The production of plant growth enhancers by Trichoderma species

dc.contributor.advisorMarais, G. J.
dc.contributor.advisorAlbertyn, J.
dc.contributor.authorRothmann, Christopher
dc.description.abstractEnglish: The world population is growing at an exponential rate, placing extreme pressure on already scarce natural resources. This leads to changes in our environment with consequences such as climate change. It is predicted that South Africa will develop a more semi-arid and dry climate, which will endanger agricultural sustainability and place even more pressure on the already insufficient food supply. The need to increase agricultural productivity and quality has consequently led to an excessive use of chemical fertilisers, generating severe environmental pollution and, with global climate change, places increased pressure on world food production. It has become imperative that alternative means of crop protection and productivity enhancers are investigated. The use of Trichoderma and Trichoderma-based products as biofertilisers, biopesticides, and growth stimulators are alternatives to sustaining high production with low ecological impact. Trichoderma (teleomorph Hypocrea) is a fungal genus with its members found in ecosystems around the world. Trichoderma species can reduce the severity of plant diseases by inhibiting phytopathogens through antagonistic and mycoparasitic capabilities. In recent decades, it has been established that some Trichoderma strains can interact directly with roots, increasing plant growth, enhancing resistance to disease and increasing tolerance to abiotic stresses. This makes species of Trichoderma potential model organisms for sustained improvement of crop yield and health in agriculture. Trichoderma species are prolific producers of secondary metabolites. More than 120 structurally distinct Trichoderma secondary metabolites have been determined and described analytically, with more being discovered continually. Secondary metabolites are natural products that are biologically active. The vast majority of these compounds, however, have obscure or unknown functions, but they do play an important role in the functioning of the producing fungus, and are crucial to their diversity. The close association of Trichoderma and other microbes with plant roots has been well established. These microbes have direct and indirect influence on the growth of host plants, of which secondary metabolites are key instigators. Growth influences include increased germination rate, more rapid and increased flowering, increased height and weight of plants with more developed root systems, and increased yield of both grain and fruit crops. This positive symbiosis between Trichoderma and the host plant is dependent on a plethora of environmental factors. If these factors are not suitable for the fungus the benefits they convey will not be as noticeable and may not be present at all. Metabolites of Trichoderma species could be used as new biopesticides and biofertilisers based on their active compounds rather than on the living culture. This could have a significant beneficial impact on increasing crop yields and improving crop health. In this study, Trichoderma species diversity was investigated in Southern Africa in order to identify possible candidates which may provide plant growth enhancing benefits due to secondary metabolite stimulation. ITS gene sequencing was conducted to identify 54 Trichoderma species isolates accessible from the CGJM culture collection at the University of the Free State and from a variety of regions and host substrates. A phylogenetic tree was constructed to determine relatedness among species. In total, 54 isolates were identified using molecular techniques representing 11 species and three of the four taxonomic sections of Trichoderma. Trichoderma atroviride was the most prominent isolate with 24 strains and Trichoderma harzianum constituted 13 of the total isolates with preference to agricultural niches. Other species identified were T. asperellum, T. gamsii, T. citrinoviride, T. viride, T. longibrachiatum, T. reesei, T. spirale and T. hamatum. This study revealed a great diversity despite the limited number of samples represented in the CGJM culture collection. This indicates that South Africa has a richness of Trichoderma species, the full extent of which will only be realised through a comprehensive study. Trichoderma harzianum (CGJM 2295) and Trichoderma virens (CGJM 2307) were selected for metabolite screening as literature indicated higher possibilities for the production of the desired metabolites. Trichoderma species were cultivated in broth culture to produce