Urbanisation, urban dilemmas and urban challenges in Lesotho

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Marais, Lochner
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University of the Free State
English: With a formal urbanisation rate of approximately 20%, Lesotho has an extremely low urbanisation level. This article attempts to analyse current urbanisation trends and to compare various sources of data in order to provide more insight into urbanisation trends and the urban hierarchy. This is followed by a discussion of the urban dilemmas and challenges which are bound to confront Lesotho in the decades to come. It is crucial that Lesotho develop solutions to the following: random settlement patterns which lead to occupation of arable land and ecological deterioration; the transitional nature of population and urbanisation trends; a lack of urban management and capacity; a lack of urban land tenure, and the lack of an economic income base for urban areas.
Afrikaans: Met ’n formele verstedelikingskoers van ongeveer 20% het Lesotho van die laagste vlakke van verstedeliking. Die artikel ontleed huidige verstedelikingstendense en vergelyk verskillende databasisse om sodoende meer insig ten opsigte van verstedelikingstendense en die stedelike rangorde te verkry. Hierdie bespreking word opgevolg deur ’n ontleding van ’n aantal stedelike dilemmas en uitdagings in Lesotho. Uitdagings waarvoor dringend oplossing gesoek moet word, is die onorderlike vestigingspatrone wat lei tot die besetting van vrugbare landbougrond en ekologiese agteruitgang; die oorgangsfase waarin die bevolking van Lesotho en verstedeliking in die land verkeer; die gebrek aan stedelike bestuurskapasiteit; asook die gebrek aan ’n inkomstebasis vir die meeste stedelike gebiede.
Urbanisation, Lesotho, Urbanisation trends, Urban management, Urban dilemmas, Urban challenges
Marais, L. (2001). Urbanisation, urban dilemmas and urban challenges in Lesotho. Acta Academica, 33(2), 88-109.