Anastatiese- en transendentale ontleding van administratiewe transformasie binne die raamwerk van Masakhane

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Buys, Willem Frederick
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University of the Free State
Afrikaans: In ‘n veranderende wêreld is transformasie vanaf die vroegste tye aan die mensdom bekend. Daar kan dus geargumenteer word dat die betekenis van die begrip weens d ie bekendheid daarvan, nie verklaar hoef te word nie. ‘n Vraagstuk begin egter reeds by die betekenis van die begrip omdat rolspelers dikwels nie eenstemmig is oor wat met transformasie bedoel word nie. Die doel is dan om die betekenis, asook verskillende benaderings, menings en standpunte oor transformasie uit te lig. Sodoende kan transformasie in perspektief geplaas word. Die begrip is in verskillende soorte kategoriseer om die betekenis daarvan te differensie e r. Die waarde hiervan is dat weerstand teen transformasie nie noodwendig ‘n beginsel saak is nie, maar moontlik is die weerstand teen die soort transformasie of wyse waarvolgens dit toegepas word. Daar behoort ingedagte gehou te word, dat ‘n verband tussen verskillende soorte transformasie kan bestaa n. Daarom behoort die kategorisering van transformasie nie as ‘n rigiede afbakening van soorte transformasie beskou te word nie. M enings en standpunte oor transformasie kan op persepsies berus. D ie betekenis van persepsies word verklaar, weens die impak d aarvan op benaderings tot transformasie. Die doel daarvan is om aan te toon dat persepsies van transformasie nie noodwendig ‘n ware weergawe van die werklikheid is nie. Dit is egter op grond van persepsies dat individue kan reageer en optree en waarop besl uite in terme van transformasie ge baseer kan word. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik om te bepaal wat persepsies beteken asook wat die invloed daarvan op transformasie is. Met ‘n anastatiese benadering word spesifieke fokuspunte uitgelig waarmee transformasie toe paslik vernuwe kan word. In hierdie verband kan die elemente van ‘n anastatiese konsep as ‘n benadering tot transformasie benut word. Die betekenis van anastaties word verklaar en daar word verduidelik waarom ‘n ideale toestand as staties 222 beskou word. D ie veranderende v erhoudings waarin staatsinstellings en die gemeenskap in ‘n transformasieproses herposisioneer word, word ook verduidelik. Die fases van transformasie word binne die raamwerk van ‘n anastatiese benadering verduidelik. S pesifieke elemente van ‘n anastatiese benadering word op grond van die betekenis van anastaties uitgel u g. Daar word deurgaans op hierdie elemente gefokus om in terme daarvan ‘n anastatiese benadering tot transformasie uit een te sit. ‘n Anastatiese benadering wys daarop dat ‘n t ransformasieproses kan vervaag en in die denke van rolspelers vernuwe kan word . Vernuwing kan geskied deur byvoorbeeld op die sin, doel, betekenis en noodsaaklikheid daarvan te fokus. M et behulp van ‘n transendentale benadering word verduidelik waarom be lemmerende grense in denkraamwerke van individue daartoe kan bydra dat die noodsaaklikheid van ‘n gedaanteverandering nie ingesien word nie. Wyses word bespreek waarop hierdie grense oorkom kan word. Daar word aangetoon waarom die benadering op die minderh eid aspekte in ‘n instelling gerig word, wat vir die meerderheid vraagstukke oor institusionele grense verantwoordelik kan wees. ‘n A nastatiese - en transendentale benadering word in wisselwerking met Masakhane vir die realisering van transformasie benade r. Die betekenis daar van word met die Masakhane - veldtog in verband gebring. Dit dien as agtergrond waarom Masakhane in die gestalte van ‘n veldtog vanaf 1995 tot tans. Beide benaderings wys daarop dat vier elemente of kategorieë vanaf Masakhane afgelei kan word. Met hierdie elemente kan spesifiseer word waarom hierdie konsep as noodsaaklik vir die realisering van transformasie beskou word. Die verband daarvan met verwante begrippe soos Ubuntu en Batho Pele word ook uit gel u g. Die aandag word met beide benade rings op uitgangspunte van ‘n wetenskapsidee van die vakwetenskap, Openbare Bestuur gevestig waarop Masakhane gebaseer kan word. Hierdie uitgangspunte bied ‘n alternatiewe benadering waarop laasgenoemde begrip vir die realisering van transformasie benader kan word.
English: In a changing world transformation is from the earliest centuries, familiar to mankind. Therefore the argument is valid that the meaning did not require further explanation. Although it might be the case, a dilemma is that people oft en experienced uncertainty regarding the meaning of transformation and intention of role players, when they refer to the concept. People have different viewpoints, opinions and perceptions of transformation. Therefore the purpose is to bring transformation into perspective. It is argued that the concept should be categorised in different types of transformation. This is necessary in order to differentiate the meaning and to increase the possibilities for implementation purposes in practice. The value of this approach is that resistance to change is not necessarily a matter of principal, but it is restricted to ‘n specific type of transformation. Role players must bear in mind that the various types of transformation are often inter-related. Therefore a rigid approach is not recommended. There is a relation between perceptions of transformation, meanings and viewpoints. This is because viewpoints are for instance, often based on perceptions. Perceptions are not necessarily a true reflection of reality, because it is based on selective observation, what people want to observe. Some individuals base their decisions on perceptions. Therefore it is necessary to determine the meaning of perceptions and their impact on transformation. An anastatic approach can be utilised for the renewal of transformation in the minds of role players. The meaning of anastatic (anastasis) is explained, including why an ideal state of affairs is regarded as static. The changing relations of public institutions and the community in relation to the ideal state are explained. Phases of transformation are also explained within the framework of an anastatic approach. This approach is based on specific elements. An anastatic approach indicated that a transformation process can become vague in the mindsets of role players. This process can be renewed in the mindsets by means of this approach. Renewal can be conducted by focussing for instance on the necessity, reasons, extent, sense, meaning and purpose of a specific content of transformation. In this regard a transcendental approach also focuses on the renewal of transformation in the mindsets of people. By means of this approach it is explained why barriers in mindsets can contribute towards the fact that the necessity of transformation is not understood. It is explained by means of a transcendental approach why minority aspects in an institution can contribute towards majority problems that exceed organisational boundaries. Different solutions are indicated to overcome these barriers. An anastatic and transcendental approach can be utilised in interaction within the framework of Masakhane. The meaning of Masakhane is explained as well as in the context of the Masakhane Campaign. This campaign serves as background why this concept became prominent since the campaign was launched during 1995. Both approaches indicate that four elements or categories can be relayed from the meaning of Masakhane. With these elements, it can be specified why this concept can be viewed as a necessity for the realisation of transformation. The relation of Masakhane and related concepts such as Ubuntu and Batho-Pele are also explained. Both approaches can be based on the foundations of public management. This foundation serves as an alternative approach on which Masakhane can be based for the realisation of transformation. In this Thesis, key concepts are viewpoints/perceptions, anastatic/anastasis, transcendental, transformation, change, renewal, mindsets, barriers, co-operation, Masakhane, Ubuntu and Batho-Pele.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Public Management))--University of the Free State, 2005
Administrative agencies -- Reorganization, South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1994, Transformation -- South Africa