possible plant growth promoting secondary metabolites. The culture broth was analysed for secondary metabolites as indicated in literature and T22azaphilone, 1-, 8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-anthraquinone, T39butenolide, and a metabolite similar to gliotoxin were qualitatively detected and identified using liquid mass spectrometry with transition monitoring. All of these metabolites have previously been shown to have growth promoting benefits on plants, indicating that Trichoderma species from natural environments in South Africa do possess the ability to produce these metabolites. Following the identification of secondary metabolites produced by Trichoderma harzianum (CGJM 2295), the goal was to determine the plant growth promoting benefits of these metabolites in the absence of the living organism, using only the cell-free culture broth containing the secondary metabolites. Wheat and maize seedlings were tested for increased length and weight after 10 days of growth on metabolite infused water agar. Wheat shoot length, root mass and root length were most affected with a significant increase of 36.8% for shoot length, 45.1% for root mass and 25.3% for root length when compared to untreated plants. In maize plants there was a significant increase of biomass in root length with an increase of 16.8% when compared to untreated plants, root mass increase of 20.4% and a shoot length increase of 13.4%. The results of this study indicated the possible use of Trichoderma secondary metabolites as novel plant growth enhancers. These results also hold promise for future studies with regards to field and glasshouse trials to establish whether increased growth in the first 10 days could ultimately correlate to increased yield. Trichoderma biotechnology is a field of study with endless possibilities and applications, and may be a contributing factor to overcoming challenges in the production of sufficient food stores, improving crop protection and enhancing plant yield in agriculture in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAfrikaans: Die wêreld se bevolking groei teen 'n eksponensiële koers en plaas geweldige druk op die reeds beperkte natuurlike hulpbronne. Dit lei tot veranderinge in die omgewing, met gevolge soos klimaatsverandering. Daar word beraam dat Suid-Afrika 'n meer semi-droë en woestynagtige klimaat gaan ontwikkel, wat landbou volhoubaarheid in gevaar stel en plaas selfs meer druk op die reeds onvoldoende kosvoorraad. Die behoefte aan die verhoging van landbouproduktiwiteit en kwaliteit het tot oormatige gebruik van chemiese bemesting gelei. Dit het ernstige omgewingsbesoedeling en globale klimaatsverandering tot gevolg wat intensiewe druk plaas op die produksie van wêreld voedsel. Hierdie faktore het dit genoodsaak dat alternatiewe middels vir gewasbeskerming en produktiwiteit ondersoek word. Die gebruik van Trichoderma en Trichoderma gebaseerde produkte vir bio bemesting, bio insektisiedes en groei stimulators kan 'n wesenlike alternatief vir die handhawing van 'n hoë landbou produksie met lae ekologiese impak wees. Trichoderma (teleomorf Hypocrea) is 'n swam genus wat regdeur die wêreld se ekosisteme gevind word. Trichoderma spp. kan die omvang van plantsiektes verminder deur inhibisie van plantpatogene deur hul antagonistiese en mikoparasitiese vermoëns. In die afgelope dekades is daar gevind dat sommige Trichoderma isolate direk interaksie kan hê met wortels om ‘n toename in plantegroei, verhoging in weerstand teen siektes en toename in verdraagsaamheid teen abiotiese stresfaktore te bewerkstellig. Hierdie kenmerke maak Trichoderma 'n potensiële model organisme vir volhoubare verbetering van die oeskwaliteit, kwantiteit, asook gewas beskerming. Trichoderma spesies is uitstaande produseerders van sekondêre metaboliete. Meer as 120 struktureel differensieërbare sekondêre metaboliete van Trichoderma is beskryf en analities bepaal, en meer word voortdurend ontdek. Sekondêre metaboliete is natuurlike produkte wat biologiese aktiwiteit toon. Die oorgrote meerderheid van hierdie verbindings het egter onduidelike of onbekende funksies, maar speel egter 'n belangrike rol in die funksionering van die swam en is 'n belangrike element van hul diversiteit. Die rol van Trichoderma en ander mikrobes se noue assosiasie met plantwortels is reeds bewys en hierdie mikrobes het direkte en indirekte invloede op die gasheer plant se groei, en sekondêre metaboliete is die sleutel drywer van hierdie indirekte invloede. Groei invloede sluit in: verhoogde ontkieming, vinniger en verhoogde blomvorming, vermeerdering in hoogte en gewig van plante met meer ontwikkelde wortelstelsels, en