Quantum computational, structural and electrochemical properties of substituted dithizones and photochromic dithizonato phenylmercury complexes

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Botha, Ebrahiem
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University of the Free State
English: For the purpose of investigating the influence on the photochromic reaction of its phenylmercury complexes, a series of dithizone derivatives were at first synthesized. This includes symmetrical dithizone derivatives with electron-donating ability; ortho, meta & para-methyl and methoxy, as well as the 3,4-dimethyl derivative, including some of its disulphide and dehydrodithizone oxidation products. The synthesis of extended aromatic ring dithizone derivatives was attempted, i.e. instead of a phenyl ring the dithizone was extended to have napthyl, fluorenyl, anthracenyl and pyrenyl functional groups. Synthetic procedures were optimized, while conveniently utilizing ammoniumsulphide instead of NH3(g) and H2S(g) as reagent. Phenylmercury(II) complexes were prepared from the successfully synthesized ortho and meta-methoxy, and ortho, meta and para-methyl, and napthyldithizone derivatives. All except the ortho-methyl and naphthyl dithizonates were observed to be photochromic. The ortho-methoxy dithizonate, for the first time, exhibited an alternative color reaction; instead of the usual orange to blue, this compound changed from pink to purple. From the corresponding substituted dithizone the disulphide of ortho-fluorodithizone was synthesized through auto-oxidation, chemical oxidation and electrochemical oxidation. Successful growth of a sizeable crystal of the latter compound ended in solving, for the first time, the X-ray crystal structure of a dithizone disulphide, giving conclusive evidence in support of the long standing proposal of an unstable disulphide intermediate in the oxidation reaction of dithizone. Solving also the X-ray crystal structure of ortho-methoxydehydrodithizone gave indirect structural evidence in support of the foregoing synthesis product. A comprehensive ADF DFT quantum computational study included the successfully and unsuccessfully prepared dithizones and dithizonatophenylmercury complexes. Results unambiguously showed the symmetric form of dithizone and its analogues to be the most stable. TDDFT calculations simulate the trends seen in experimental UV/visible spectra. Graphical representations show molecular orbitals (HOMO & LUMO) extending over the entire length of the ligand, confirming the molecule’s structural importance in the photochromic reaction. Extended dithizonates pose a steric hindrance for photochromism to take place. Electrochemical studies were performed on the above successfully synthesized ligands and complexes, as well as some fluoro-substituted dithizones, exploring the electronic borders within which photochromism ultimately takes place. Complete redox schemes are proposed for the observable redox waves in the cyclic voltammograms of all species involved. An approximate linear relation between experimental oxidation data of the dithizonates and the calculated HOMO energies was found (R2 = 0.89).
Afrikaans: ’n Reeks ditisoon derivate is gesintetiseer, om uiteindelik die effek van die fotochromiese reaksie van die fenielkwikkomplekse daarvan te bestudeer. Dit sluit in simmetriese ditisoon derivate met die vermoë om elektrone te doneer; orto-, meta- en para-metiel en -metoksie, so wel as die 3,4-dimetiel derivaat, insluitend sommige disulfied en dehidroditisoon oksidasie produkte. Die sintese van verlengde aromatiese ringsisteme was ook probeer; in plaas van ’n fenielring het die verlengde ditisone naftiel, fluoreniel, antraseniel en pireniel gedeeltes. Sintetiese metodes is geoptimiseer, terwyl ammoniumsulfied gerieflikheidshalwe as reagens in plaas van NH3(g) en H2S(g) gebruik is. Fenielkwik(II) komplekse is berei van die suksesvol gesintetiseerde orto- en meta-metoksie-, en orto-, meta- en para-metiel- en naftielditisoon derivate. Fotochromisme is by almal behalwe die orto-metiel en naftiel ditisonate waargeneem. Die orto-metoksie ditisonaat het, vir die eerste keer, ’n ander kleur reaksie gegee; in plaas van die gewone oranje na blou verander hierdie verbinding se kleur van pienk na pers. Die disulfied van orto-fluoroditisoon is van die ooreenstemmende gesubstitueerde ditisoon gesintetiseer deur outo-, chemiese- en elektrochemiese oksidasie. Die suksesvolle groei van ’n groot genoeg kristal van die voorafgenoemde verbinding het geeindig in die opklaring, vir die eerste keer, van die X-straalkristalstruktuur van ’n ditisoondisulfied, wat oortuigende bewys gee van die langstaande voorstel van ’n onstabiele disulfied oorgangsvorm in die oksidasi reaksie van ditisoon. Deur die X-straalkristalstruktuur van orto-metoksiedehidroditisoon op te los gee indirekte bewys ter ondersteuning van die voorafgaande sintese produk. ’n Uitgebreide ADF DFT kwantumberekeningsstudie het die suksesvolle en onsuksesvol bereide ditisone en ditisoonfenielkwikkomplekse ingesluit. Die resultate het duidelik bewys dat die simmetriese vorm van ditisoon en sy derivate die mees stabiele vorm is. TDDFT berekeninge simuleer die tendens gesien in die eksperimenteel bepaalde spektra. Grafiese voorstellings wys molekulere orbitale (HOMO en LOMO) strek oor die hele lengte van die ligand en dien as bewys dat die molekuul se struktuur ’n belangrike rol in die fotochromiese reaksie speel. Die verlengde ditisonate veroorsaak steriese hindernis wat oënskynlik die fotochromiese reaksie belemmer. Elektrochemiese studies is uitgevoer op bogenoemde suksesvol gesintetiseerde ligande en komplekse, so wel as op fluoor-gesubstitueerde ditisone, waardeur die elektroniese grense waarbinne fotochromisme plaasvind ondersoek is. Volledige redoksskemas is voorgestel vir die waargenome redokspieke in die sikliese voltamogramme van die verbindings wat ondersoek is. ’n Benaderde lineêre verhouding is tussen die eksperimentele oksidasie data van die ditisonate en die berekende HOMO energieë gevind (R2 = 0.89).
Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of th Free State, 2010, Organic componds -- Synthesis, Mercury, Lead, Electrochemistry