Die verwerkliking van die geloof in die kerklike kategese: basisteoretiese perspektiewe
Venter, C. J. H.
Van der Merwe, C. N.
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Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
English: Relevant subject-related literature and empirical studies indicate that the relation of
children of the covenant with God often stagnates after their confirmation of faith.
Furthermore, they often do not progress towards experiencing their faith. According to
empirical data and views expressed in subject-related literature, it seems as if the Bible
and biblical material are treated only objectively during the years of catechetical
instruction and children are often not guided adequately towards a subjective experience
of their faith. Dogmatically this article highlights the relation between the
objective receiving of salvation (fides quae creditur) and the subjective receiving and
practising of salvation (fides qua creditur). The grace of God does not imply that children
of the covenant become passive beings. On the contrary, the promises and the
call of salvation require of children of the covenant to acquire an active attitude towards
faith and to experience the total extent of the covenant of grace. In the course of catechetical
instruction children of the covenant should be actively guided to share in
God’s covenantal grace. The baptism of children of the covenant actually implies an
urge and responsibility towards a new obedience. God also uses the means of ecclesiastical
catechism to guide children through the activity of the Word and Spirit towards
the receiving of salvation. The promises of God, however, require a response.
The confirmation of faith should lead to the experiencing and realisation of faith.
Confirmation of faith, Catechesis: nature and process of, Realisation of faith, Fides qua creditor (Subjective receiving of salvation), Fides quae cretitor (Objective receiving of salvation)
Venter, C. J. H. & Van der Merwe, C. N. (2005). Die verwerkliking van die geloof in die kerklike kategese: basisteoretiese perspektiewe. Acta Theologica, 25(1), 112-133.