verhoogde opbrengs van beide graan en vrugte gewasse. Hierdie positiewe simbiose tussen Trichoderma en die gasheer plant is afhanklik van 'n verskeidenheid van omgewingsfaktore. As hierdie faktore nie geskik is vir die swam nie sal die voordele wat hulle bewerkstellig nie so opvallend wees nie, en mag selfs nie sigbaar wees nie. Trichoderma se metaboliete kan gebruik word as nuwe bio insektisiedes en bio bemesting wat gebaseer is op die aktiewe verbindings in plaas van die lewende mikrobe self. Dit kan 'n beduidende positiewe impak maak met verhoogde gewas opbrengste en verbetering in gewas gesondheid. In hierdie studie is die diversiteit van Trichoderma ondersoek in Suider-Afrika met die doel om moontlike kandidate te identifiseer wat plant groei verbetering kan bied weens sekondêre metaboliet stimulasie. Die ITS geen area se DNS basispaaropeenvolgorde is bepaal om 54 Trichoderma isolate, beskikbaar in die CGJM kultuurversameling by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat en uit 'n verskeidenheid van streke en gasheer substrate, te identifiseer. ‘n Filogenetiese boom is opgestel om die verwantskappe tussen spesies vas te stel. In totaal is 54 isolate geïdentifiseer met behulp van molekulêre tegnieke, insluitende 11 spesies en drie van die vier taksonomiese seksies van Trichoderma is gedifferensieer. Trichoderma atroviride was die mees prominente isolaat met 24 stamme en T. harzianum wat 13 verteenwoordigers gehad het. Ander spesies wat geïdentifiseer was is T. asperellum, T. gamsii, T. citrinoviride, T. viride, T. longibrachiatum, T. reesei, T. spirale en T. hamatum. Hierdie studie het groot diversiteit getoon ten spyte van 'n beperkte hoeveelheid isolate in die CGJM kultuur versameling. Hierdie dui daarop dat Suid-Afrika ‘n ryke diversiteit van Trichoderma spesies het, en die volle omvang daarvan sal slegs besef word deur ‘n meer omvattende studie. Trichoderma harzianum (CGJM 2295) en Trichoderma virens (CGJM 2307) is gekies vir metaboliet bepaling aangesien literatuur op ‘n hoër waarskynlikheid gedui het vir die produksie van die gewenste metaboliete. Trichoderma spesies is gekweek in ‘n vloeibare kultuur medium om moontlike groei bevorderende sekondêre metaboliete te produseer. Die vloeibare kultuur is ontleed vir sekondêre metaboliete met betrekking tot bekende literatuur en T22azaphilone, 1-, 8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-anthraquinone, T39butenolide, harzianolide en n metaboliet, soortgelyk aan gliotoxien, was kwalitatief gevind en geïdentifiseer met behulp van vloeibare massaspektrometrie deur oorgang monitering. Al hierdie metaboliete het voorheen groeibevordering op plante getoon, wat aandui dat die Suider-Afrikaanse Trichoderma spesies ook oor die vermoë beskik om hierdie metaboliete te produseer. Na aanleiding van die identifisering van sekondêre metaboliete wat deur T. harzianum (CGJM 2295) geproduseer is, was die doel om die plant groei voordele te bepaal in die afwesigheid van die lewende organisme, en slegs met die selvrye kultuur deur die sekondêre metaboliete. Koring en mielie saailinge is getoets vir lengte en gewig toename na 10 dae van groei op metaboliet bevattende water agar. Koring lootlengte, wortelmassa en wortellengte is die meeste bevorder met 'n beduidende toename van 36,8% in lootlengte, 45,1% in wortel massa en 25,3% in wortel lengte in vergelyking met onbehandelde plante. Vir mielies was daar 'n beduidende toename van biomassa in wortellengte met 'n toename van 16,8% in vergelyking met die onbehandelde plante. Daar was ook ‘n wortelmassa toename van 20,4% en 'n lootlengte verhoging van 13,4%. Die resultate van hierdie studie dui die moontlikheid aan vir die gebruik van Trichoderma sekondêre metaboliete om plantegroei te verbeter. Hierdie resultate hou ook belofte in vir toekomstige studies met betrekking tot veld en glashuis proewe om vas te stel of verhoogde groei in die eerste 10 dae kan korreleer met verhoogde opbrengs. Trichoderma biotegnologie is 'n studieveld met eindelose moontlikhede en toepassings, en kan ‘n bydraende faktor wees in die verbetering van gewasproduksie in
dc.publisherUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Free Stateen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertation ((M.Sc. (Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology))--University of the Free State, 2016en_ZA
dc.subjectSecondary metabolitesen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPlant growth enhancementen_ZA
dc.subjectMass spectometryen_ZA
dc.subjectTrichoderma isolationen_ZA
dc.titleThe production of plant growth enhancers by Trichoderma speciesen_ZA
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