n Regsvergelykende studie van die minimum prosedurele vereistes vir die billike ontslag van 'n werknemer op grond van wangedrag

dc.contributor.advisorDu Plessis, J. V.
dc.contributor.authorDeacon, Hendrik Jacobus
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The South African labour law stands central to the economic development of South Africa and the relationship between employer and employee is therefore very important. The dismissal of an employee is the strictest possible sanction in the workplace. It does not only end the service relationship, but also deprives the employee of his source of income. The status of the person changes from being an employee and breadwinner to being unemployed and dependent. This holds economic and social consequences not only for the individual, but also for the economy of the country. The fairness of the employee's dismissal is therefore crucial. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa reconfirms the importance hereof by the right to fair labour practices - a right everyone is entitled to. This right is included in the Labour Relations Act of 1995 and especially in the principle that everyone is entitled not to be dismissed unfairly. Focus areas dicussed in this thesis are the importance of and the manner in which discipline is applied in the workplace, as well as the principle of procedural fairness within the international area. This thesis discusses the international debate on fairness and considering various interests against the background of legislation, application and exclusion. The development of the notion of "fairness" is discussed within the South African context, before focusing on procedural fairness in the workplace. The individual employee's rights and the employer's responsibility during disciplinary processes are dicussed in this thesis. The specific focus of this study includes the following aspects of a fair process: • the employee should know what the charge against him entails; • the employee should receive a fair opportunity to prepare himself; • the employee should get the opportunity to state his side of the case and to put questions to witnesses of the employer; • the employee has the right to receive assistance during the process; and • the employer should notify the employee of the decision in writing. This study recommends that employers should revise their internal codes to fulfil the objectives of the Labour Relations Act, Schedule 8, Item 4 and to simplify the total disciplinary process in the workplace without parting with the principles of fairness, and also that legal representation should be allowed. The recommendation is that a new category should be created for small business employers in order to simplify the dismissal process and that employees are excluded for the first 12 months of service, and therefore cannot claim against the employer. A Code of Good Practice for dismissal in a small business and a control form to be completed by the employer were created. It is also suggested that the model for renumeration after dismissal should be adapted in cases where either the employer or the employee did not comply with the internal procedures and that cost orders at the CCMA/councils should be reinvestigated to avoid abuse. Dismissal has been and always will be an action in dispute. Therefore, the process should be clear and should give the necessary direction, in order to ensure that workplace disputes can be settled within an open and democratic society, within the framework of the Constitution.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg staan sentraal tot die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika en daarom is die verhouding tussen werkgewer en werknemer baie belangrik. Die ontslag van 'n werknemer is die strengste moontlike sanksie in die werkplek wat nie alleen die diensverhouding beëindig nie, maar ook die werknemer van sy inkomstebron ontneem. Die status van die persoon verander dan van 'n werknemer en broodwinner na 'n werklose en afhanklike wat nie alleen ekonomiese en sosiale gevolge vir die individu inhou nie, maar ook vir die land se ekonomie. Die billikheid van die proses om 'n werknemer te ontslaan is dus van uiterste belang. Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika herbevestig die belang hiervan deur die reg op billike arbeidspraktyke waarop elkeen geregtig is. Hierdie reg word verder in die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, vervat in die beginsel dat elkeen die reg het om nie onbillik ontslaan te word nie. In hierdie proefskrif word die belangrikheid van en die wyse waarop dissipline in die werkplek toegepas word, asook die beginsel van prosedurele billikheid binne die internasionale arena bespreek. Die internasionale debat oor billikheid en die opweeg van verskillende belange word teen die agtergrond van wetgewing, toepassing en uitsluitings ondersoek. Die ontwikkeling van die begrip "billikheid" word binne die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks bespreek, voordat op prosedurele billikheid in die werkplek gefokus word. In die proefskrif word die individuele werknemer se regte en die werkgewer se verantwoordelikhede tydens dissiplinêre prosesse ondersoek en veralop die volgende aspekte van 'n billike proses gefokus: • die werknemer moet weet wat die aanklag teen hom is; • ct die werknemer moet 'n billike geleentheid kry om hom voor te berei; • die werknemer moet 'n geleentheid kry om sy kant van die saak te stel en vrae aan getuies van die werkgewer te vra; • die werknemer het die reg om bygestaan te word gedurende die proses; en • die werkgewer moet daarna die werknemer skriftelik van sy besluit inlig. Daar word aanbeveel dat werkgewers hulle interne kodes moet hersien om uitvoer te gee aan die oogmerk van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge en Bylae 8, Item 4 en die totale dissiplinêre proses in die werkplek te vereenvoudig sonder om afstand te doen van die beginsels van billikheid en ook dat regsverteenwoordiging toelaatbaar behoort te wees. Daar word verder aanbeveel dat 'n nuwe kategorie vir werkgewers van klein ondernemings geskep word om die ontslagproses te vereenvoudig en dat werknemers vir die eerste 12 maande se diens uitgesluit word om eise teen werkgewers in te stel. 'n Goeie praktykskode vir ontslag in 'n klein onderneming en 'n kontrolevorm wat die werkgewer moet voltooi, is opgestel. Daar word ook aan die hand gedoen dat die model van vergoeding na ontslag aangepas word in gevalle waar of die werkgewer of die werknemer nie die interne prosedures nagekom het nie en dat kostebevele by die KVBA/rade herondersoek moet word om misbruik te voorkom. Ontslag is altyd en sal altyd in die toekoms, 'n handeling in geskil wees. Daarom behoort die proses duidelik te wees om genoegsame rigting te gee, sodat werkplekgeskille binne 'n oop en demokratiese samelewing binne die raamwerk van die Grondwet besleg kan word.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectLabour lawen_ZA
dc.subjectDisciplinary hearingen_ZA
dc.subjectCharge sheeten_ZA
dc.subjectEmployees -- Law and legislation --South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectUnfair labor practices -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployees -- Dismissal of -- Law and legislation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectLabor laws and legislation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectThesis (LL.D. (Mercantile Law))--University of the Free State, 2010en_ZA
dc.titlen Regsvergelykende studie van die minimum prosedurele vereistes vir die billike ontslag van 'n werknemer op grond van wangedragen_ZA
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