Guideline 5 as the End of the research process is viewed by Müller, Van Deventer and Human (2001:8) as follows: “And then there is the ending: what is our sense of who these people are now, what are they left with, what happened, and what did it mean?” A narrative pastoral approach is compiled from a source of different therapeutic initiatives. The narrative hermeneutical approach serves as an important route of discourse by which the stories of my co-researchers are told and retold until re-interpretation and re-construction takes place (Müller 1996:104). The biographies of my co-researchers are presented by their stories. The researcher’s autobiography is also important because of the role of her own narrative in the research. Care was taken during the reflection process not to apply one summary to a general public. Conclutions are only applicable to the co-researchers in their own context.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die navorsing word aan die hand van die metafoor van kartografie aangebied. Die karteringsproses van die navorsingsreis vind plaas in die lig van vyf rigtingwysers. Hierdie rigtingwysers is gekies na aanleiding van die ABDCE-benadering tot terapie van Müller, Van Deventer en Human (2001). Die doel is om die belang van hoopterapie vanuit ’n eskatologiese perspektief weer te gee. Dit het betrekking op die herstelproses van tienerdogters wat op een of ander stadium van haar lewe seksueel misbruik is. Rigtingwyser 1 werp lig op die Aksie wat in die hede geneem word ten opsigte van wat besig is om te gebeur. Dit verwys na waarneming en teorievorming langs die weg van refleksie, interpretasie en analitiese beredenering. Eksplorerende vrae ten opsigte van die rasionaal, doel, paradigma, epistemologie, metodologie en navorsingsverwagtinge dien as basis vir en kontoere van, die navorsingsreis. Die agtergrond verhaal van elke gespreksgenoot of medenavorser word in die lig van hierdie gids verhelder en dien as primêre rede vir hierdie studie. Rigtingwyser 2 as Basiese aanloop van hierdie studie bevat inligting oor die weë van die verlede, asook paaie wat tans onder konstruksie is. Hierdie weë word gekarteer as konseptualisering wat, as ’n samehang van woord en sin, as ’n belangrike bron van kommunikasie dien. Interpretasie van hierdie konsepte vind plaas wanneer die vraag ten opsigte van wat die teks poog om te sê en hoe dit verstaan kan word in vergelyking met ander tekste, aan die orde gestel word. Die navorsing fokus op die impak wat misbruik op die Christelike spiritualiteit het, as bron van hoop vir ’n tiener meisie wat gemolesteer is. Daarom word die volgende konsepte aan die orde gestel: vroulike adolessensie en seksuele misbruik as fenomene. Rigtingwyser 3 dien as die ontwikkelings Dinamiek van die navorsingsverhaal. Dit word vergelyk met die ontwikkeling van ’n foto van die navorsingslandskap. Die navorser is beide nuuskierig en geduldig tydens die ontwikkeling van die foto terwyl die aspekte van die landskap vanuit verskillende hoeke bestudeer word. Hierdie perspektiewe word aangebied onder die sambreel van die narratief-pastorale benadering tot navorsing en terapie. Daarom is die belang van teologiese teorie en prakties-teologiese interpretasie binne ’n kwalitatiewe navorsings- paradigma aangedui omdat gepoog word om tot die wese en essensie van ’n verskynsel deur te dring. Rigtingwyser 4 as Clou as “vernaamste hoogtepunt en kern” (HAT 1994:122) van die navorsingsproses bied ’n verkennende karteringsreis van idees en beginsels wat in die narratief-pastorale benadering ondervang word. In hierdie benadering is gebruik gemaak van hermeneutiek as strategie om die storieversamelings van my gespreksgenote te interpreteer en te verstaan. Hierdie verstaan wat in die sirkulêre beweging tussen teorie en praktyk geskied, is ’n poging om die verband tussen die narratiewe benadering en ’n teks van hoop aan te toon. Rigtingwyser 5 as die Einde van die navorsingsproses word as volg deur Müller, Van Deventer en Human (2001:8) verwoord: “And then there is the ending: what is our sense of who these people are now, what are they left with, what happened, and what did it mean?” ’n Narratief-pastorale benadering word vanuit ’n ryk bron van verskillende terapeutiese inisiatiewe saamgestel. Die narratief-hermeneutiese benadering bied ’n belangrike gespreksroete waarlangs gepoog word om die verhale van my medenavorsers op só ’n wyse te “vertel en te hervertel dat daar uiteindelik herinterpretasie en rekonstruksie” (Müller 1996:104) plaasvind. Biografisering vind plaas deurdat die verhale van my gespreksgenote aan die orde gestel word. Outobiografisering is egter ook belangrik omdat ek nie sonder my eie verhaal na die gesprek kom nie. Tydens die reflekteringsproses is daarteen gewaak dat gevolgtrekkings nie op ’n groter gehoor van toepassing gemaak word nie. Bevindings is slegs van toepassing op die deelnemers in hulle eie konteks.
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2013en_ZA
dc.subjectSexually abused teenagersen_ZA
dc.subjectNarrative theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheological anthropologyen_ZA
dc.subjectPractical theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectNarrative approachen_ZA
dc.subjectQualitative researchen_ZA
dc.subjectLived religionen_ZA
dc.subjectLived experienceen_ZA
dc.subjectEschatological hopeen_ZA
dc.subjectChristian spiritualityen_ZA
dc.subjectABDCE-research approachen_ZA
dc.title'n Narratief-pastorale betrokkenheid by adolessente dogters wat seksueel misbruik is
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