Key success factors of managing the Robertson Wine Festival

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Marais, Michelle
Saayman, Melville
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University of the Free State
English: The Robertson Wine Festival is one of South Africa’s largest wine festivals. The uniqueness of this wine festival is that it takes place on an existing wine route and 48 wine farms actively participate. This article presents the results of a survey conducted during the festival in June 2009, when visitors to the festival completed 450 questionnaires. The article aims to identify the key success factors of managing a wine festival. A factor analysis was used to analyse the data. The results identified seven key success factors that managers must consider when organising a successful wine festival.
Afrikaans: Die Robertson Wynfees is een van Suid-Afrika se grootste wynfeeste. Die uniekheid van hierdie wynfees is dat dit op ’n reeds bestaande wynroete plaasvind waar 48 wynplase aktief deelneem. Die doel van die artikel is om die sleutel suksesfaktore te identifiseer wat belangrik is wanneer ’n wynfees bestuur word. ’n Vraelysopname is gedurende die fees in Junie 2009 gedoen, waar besoekers aan die wynfees 450 vraelyste voltooi het. ’n Faktoranalise is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Resultate toon dat bestuurders sewe sukses sleutelfaktore in ag moet neem wanneer ’n wynfees suksesvol georganiseer word.
Management, Robertson Wine Festival in South Africa, Success factors
Marais, M., & Saayman, M. (2011). Key success factors of managing the Robertson Wine Festival. Acta Academica, 43(1), 146-166.