'n Teoretiese ondersoek na die arbitrêre aard van teaterkonvensies vir die analise van die vertoningsteks

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Strydom, Walter
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University of the Free State
Afrikaans: Die vervlietende, eenmalige teatervertoningsteks as produk van die teatermeduim bied uitdagings vir die akademiese analise daarvan. Teatersemiotiek se mislukking – weens sy fragmenterende, statiese en onvolledige aard – lei tot „n hernude ondersoek in die veld vir „n toepaslike benadering wat meer holistiese en akademies aanvaarbare analitiese praktyke te weeg sal bring. Die teoretiese studie ondersoek „n wetenskaplik gegronde, maar ook intuïtiewe metode vir die analise van die teatervertoningsteks op grond van die beperkinge wat die arbitrêre aard van konvensionele praktyke vir die teatergebeurtenis stel. Die voorgestelde multidissiplinêre benadering tot die analise van vertoningstekste, wat die analiseerder se intuïsie en identiteit in ag neem tesame met „n hernude aanwending van teatersemiotiek is moontlik haalbaar binne die kwalitatiewe veld. Hierdie insiggewende analitiese werkwyse kan prakties toegepas word om die doeltreffendheid daarvan te bepaal.
English: The fleeting, once-off theatrical performance text as a product of the theatre medium presents challenges for the academic analysis thereof. The failure of theatre semiotics – due to its fragmentary, static and incomplete nature – leads to a renewed investigation into the field for an appropriate approach that provides more holistic and academically acceptable analytical practices. This theoretical study examines a scientifically sound, but also intuitive method for the analysis of the performance text based on the constraints that the arbitrary nature of conventional practices sets for the theatrical event. The proposed multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of performance texts, takes the analyzer's intuition and identity into consideration along with a renewed application of theatre semiotics and is found to be possible within the qualitative field. This insightful analytical method can be applied in practice to determine its effectiveness.
Arbitrary nature of conventions, Qualitative research paradigm, Performance text analyzer, Performance analysis, Theatre conventions, Theatre semiotics, Performance text, Performing arts, Dissertation (M.A. (Drama and Theatre Arts))--University of the Free State, 2014